Everything MMA Thread


Well-Known Member
Lesnar took shots that KO'd Frank Mir almost instantly and Gabe Gonzaga too! Yea it coulda been stopped but wasnt and he came out like the champ he was and about squeezed that fucker Carwins head off his shoulders for his troubles 8)
I been watching since UFC 1 and havent missed one since!!!!!! I wasn't speaking as someone who was brought over w/ Lesnar.....think I started the mma club on here before Lesnar came to the UFC matter of fact, but I was talking about basically all the ones that don't give Lesnar or Dana the credit they deserve.

Fact 1) When Dana/the Fertitta's bought the UFC it was banned in something like 48 states and on it's way out as a "sport". They bought it, legitimized it with weight classes and rules and gave us what we watch today instead of the freakshow it started out as. Which I loved, but I loved that as a 13-14 year old kid back in the day, but now, as an adult in his 30's, I enjoy/love the actual sport is has become now even more.

M Dogg

Active Member
If it wasn't for Dana fuckn White we would not be talking about this shit today cause he was the one who persuaded the Fertitta's to buy the fuckin bankrupt UFC in the first place! The UFC would've went into the shitter (it already was but would've finished dying a poor miserable death) w/o Dana. That's a known FACT! I have watched interviews where Lorenzo says "Dana talked us into taking a chance on it for 2 million. So if Dana is so bad for the sport then wtf do you have to say about that?

Yo doom, did you ever hear about the whole scene that went down when Zuffa (i.e. Dana and the Fertitta boyz) bought UFC from the original owners SEG (owners name escapes me)?


Well-Known Member
I get so ducking tired of reading the same nonsense ...

Dana was fortunate to be at the right place n time when technology exploded. The ppv is what did it. Just like bill Clinton was right place n time during the dotcom boom.

Nobody gives a shit where the fight takes place...99.99% of the revenue is from people watching at home on TV or ppv ...the gate brings in chump change.

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
corso, ppv has been around since long before the fertittas purchased the ufc and dana took over as president. if you are trying to infer that dana's success was hinged on the invention of ppv, you are living on mars. they bought the company in 2001. i remember my dad buying boxing ppv's in the early 90's. dana's utilization of ppv helped create a successful business model. it was not a coincidence, it was good management. as for the revenue breakdown, i'm unclear as to what your intended point was with your 99.9% assertion, but sponsorship and merchandising that dana secures make up a huge slice of their income.


Well-Known Member
No, I am aware ppv has been around for 50 years but the ease of ordering has changed over that time.

The 99.9% is TV revenue vs 18k people in a tiny arena ...being fought on us soil don't mean dick.

The technology took off ...I didn't have cable TV in my home as a kid until 93 or so...now everyone has cable, twitter, smart phones etc...


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think about that transgendered female fighter fighting? That seems like bending the rules or something..


Well-Known Member
Shit seems pretty cut and dry to me Padwan: Shouldn't b allowed! If you were a woman and was "sexually reassigned" you would mos def have a strength disadvantage to natural men. So therefore it wouldn't b a good idea to step into the cage. Same goes w/ a sexually reassigned man. He might've got his dick lopped off but he still spent all those years as a man and building up a mans strength!!! No way "she" wouldn't have an advantage over a natural born female.
The fucked up thing is that the only medical discussion I've read about it was an interview w/ a transgendered "female" doctor Leading SRS surgeon weighs in on Fallon Fox (she's performed more srs than anyone on earth) and shockingly :roll: she says it wouldn't be advantageous to be a transgender fighter because they don't produce testosterone anymore. But what about all the years they did produce test and benefited where a normal woman wouldn't have?

Here's another interview w/ an prominent mma physician who's agianst allowing it:
Dr. Benjamin not on board with transgender female ... - Bloody Elbow

Anyway, what u think on it?

M Dogg

Active Member
corso, ppv has been around since long before the fertittas purchased the ufc and dana took over as president. if you are trying to infer that dana's success was hinged on the invention of ppv, you are living on mars. they bought the company in 2001. i remember my dad buying boxing ppv's in the early 90's. dana's utilization of ppv helped create a successful business model. it was not a coincidence, it was good management. as for the revenue breakdown, i'm unclear as to what your intended point was with your 99.9% assertion, but sponsorship and merchandising that dana secures make up a huge slice of their income.
I watched Mike Tyson bite Holyfield's ear on a PPV that was over $100 in Canada in '97! Dana certainly did not invent PPV, that credit goes to the wrestling business and VKM.

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
You guys think cannabis is performance enhancing?
fuck no its not performance enhancing. not for me at least. i was a member of the local USA amateur boxing team in my early 20's and i definitely stopped smoking during the season. ps. those chicks look evenly matched to me lol!!

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
I read some of the replies, I haven't been on. Dana did persuade the ferttitas to buy the UFC but he was against making TUF at first and the Ferrtitas where the ones pushing for TUF and made Dana do it (Dana thought it was stupid and thought of it as a joke) but If Dana didn't persuade the ferttitas to buy it someone else would have. Pride was going strong as well as other promotions so MMA wouldn't have died. Maybe there wouldn't be as many fans as there are now and it would still be underground or maybe we could have been accepted faster and had more supporters and fans with a professional president that can actually talk with the press without saying Fuck in every sentence.

Lesnar didn't do anything for the sport, he was a big draw but guess what? When Lesnar left so did the PPV money and fans. He was sort of like a freak-show fight, people tuned in to see him. Now that he is gone there aren't too many of Lesnar's fans that stayed. It was a short term band aid essentially. He got a little bit of publicity for the UFC but it also came with bad publicity as well. 3-1 and now UFC champ? People that it was a joke and UFC was just as fake as wrestling. I would have preferred he never came at all. The UFC was doing good before him and is now doing good without him. It wasn't a deal-breaker if he was never introduced (Like TUF would be) to the UFC.

That's just my opinion though.

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
I read some of the replies, I haven't been on. Dana did persuade the ferttitas to buy the UFC but he was against making TUF at first and the Ferrtitas where the ones pushing for TUF and made Dana do it (Dana thought it was stupid and thought of it as a joke) but If Dana didn't persuade the ferttitas to buy it someone else would have. Pride was going strong as well as other promotions so MMA wouldn't have died. Maybe there wouldn't be as many fans as there are now and it would still be underground or maybe we could have been accepted faster and had more supporters and fans with a professional president that can actually talk with the press without saying Fuck in every sentence.

Lesnar didn't do anything for the sport, he was a big draw but guess what? When Lesnar left so did the PPV money and fans. He was sort of like a freak-show fight, people tuned in to see him. Now that he is gone there aren't too many of Lesnar's fans that stayed. It was a short term band aid essentially. He got a little bit of publicity for the UFC but it also came with bad publicity as well. 3-1 and now UFC champ? People that it was a joke and UFC was just as fake as wrestling. I would have preferred he never came at all. The UFC was doing good before him and is now doing good without him. It wasn't a deal-breaker if he was never introduced (Like TUF would be) to the UFC.

That's just my opinion though.
its comical that i'm on here having lesnars back because i usually rooted for him to lose.... everyone is entitled to their opinion and i respect yours, but i cannot see some of the points you're trying to make. where are you getting your information when you say "guess what? When Lesnar left so did the PPV money and fans." and "Now that he is gone there aren't too many of Lesnar's fans that stayed."? im not saying you're right or wrong, just wondering where that information is coming from. people that thought it was a joke and ufc was just as fake as wrestling were dead wrong, weren't they? even with his modest record he beat the existing ufc heavyweight champion in real cage fight. then he defended the title twice. in real cage fights against good competition (frank mir and shane carwin). he got worked by cain but cain is the current champ. not too much shame it that. i agree that they didnt need him and the company was growing steadily before and after him but why not have him. i have never watched fake wrestling in my life but i liked watching lesnar cagefight. what's not to like about it? in entertaining fashion he beat the guys he had the skills to beat and lost to the guys that he didnt.