Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

no, in fact, on the contrary, this is my first scrog lol. pics taken on day 17 of 12/12... what do you think?? I know there's too many plants in there for it to be a true scrog but I didn't have the veg time so I put extra plants in.. how they looking??? 2013-06-28 21.04.17.jpg2013-06-28 21.04.34.jpg2013-06-28 21.05.41.jpg strain is Bella Donna from Paradise Seeds.
Scrog is a "method", how you do it is a "technique", the screen is a "training tool", or a "supporting trellis" (certainly can be both). When you are using the screen to support the weight of a plant, it's typically referred to as a trellis. When screen is being utilized to manipulate the plants natural structure in order to effciently fill surface area and maximize potential for a given space and available resources, its refered to as scrog.

In my neck of the woods anyways, scrog on brothers and sisters! Scrog on.

Its cool bro,I understand.I Should have a pic up of how my 1st attempt is going as well.I will wait until the 1st day of week#2 of 12/12 to take a shot.Give me a few days!

IMG_0264[1].jpgday#1 week#2 of flower opinions?
IMG_0265[1].jpgI trimmed all the stuff from the stalks under the canopy.I read things saying its right and wrong,but I decided to do it anyway.Figured it would help with airflow and moisture.
That will do! I would agree with your reasoning. Yep, there can be "trim waste" when scrogging however, my vermi farm doesnt mind, and my juicer loves it! Nothing is really "wasted" around here...

Fella said to me today "Scrog just aint natural. I don't like it. I like to keep it growing like nature does."
I responded (not typical); "the only thing natural about your garden, is the plant its self (and even that most likely isnt true ie. hybrid non landrace). The rest is simply replication of nature in one way or another. I am simply replicating my lights foot print. You have the same light as I do and naturally, are wasting energy."
heys guys thinking about doing a two plant scrog in a 1m2 tent and i was wondering what is the ideal position to start from?

do you start from the middle and train out or start of centre and train from one side to the other
I think its all relative to the amount of space and number of plants???I'm doing 3 and I made a Triangle,with each plant following in the same pattern.Kind of like a swirl.I don't know if that helps out,But it worked for me.If I was doing 2 plants in your space,I would do the same pattern only with 2 plants. :)
thanks for the quick reply

i got the space to do more but i also have the time to do 2 with a long veg

what space you working with and how long was your veg?
My veg was about 3-4 weeks,But I started out with weee little guys.Im using a 3.5x3.5 tent,and I could have fit more in there but wanted to go with 3 because of airflow and humidity.

1000 watt hps(aircooled hood)
3 plants(NortherLights)
3x3 tent
Night temps-71-75 degrees
Day temps 79-82 degrees
I have only seen a few outside scroggers so.. adding my 1st attempt at an outside scrog

Bubba Kush (revegeed from 2012 spring harvest)






this was day one 6-18-2013


before triming


anyone see anything I have done wrong or should do?
"do you start from the middle and train out or start of centre and train from one side to the other" For now, I am working with single plant systems and working within the range of a single 600 - 1,000watt light per plant. That typically means I am centering the stalk of each plant in the center of its own 4x4 (5x5 upper) framed unit, and training the plant outward evenly. Once a unit is full, its rolled (the systems are on wheels) into a flowering room and placed under a flowering spectrum of the same wattage light (ie. 600 - 1000watt). Each flowering room is 8K, one plant pod enters per week, and one exits (8 week cycles & Strains "giver er take a lil"). Range 1-2lbs per plant. Easy, easy, easy. Thats the key. Folks of disability like myself, pay attention ;)
As I have expressed many times before; I believe the applicability and advantages of trellising and scrogging, are a tremendous advantage to cannabis cultivators and can be done with nearly any materials available, and in any manner that suits the growers interests and goals etc. I can't perceive a right or wrong way of going about any of it. There may be a more efficient manner of achieving your goal, or a better way to avoid potential problems given the resources and materials used, but experience with various materials and resources equals improvements in efficiency, not necessarily "right or wrong". Many here can help, and will give priceless wisdom learned through experience. Even with little scrog cultivation knowledge, some folks have much to offer in regards to efficiency. Efficiency can often boil right down to available resources and knowledge of how and where to make improvements however, It can also boil down to plant science and biochemistry, or understanding of modern botany and available technologies, or perhaps heating and cooling, or energies and electricity. Improvement comes with knowledge of any or all of the above. I myself contribute a few decades of "cannabis trellising" and "scrogging" of all sorts, with all sorts of materials, and having done so in multiple places from Alaska to Florida. From start, to date, this community has grown. The science behind Scrog cultivation has advanced. As more enter the thread here, we grow in experience, education, knowledge, and wisdom. I am happy to help, and so very pleased that we have a community of helpful, knowledgeable, contributors to "public" education. State your goal, and we will pass along what we know may help you achieve it most efficiently. Bring back your results, and post them here for others to see and learn from!