Apologizes for being so late to class

! Really sent my sleep schedule outta wack last night!
Indazoles eh? Gotta have my friend majoring in organic chem. stop by today and weigh in on those. Haven't read the entire pdf yet but I scanned a fair bit of it. If its as good for addiction management as the article boasts it to be than I might just have to order some, been having a lot of previous friends chasing the dragon much too often lately. Very sad watching morally good kids fall off the wagon and onto the horse in a attempt to try an coupe with traumatic life experiences

. Though who am I to tell them what to do, I am not their elder so why would I know best? I'm just the "drug whizz" who helps them stave off withdrawal with his strange holistic eastern pacific medicine! Anyways enough real life issue rambling.. Even if these chemicals do not prove to be of great psychological effects for addiction and recreation they still appear to be rich in positive physiological side-effects. Thymoquinone : antoxidant, anticonvulsant, analgesic, angiogenesis inhibitor, and possible anti-epleptic and mood stabilizer! Shulgin has a pretty good track record of finding those special chemicals and knowing what buttons to press for them to work their magic. Truly a shame he can no longer devout his brilliance into such interesting chemicals but I guess thatch why were here