Well-Known Member
Plenty or ergot on rye in the us
Yeah their must be a way I read somewhere that the ancient Greeks used to trip on it not sure how it was prepared though. I do kind of want to take a chemistry class though if I learn enough to make LSD I can be a millionaire.ive collected wild ergot spurs with my hands it didnt effect me i wouldnt recommend it its mostly consumption there are
ways to make ergott extacts that are
safe to a degree to consume but there is alot of misnformatiot and scare tactics out there
Yeah their must be a way I read somewhere that the ancient Greeks used to trip on it not sure how it was prepared though. I do kind of want to take a chemistry class though if I learn enough to make LSD I can be a millionaire.![]()
But would it be better? Not to mention I never seen sassafras oil for sale I'd probably need to go to Cambodia and smuggle it back. Ergot I can grow then make ergotamine and then LSD right here. Might be able to grow sassafras trees probably would need to be in Florida though and then wait 20 years just to harvest some and still would be best to wait at least 50 years. Weed won't be so profitable come legalization already the price has dropped pretty good but there is a big demand for LSD and I only hear about it coming around occasionally if it's not 2c knock offs.It'd be easier to make mdma
You can find sassafras oil if you know where to look I've seen it for sale on DNM markets before. It's expensive but you can still find it but the large scale chemists in Canada just get straight MDP2P from China and convert it directly to MDMA. That being said ecstacy is way easier and less risky to synthesize compared to LSD. With LSD you need way more chemicals not to mention all the complicated glassware and specialty equipment like roto evaporators and you have to maintain a compleatly inert atmosphere during reactions this kind of synthesis is for a phd level chemist.But would it be better? Not to mention I never seen sassafras oil for sale I'd probably need to go to Cambodia and smuggle it back. Ergot I can grow then make ergotamine and then LSD right here. Might be able to grow sassafras trees probably would need to be in Florida though and then wait 20 years just to harvest some and still would be best to wait at least 50 years. Weed won't be so profitable come legalization already the price has dropped pretty good but there is a big demand for LSD and I only hear about it coming around occasionally if it's not 2c knock offs.
That's why I would learn chemistry before making LSD and it's not really that hard if you know chemistry. Not to mention after the bunk DMT fuck the darknet guy had good reviews except for mine but most reviews the people didn't even try it yet. Not like a real dealer where they try to fuck around and you demand your money back like when I was sold fake micro dots and that fake ass red rock opium. LolYou can find sassafras oil if you know where to look I've seen it for sale on DNM markets before. It's expensive but you can still find it but the large scale chemists in Canada just get straight MDP2P from China and convert it directly to MDMA. That being said ecstacy is way easier and less risky to synthesize compared to LSD. With LSD you need way more chemicals not to mention all the complicated glassware and specialty equipment like roto evaporators and you have to maintain a compleatly inert atmosphere during reactions this kind of synthesis is for a phd level chemist.
Why you got to be such a Debbie downer? I actually mentioned taking chemistry classes I already have a few chemistry books just haven't read them yet. But it ain't like I'm going to start tomorrow and I think I can afford the lab equipment just need to learn chemistry. Maybe I won't be able to make it but worse case scenario I will be able to make the best DMT pure crystals among other things. I doubt an actual PhD is needed just enough to actually be able to read the books and understand what they are talking about cause just skimming through a lot of that shit is like wtf but if I learn enough to understand that shit I can probably do it and I would probably use a rabbit as my guinea pig just in case I fucked up so I wouldn't kill myself.Until you have all of these things making your own LSD is just a pipe dream your more then likely going to get yourself killed. Leave it to the professionals they will train a new generation of chemists to take their place. Not trying to be a downer but LSD synthesis is nothing to take lightly you can seriously hurt yourself or other people around you.
I'm not trying to be a downer my last post applies to everyone. I'm trying to keep people from getting themselves killed. To many idiots out there that think they can handle the deadly chemicals involved in LSD synthesis or any other type of drug synthisis for that matter and they end up getting themselves or somebody else hurt. And make no mistake you don't want to attempt a synthisis like this just because you read some books you need real world lab experience way beyond what a bachlors degree can provide you why do you think only a handful of people in the world manufacture it? And where are you going to find a connection for pure ergotamine tartarate outside the country? It's not like you can just go to Mexico and find it its an extremely rare chemical. Unless you can find another LSD chemist to take you under his wing I wouldent attempt this type of thing. But don't take my word for it head over to the organic chemistry section on reddit there you can ask actual professional chemists why you shouldn't try to make LSD. you got to be such a Debbie downer? I actually mentioned taking chemistry classes I already have a few chemistry books just haven't read them yet. But it ain't like I'm going to start tomorrow and I think I can afford the lab equipment just need to learn chemistry. Maybe I won't be able to make it but worse case scenario I will be able to make the best DMT pure crystals among other things. I doubt an actual PhD is needed just enough to actually be able to read the books and understand what they are talking about cause just skimming through a lot of that shit is like wtf but if I learn enough to understand that shit I can probably do it and I would probably use a rabbit as my guinea pig just in case I fucked up so I wouldn't kill myself.
Also if I can't buy some ingredients well I imagine I can grab it outside the USA and come to think of it I can smuggle a little bit of liquid in a damn cologne bottle. So yeah it's very doable I can probably get ergotamine and all just in Mexico with just a little bribe money.
Except the first one started because we were trying to keep Saddam from invading Kuwait as well as killing a bunch of Kurds, and the second one was nepotism.Sassafras is everywhere. It makes root beer. Disgusting stuff.
You know it was LSD that started the Iraq war? Yah, someone started slipping it to devout Islams, and they were pissed. At first, they blamed America because it was an American woman that started it. But the she died, and they figured out it was made in Europe. So that is why they attack Europe now. If you cross reference drug trade with terrorist attacks you can clearly see the correspondence.
I was joking about the Debbie Downer cause you mentioned you were not trying to be a downer. LolI'm not trying to be a downer my last post applies to everyone. I'm trying to keep people from getting themselves killed. To many idiots out there that think they can handle the deadly chemicals involved in LSD synthesis or any other type of drug synthisis for that matter and they end up getting themselves or somebody else hurt. And make no mistake you don't want to attempt a synthisis like this just because you read some books you need real world lab experience way beyond what a bachlors degree can provide you why do you think only a handful of people in the world manufacture it? And where are you going to find a connection for pure ergotamine tartarate outside the country? It's not like you can just go to Mexico and find it its an extremely rare chemical. Unless you can find another LSD chemist to take you under his wing I wouldent attempt this type of thing. But don't take my word for it head over to the organic chemistry section on reddit there you can ask actual professional chemists why you shouldn't try to make LSD.