Ethnobotanical's: The Wave of the Future!

I'm only willing to pay premium on properly processed kratom, i.e. destemmed and deveined, as those are the parts that fuck up the taste the most.
I'm only willing to pay premium on properly processed kratom, i.e. destemmed and deveined, as those are the parts that fuck up the taste the most.

Learned something new today. :D

I'm willing to pay premium buck too.

ANC, Do you think what Swag suggested about Kratom is true?
Class is now officially in session. Please turn to Page 11.

We will leave off on the subject of Isoquinolines. Its seems as though we stumbled upon a new alkaloid by the name of Nigellimine which is found in Nigella Sativa seeds. It shows to have very promising results. What kind of information have you derived from your studies that makes Nigellimine a great candidate for heroin replacement?
Now time to decipher whether I should invest in the actual seeds or black seed oil. Decisions, decisions! :D

Well it seems like I've made up my mind for the sake of saving my head some trouble. Black seed oil is the only viable option so it seems, as the actual seeds tend to carry some bad symptoms.
Can ya mix it with Rue ;-)

i actually read somewhere that shulgin said that there was a mescal containing cacti that had isoquinolines that acted as maoi's

making the mescal stronger

so its action may be related to the maoi properties of it self
i actually read somewhere that shulgin said that there was a mescal containing cacti that had isoquinolines that acted as maoi's

making the mescal stronger

so its action may be related to the maoi properties of it self

I remember that vaguely, too.

Time to go in search of! ;)
Honestly I wish I knew. I just recently recovered mine from my old place of residence... where it was sitting in a dark cabinet at around 75-90 degrees for a good 7 months! Not sure if its still even viable but might as well give it a shot (no pun intended haha) and see how it unfolds. If I remember correctly it was a pretty potent brew... think 45-65 grams in around 8 "shots" worth!

How is Ayahuasca by the way? I never got around to serenading DMT and MAOI's. ;)
Nope. Erowid is blacked out too. :(

And this only seems to be the beginning!

Mmm yes noticed that yesterday after needing to take a quick peak at this "Black Cumin" before I completely logged off for the night (or morning I should say). Was disappointingly irritated yet sympathetic with where erowid was coming from, would rather be without "The Vaults" for a day instead of a lifetime! As luck would have it though a senator's son messaged me just a few hours later for help in laying out plans for a psychedelic voyage him and a few close friends of his were looking to take. Told him if he did not antagonize his father to vote down PIPA and the patriotic injustice it stood for me and him were never too see eye to eye again; after all who better to sway the interest of a politician then his own child?! Making me at least feel some what accomplished in helping the denizens of the internet voice their opinion directly to a person of interest when it comes to this bill (PIPA). Not to preach as though I am the MLK of the internet or anything :lol:. It seems now that the mainstream media is finally honing in on the issue and criticizing politicians own hypocrisy regarding the bills support seems to be falling for PIPA/SOPA left and right :D.
Here's another jam filled article pertaining to the study of Nigella Sativa...

Apologizes for being so late to class :lol:! Really sent my sleep schedule outta wack last night!
Indazoles eh? Gotta have my friend majoring in organic chem. stop by today and weigh in on those. Haven't read the entire pdf yet but I scanned a fair bit of it. If its as good for addiction management as the article boasts it to be than I might just have to order some, been having a lot of previous friends chasing the dragon much too often lately. Very sad watching morally good kids fall off the wagon and onto the horse in a attempt to try an coupe with traumatic life experiences :cry:. Though who am I to tell them what to do, I am not their elder so why would I know best? I'm just the "drug whizz" who helps them stave off withdrawal with his strange holistic eastern pacific medicine! Anyways enough real life issue rambling.. Even if these chemicals do not prove to be of great psychological effects for addiction and recreation they still appear to be rich in positive physiological side-effects. Thymoquinone : antoxidant, anticonvulsant, analgesic, angiogenesis inhibitor, and possible anti-epleptic and mood stabilizer! Shulgin has a pretty good track record of finding those special chemicals and knowing what buttons to press for them to work their magic. Truly a shame he can no longer devout his brilliance into such interesting chemicals but I guess thatch why were here :)
Uunk. Can you please restate that aphrodisiac mix you explained to me yesterday. I want to release a fleet of marching men endorphins at the moment. If you know what I mean! :lol:
Apologizes for being so late to class :lol:! Really sent my sleep schedule outta wack last night!
Indazoles eh? Gotta have my friend majoring in organic chem. stop by today and weigh in on those. Haven't read the entire pdf yet but I scanned a fair bit of it. If its as good for addiction management as the article boasts it to be than I might just have to order some, been having a lot of previous friends chasing the dragon much too often lately. Very sad watching morally good kids fall off the wagon and onto the horse in a attempt to try an coupe with traumatic life experiences :cry:. Though who am I to tell them what to do, I am not their elder so why would I know best? I'm just the "drug whizz" who helps them stave off withdrawal with his strange holistic eastern pacific medicine! Anyways enough real life issue rambling.. Even if these chemicals do not prove to be of great psychological effects for addiction and recreation they still appear to be rich in positive physiological side-effects. Thymoquinone : antoxidant, anticonvulsant, analgesic, angiogenesis inhibitor, and possible anti-epleptic and mood stabilizer! Shulgin has a pretty good track record of finding those special chemicals and knowing what buttons to press for them to work their magic. Truly a shame he can no longer devout his brilliance into such interesting chemicals but I guess thatch why were here :)

I tend to make insomniacs out of people, at one stage or the other! :lol:

Gotta cram those brains full of knowledge. ;)