Ethnobotanical's: The Wave of the Future!

actually i run on a 48 hour schedule suprisingly i just slipped into it

up 36 asleep for 12
i do happen to get alot of shit done and i dont notice a body lag at all i get great sleep when i do
Creativity comes from many paths. Drugs can pave the path if harnessed correctly. It's like holding a double edged sword. You must know how to balance its power! ;)
Maca root


Often referred to as the mayan super food

this stuff is often over looked and under rated

it in its pure form or when coupled with raw cocoa bean chocolate provides a large aphrodisiac boost as well as a large endorphine release

pure euphoria probably the happiest i can be

it also works on the adrenal glands

its very healthy for you and considered a healthy add to the diet and it provides a great buzz when combined with other ethno's such as kava and kratom
How is Ayahuasca by the way? I never got around to serenading DMT and MAOI's. ;)

Meant to reply to this last night, Though I didn't really know how... I remember Shepj a while back making a response to something I had posted that went something along the lines of "Every psychedelic experience is life changing whether the individual chooses it to be or not. It is a reflection of ones inner self onto oneself" don't quote me exactly on that though! I thought of that post/quote when the experience kicked off and truly started to understand what he/others here were saying. Once it began to fully take hold I knew that the brew had been "calling" for me... That the tea itself was me trying to reconnect and inform another alienated version of myself of my future, past, and present all at once and on every spectrum of reality! Not a very informative evaluation :lol: but I don't think there are enough words in the English dictionary to fully describe the experience... It was life changing to say the least so much so that I took what I consider a LONG hiatus from psychedelics ( with the exception of one or two single tab WoW experiences for giggles and grins along with dipping my toes in the sand twice or thrice) as I felt there was nothing left for them to teach me. After the experience I quit my daily amphetamine regiment, regardless of how SUPER HUMAN I felt it made me, along with tossing the benzodiazpine script that went along with it. Which accounts for why my posts are not as purely analytical information and have more of an emotional muse to them (in my opinion at least). It also showed me how I became a complete hermit in my obsessive pursuit to obtain ego satisfaction for existence and allowed me to once again properly socialize with other human beings. Hence why I am not as abundantly present on the forums anymore. Not that I think amphetamines or benzodiazpines are evil; they just have their place and time an should not be so willingly tossed around like candy by doctors for daily use. Albeit I was seeking them from my doctor at the time. Unaware of the real mentally addictive qualities they can have on an individual and what powerful psychologically altering effects long term use of them can have.

To sum this up so it doesn't look like some incohesive kava kava induced rambling. The experience is one not to be taken lightly. I would not consider it in anyway a recreational drug, purely spiritual in nature. Could be very damaging to the psyche if one is not prepared for the "long haul" of completely dying and being slowly pieced back together into rebirth. I still don't know when I'll get around to trying it again as the after glow of the experience seems to be an almost permanent scar on the mind (not in a bad sense) that will never be healed by the mind filtered time of reality.

P.S. The entire time I was in continuous contemplation of whether to cry out in sheer terror or ecstasy. Also if you don't filter the tannin properly with egg whites there will be purging! ;)
Although, I want to get one of these authentic Fijian drinking bowls! :D

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I'm hearing some contradictory reviews about Kona Kava on this forum.

Are they talking about the same vendor Uunk. Many saying the paste doesn't work (Probably they're referring to anti-anxiety effects). I find that very hard to believe!

i assure you their paste is active

but i suggest you try their whole root or 84% capsules first

alot of people dont relise when they say pea sized peices they actually mean small marbl sized peices

and for anti anxiety it didnt really get much from it

for it numbed mouths and great euphoric boost while smoking a bowl i did get
i assure you their paste is active

but i suggest you try their whole root or 84% capsules first

alot of people dont relise when they say pea sized peices they actually mean small marbl sized peices

and for anti anxiety it didnt really get much from it

for it numbed mouths and great euphoric boost while smoking a bowl i did get

Yeah. I have two new great vendors. There's this strain called Nakamal WOW strain. It's get you crunked thats for sure! ;)

Also, I forgot to mention it's not the exact strain per say but a person who formulated the concoction. There's also another extract which proves very valuable and effective. I'll page you the significants on the other side! :D

I'm growing a little thin on ethnobotanical suggestions.

Still very interested in Kava Kava. I wonder if they'll ever mass produce Kava here in America?

I'm sure the beer companies wouldn't be too thrilled about that!