Ergot spores

I honestly dont know why im trying to prove apparently one person but anyway lets do a budget check for a 2016 lsa to lsd25 extract. We are not using ergotomine. And i strongly advise that this is educational only. Lsd25 is a felony and manufacturing is rape fucking you in the butt for life.

Ok. So here we go.
Equipment only.

White crystaline Lsa extraction you simply need a seperatory funnel, some sort of glass measuring instruments (i suggest various size graduated cylinders and a liter size round bottom flask), glass stir rod, unbleached coffee filters or fritted glass filters

Lsa is now isolated from the final volitile solvent with a vacuum chamber. Which i assumed you had already cuz you're a pot head who makes their own hash.

To continue you need a bag of ice large plastic bowl, ice, various colored lights i wont go into, hot water, reflux column (optional).

The rest is cake walk but time consuming.

Seperatory funnel 16$
Round bottom flask 10$
Graduated cylinders 20$
Plasitic bowl (ptfe would be nice) 20$
Glass stsir rod is maybe 1$
Heated stir plate handmade 15$
Fritted glass filter 2$
Glass funnel 3$
A bag of ice and hot water.

Well you get the point. The picture is from the 80s or something when the best option was an ergotomine alkaloid.

Now you'll get effed in the a of you go and buy diethylamine, hcl, sodium nitrite, acetone, naptha, toluene, hydrazine, and. epsom salt with your credit card. So i would recommend getting an education and do something useful your life. But since im bored and watching supergirl i wrote up a shopping cart for nobody. Har dardardardar

Edit. Let's toss in a vacuum chamber to bump the cost up to something scarier. Oh and a glass reflux column (chemistry diatiller). God damnit i'm so broke now
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How much acid are you suggesting someone needs to make? Lol those flasks are gallon size. That's like fuck, idk, alot of god damn acid. Final step to making acid is dipping your finger in it and giving it a taste.
Shit this guys a narc!!!!!! Nigga doesn't want anyone to make some acid maaaaaaaaaaaaan.

Uhuhuhuh narc

I honestly dont know why im trying to prove apparently one person but anyway lets do a budget check for a 2016 lsa to lsd25 extract. We are not using ergotomine. And i strongly advise that this is educational only. Lsd25 is a felony and manufacturing is rape fucking you in the butt for life.

Ok. So here we go.
Equipment only.

White crystaline Lsa extraction you simply need a seperatory funnel, some sort of glass measuring instruments (i suggest various size graduated cylinders and a liter size round bottom flask), glass stir rod, unbleached coffee filters or fritted glass filters

Lsa is now isolated from the final volitile solvent with a vacuum chamber. Which i assumed you had already cuz you're a pot head who makes their own hash.

To continue you need a bag of ice large plastic bowl, ice, various colored lights i wont go into, hot water, reflux column (optional).

The rest is cake walk but time consuming.

Seperatory funnel 16$
Round bottom flask 10$
Graduated cylinders 20$
Plasitic bowl (ptfe would be nice) 20$
Glass stsir rod is maybe 1$
Heated stir plate handmade 15$
Fritted glass filter 2$
Glass funnel 3$
A bag of ice and hot water.

Well you get the point. The picture is from the 80s or something when the best option was an ergotomine alkaloid.

Now you'll get effed in the a of you go and buy diethylamine, hcl, sodium nitrite, acetone, naptha, toluene, hydrazine, and. epsom salt with your credit card. So i would recommend getting an education and do something useful your life. But since im bored and watching supergirl i wrote up a shopping cart for nobody. Har dardardardar

Edit. Let's toss in a vacuum chamber to bump the cost up to something scarier. Oh and a glass reflux column (chemistry diatiller). God damnit i'm so broke now
its extremely difficult to go from LSA to LSD and also very unsafe
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I honestly dont know why im trying to prove apparently one person but anyway lets do a budget check for a 2016 lsa to lsd25 extract. We are not using ergotomine. And i strongly advise that this is educational only. Lsd25 is a felony and manufacturing is rape fucking you in the butt for life.

Ok. So here we go.
Equipment only.

White crystaline Lsa extraction you simply need a seperatory funnel, some sort of glass measuring instruments (i suggest various size graduated cylinders and a liter size round bottom flask), glass stir rod, unbleached coffee filters or fritted glass filters

Lsa is now isolated from the final volitile solvent with a vacuum chamber. Which i assumed you had already cuz you're a pot head who makes their own hash.

To continue you need a bag of ice large plastic bowl, ice, various colored lights i wont go into, hot water, reflux column (optional).

The rest is cake walk but time consuming.

Seperatory funnel 16$
Round bottom flask 10$
Graduated cylinders 20$
Plasitic bowl (ptfe would be nice) 20$
Glass stsir rod is maybe 1$
Heated stir plate handmade 15$
Fritted glass filter 2$
Glass funnel 3$
A bag of ice and hot water.

Well you get the point. The picture is from the 80s or something when the best option was an ergotomine alkaloid.

Now you'll get effed in the a of you go and buy diethylamine, hcl, sodium nitrite, acetone, naptha, toluene, hydrazine, and. epsom salt with your credit card. So i would recommend getting an education and do something useful your life. But since im bored and watching supergirl i wrote up a shopping cart for nobody. Har dardardardar

Edit. Let's toss in a vacuum chamber to bump the cost up to something scarier. Oh and a glass reflux column (chemistry diatiller). God damnit i'm so broke now
Dude seriously? If LSD was that cheap and simple to make everyone would be making it. All the procedures you'll find on the internet are mainly all either.
A) Out of Date
B) Theoretical
C) Worthless crap
LSA is not the name of a particular chemical, it is an abreviation of "Lysergic acid Amides". Im NOT referring to the many LSA's found in HBWS. It would not be sensible or viable to form LSD from an extract of HBWS. It contains many Lysergic-acid Amides and even if one wanted to isolate one for the synthesis it would take too long and the yields just wouldnt be worth it. I mean your posting a tech that was written in the 1970s but go head an set up your cheap little lab and try it out see what happens. I'm not going to waste anymore time arguing this point.
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Clandestine chemical manufacturing always has the same dynamic.

Drugs are made underground mostly as a response to absolute prohibition. In other words, drugs are usually made when there is no other way, people don't often make oxycodone, for example.

When a clandestine operation begins, precursor chemicals can be gotten easily. These chemicals are cheap (relatively), plentiful and pure.

As law enforcement tracks the paths of manufacture, precursor chemicals are watched, then closely monitored.

The clandestine labs are forced to make their own precursors.

The process of making these precursors is watched and finally the precursors of those precursors are closely monitored.

Hell, this cycle commonly extends to things like hydrochloric acid and acetone.

I figure eventually water will make the list.

So now the clandestine manufacturer discovers a novel way to produce the drug using different precursors.

The cycle starts again.

But there are only so many ways a chemical can reasonably be produced and eventually this clandestine lab runs out of conventional optionsoptions.

It either finds holes in the watched or limited precursor chemical supply chain or it closes up.

This battle has been going on over LSD since the first day it's synthesis was made illegal.

Over forty years.

Now what has the average person, passionate as he is, believe he can dive in now and make any headway at all?

It's nice to dream and very nice to dream big but.
HEY ALL. this is probably gonna be the only post i ever make on this fourm, but i wanted to point out alota misinformation.

First off, ergot is only dangerous if ingested. its safe to handle with your hands, just dont eat it and i wouldn't think you would.

Now finding ergot is actually quiet easy and likely nearby. Ive found plenty in the neighborhood bayous or fields that arent frequently mowed. Some fields dont have rye, but alot of them do, so its hit and miss. However, i remain confident if you try you will find that little black fungi that your looking for..

OK, so now that you've found your ergot, you need to attempt an isolation. You wash the ergot grain in a bit of alcohol or peroxide and attempt an isolation on a petri dish with malt agar. Once isolated, transfer to liquid culture. Just so you guys know. That 'nutrient recipe' thats often described in may post across the internet (i think its from the book of acid) is just a complicated, outdated formula for liquid culture. Nowadays we use dilute malt agar and karo so forget that complicated jargon. You can make several gallon jugs.

then you basify the LC and extract with a solvent.

Now im not gonna go into great detail, you guys need to do your own research, but mostly every chemical required to make LSD is available over the counter. There are a couple exceptions for a few of the chems that are immediately available, but not all are illegal to buy or own, just not common and not impossible to get. This would include potassium hydroxide, toluene and chloroform (if you choose to use it). The main one to worry about would be the bonding agent. The two most plausible bonding agents would be PYPOB or red phosphorous. Now there are companies out there that sell these chemicals that supply to colleges.

Anyways, the rest is left to you guys. Im out
[QUOTE = "thechemist513, post: 9211587, membro: 626429"]
eu tenho esporos de paspali e ergot, deixe uma resposta
[QUOTE = "thechemist513, post: 9211587, membro: 626429"]
eu tenho esporos de paspali e cravagem deixe uma resposta
Olá salvador desconhecido, posso comprá-los de você?
I believe that those who know a lot do not tell the truth or tell the outdated truth... the human intellect is the greatest weapon we have and knowledge must be shared! I leave my doubts here:

*Currently, is there any simpler method than the one discovered by Hoffman to go from the claviceps material straight to the lysergic acid diethylamide without isolating the lysergic acid? if so, which one?

* we know that there are a range of fungi and seed sources of lysergic acid amides and alkaloids, but what is the best source? the one that yields the most. I heard it's claviceps paspali is it true?
that is... high yield and purity with practicality!!


gratitude, this topic is aggrandizing. light