Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

lukey boii

Active Member
Take a look at posts #795 and #865 by Woodsmantoker in this thread, I think the answers you need are in there.
thanx dude got a heap of helpfull info on those posts, nothing about wat node to top/fim at but still was helpfull, ended up reading almost this whole thread and got the info i needed anyways so all good, peace


Well-Known Member
thanks scrogthis. that will be most helpful.
it seems your asking how far apart ech hood should be from each other, not how far apart from the plants. It really does depend on the hood type. You REALLY want a hood with angled and refelctive ends. Light intensity quickly diminishes from the ends of the hood as opposed to the sides. If your lights are end to end then they will be less than a foot apart. If they are set side by side like the pimped out room above the. Your looking at 2-3 foot depending on your hood design.


Active Member
I received these three plants. The big one is Himalayan Gold and the other two are Silver Haze. I fucked up and flowered them too early, they seem to be doing okay, but I don't know if the little haze plant will reach the screen in enough time before time to harvest so it can branch out and get more mass on the nugs. I set up the scrog before I read anything about it, so thats why it looks a bit ghetto. its a 4x4 closet grow, and i thought the aluminum foil will help reflect the light and heat, it seems to work better and the wall facing outside isnt getting too hot anymore. im using 600w hps, no hood unfortunately. They are about 2 and a half 3 weeks into flowering, im using big bloom and tiger bloom every other watering. will keep updating, wish me luck.View attachment 1253461View attachment 1253462View attachment 1253463View attachment 1253464View attachment 1253465View attachment 1253466View attachment 1253467View attachment 1253468View attachment 1253469View attachment 1253470View attachment 1253471View attachment 1253472View attachment 1253473View attachment 1253474View attachment 1253475View attachment 1253476View attachment 1253477



Active Member
i wish i read this thread before i set it all up, i found this and read just about the whole thing last night. def have some ideas for the next one


Active Member
Welcome Pablo! It's a learning process, my dad told me once that "most good judgment comes from experience, most experience comes from poor judgment". Good folks in this thread, don't hesitate to ask questions, good luck!


Well-Known Member
Here's my little 4x4 scrog using an under current system. It's 3 Sour D
and 1 Sweet Island Skunk (back right). I think I might have waited until
they were initially too tall, but for now going to use the screen mostly just
for support. Next time I want to lower it and basically just grow the plant
sideways like I've seen some of yall do.
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Well-Known Member
So how much can you contort your plants to control their height? As seen in my current grow journal ( link in sig). I just started my 12/12 cycle with the plants touching the screen. I'm waiting for the outer branches ( which I LST'd and want not to reach the screen. But in the mean time the main shoots keep poking through the screen and I'm just weaving them around and around to both give light to other shoots and keep their height down.

On one side, scrogging is allot if fun as it's kind of like a complex puzzle when trying to figure out this here and that there. But also kind of stressfull as in.. Holy shit things are exploding!

Thanks for any tips


Well-Known Member
So how much can you contort your plants to control their height? As seen in my current grow journal ( link in sig). I just started my 12/12 cycle with the plants touching the screen. I'm waiting for the outer branches ( which I LST'd and want not to reach the screen. But in the mean time the main shoots keep poking through the screen and I'm just weaving them around and around to both give light to other shoots and keep their height down.

On one side, scrogging is allot if fun as it's kind of like a complex puzzle when trying to figure out this here and that there. But also kind of stressfull as in.. Holy shit things are exploding!

Thanks for any tips
sounds like u got it down. just remember to stop training after 10 days of 12/12 or so, depending on stretch... u want it to grow vertical a bit, just not too much.


Well-Known Member
Thanks someguy! Right now they are growing about 2" a night ( the central shoots). I moved the light a little over to the aide to get some higher intensity light on the side shoots. Once they make it through the screen I'm looking forward to just letting them go.

One question though. My super super bushy plants are not climbing as fast as the rest. I suspect this is because they have soooo many shoots? Or they are a little shocked from me cloning them?
Any thoughts? Should I thin them out to concentrate growth?


I've been wanting to scrog for a few weeks now and I've been doing research about it and I'm pretty sure I understand everything except one thing.I don't understand where to keep the top of you plant and how to feed the buds through the screen.plan in scroging in a pc grow box.would love some help


Active Member
Take a look at legallyflying's journal as well as the tutorials in this thread by woodsmantoker, I have some pics I can post that should help but have to fly right this sec, will try to get back to it this evening. Generally speaking you want to train the stems to the screen positioning a bud site about every 2" or so. There are different techniques, some allow them to grow 3"-4" above the screen then pull them back under, some train them under or over the screen and tie them w/ plastic twistys, some use a spiral pattern out from the center, others use a back & forth pattern. The goal is to completely fill your screen with evenly distributed bud sites just about the time they complete the "stretch" after flipping to 12/12. Hope that helps, I'll get those pics up as soon as I can.


You think it would be easier just to lst my first pc grow so I know how the plants react to lsting.this is all new to me


Active Member
@12tblp12 - Not a bad idea but you asked about ScrOG, it's your grow and you should do what you think is best. Good luck and let us know if we can help!

Here are a few pics as promised (collected not mine, credit to OP)

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edit: guess I should add that ScrOG is more or less utilizing LST among other training methods before woodsmantoker thinks I wasn't listening ;)
I know this is a long thread (well worth the read) but check out posts #795, 822, 826 & 865 for more details



Active Member
Just my opinion but I don't believe there is a "best" medium, I use a SWC but I've seen great examples of soil, soil-less, ebb & flow, DWC, etc. I think "best" would be what you are most familiar & comfortable with. Personally I'd recommend some sort of hydroponic setup as I believe it would be a major pain to re-pot even a fairly small ScrOG. LOL take my advice for what it's worth, this is my first ScrOG though I'm sort of a research nut and studied the method extensively (about 8 years or so) before I tried it though if I remember correctly my first grow was in '74?