Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

^^ agreed.

May want to paint the 2x4s cammo too. ;) Plants outdoor can encompass a large area. Much larger than the screen shown in the image. Individual screens works well for making things movable, but if your staying put for a while, maybe best to set a larger surface area for the garden to fill. Walking room, is always nice. Keep us posted buddy! LOVE IT!


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I was wondering if I am too late to Scrog here. The situation is simple....my plants are crowded and huge. I am 17 days into flower on 4x4 tables, one of which has no netting yet. This picture isn't the table but to give you an idea what I am dealing with here.
you might be a little late to do any training..in fear of stress to your gals... you could add the screen for height control.. and you and angle new upward growth to allow light further down into your canopy.. a screen with wider squares since your babies are kinda big
Scrogging is something you become skilled at. Skills come with experience. Many of you learn here and then post here, but most do not continue to post here long after (understandably when you have cannabis comming out of your ears, you find other important things to do with your life there after). What you see typically, is gardeners coming back and "giving back" to the thread as well as showing off a bit of the glory. We love you all for it and thank you dearly! If you do learn something valuable here, please care enough to return the favor by posting your success for others to see and learn from. It is YOU who have made this thread what it is. If you do well in years to come, please don't hesitate to show us the advancement of an experienced scrogger! Big thanks from all of us!!!


Oh hell yeah... i started with a 2x3 scrog.... you guys are about to see a 10x10 hopefully within a week or 2... still under construction
I was wondering if I am too late to Scrog here. The situation is simple....my plants are crowded and huge. I am 17 days into flower on 4x4 tables, one of which has no netting yet. This picture isn't the table but to give you an idea what I am dealing with here.

The tool of a trellis is highly valued in the cannabis cultivation industry. As you will see if you have not already(high times, treating yourself, skunk mag, etc.), most all production type "professional" gardens are utilizing netting of some sort to support the ever growing cola size and weight of dense flowers. The trellis also supports the structure in the vertical position which is actually key to proper development. I have used net, web, fence, mesh, etc. to do just everything, most often its SCROG or trellising. Many times I have helped folks improve on there situation and typically, trellising is one of the first suggestions I offer to someone begining to flower a "trained" or manipulated plant that is unsupported. The method of scrog brings several things to the table that trellising does not however, support is by far one of the most overal benificial. Keeping the "keepable" parts of your plant in the "zone" of which you are providing the most energy (distance away from light source that remains within the range of full intensity) means you are utilizing what energy you have paid for. Getting the most out of what we put in, is usually an objective and or should be. In order to do that, our rippening flowers cannot be leaning farther and farther away from the "source". (in a scotts lawn guy voice "Support em!, Support em!")

Ladys with big tops, need support. (we call it our Cannabra, ok no we dont its a secondary support system in my garden... LOL) :wink:

Whats up guys just thougth I would jump in here with my random post. I have recently started to learn to scrog and my inspiration comes from a guy on youtube called hygro-hybrid. he uses a DWC and scrog net with 600w lights and gets 600g per plant! THAT is why i decided to learn because i want to be a marijuana mad scientist and produce the best and most bud I can. anyway just thought you guys might enjoy hygro-hybrid's videos he has some great how to vids and a srog grow journal would be great for newbies to learn like I did.
redbubblenobyl.jpghashmake.jpghashcrop.jpg2x2scroggingwood.jpgscroggin2x2room.jpgThis fella read through the thread here once, and put together his room.. 2x2' frames on casters. 4 per 1000watt (6k). All of his production is used in concentrates.

Little better canopy shot.I have become addicted to working my canopy.Its to the point now where I have a personal relationship with every bud site.
A shot of whats going on under the canopy.I didnt want to cut these because they all seem to be heading to the top,right?
I figure I have a good 2+ weeks of veg to get to 75% filled?(18-6)

Would love to hear opinions.
^ Suggestion: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/

Training for scrog is something you will become more skilled at, like anything else. Knowing the plant types, growth patterns, etc. all play in. Many things in the garden can be considered a "control" however. Such as the "square" screen and its openings, the lights, etc. Those things are directly comparable. How you train, when you do what, etc. are the variables. Your results will differ most, by what you choose to do with those variables. Something to pay particular attention to, is apical dominance. (plants tendency to have one dominant top). By training, you are manipulating the plant so as to limit or eliminate that dominance. The more uniformly trained, the more likely you will have uniformity as a result when flowering. (poor explanation, Ill return and reiterate. Time crunch sorry).
thanks for the reply Wood,I posted a thread up two days ago and not one reply.I must have posted it in the wrong manner.A far as the Plant Problems sticky,I would love to fully take advantage of that but for whatever reason I cant see the pics.They come up as broken images??

"By training, you are manipulating the plant so as to limit or eliminate that dominance. The more uniformly trained, the more likely you will have uniformity as a result when flowering"-I think I understand what you mean.I have just been trying to work the top limbs out to allow light to creep onto the bottom limbs,and as the grow in kind of organize them.Im thinking my goal should be to try and get a nice canopy with a top every 2-3 squares or maybe less????????

  • Thanks for the response,and dont worry about the time crunch..Respond at your leisure,I will be here!