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Hey all, first time grower here. Just wondering if I am on the right track. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

This is my 1st grow, so I wanted to try and do it right and keep a journal of the process. Here's a pic of after LST'ing for the first time today. (Day 34 of veg)
View attachment 2321308

you can see more photos at my journal link below:


Either way, I am stoked to be a part of this community! I am about 34 days into veg now, but here is a basic outline of what has been going on:

Indica Strain (I believe it is. its bushy. but grew from 3 free seeds lying around, 1 made it).
Growing in soil -Cedar Grove Potting Soil
-transferred into 1/3 Perlite mixed in (1/3 topsoil 2/3 mushroom
Feed: -filtered water 6.4 ph
-1L every 2 days

Lights: - 125 watt CFL 6500K Full Daylight
- 40 watt CFL 2700K
- 24/0 for first 2 wks, 18/6 currently

Ventlation: 10 in. fan, works for the space it's in

Room: - 6' x 3' x 2 1/2' grow tent.
-Humidity 35-55%
-Temp. 70-80F

Nutes: -Botanicare pro grow & pro bloom on their way.

Going to be setting up the screen real soon. gonna see where she goes after starting the LST training.



Well-Known Member
These are from last night. 17 days of 12/12. Re did the screen with string instead of wire so I can take the screen off without cutting buds off first at harvest. She's getting thirsty, almost a gallon a day.



Well-Known Member
Here is a PVC screen I built.

Here it is fitted in my cabinet.

Question about topping. I've got 10" of room under my screen. Do I want to start one of several toppings right away to create many branches that start low on the main stalk? Or do I want to grow the plant close to the screen before topping so that I can start training it vertically sooner?


Well-Known Member
Question about topping. I've got 10" of room under my screen. Do I want to start one of several toppings right away to create many branches that start low on the main stalk? Or do I want to grow the plant close to the screen before topping so that I can start training it vertically sooner?
I would say start topping as soon as you can to get as many branches as possible, but this is my first SCRoG so I am sure I am doing it all wrong.

Nice setup. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Here is a PVC screen I built.

Here it is fitted in my cabinet.

Question about topping. I've got 10" of room under my screen. Do I want to start one of several toppings right away to create many branches that start low on the main stalk? Or do I want to grow the plant close to the screen before topping so that I can start training it vertically sooner?
Nice job very clean. Looks like i may be switching back to scrog after trying everything else,just no way to beat scrog for production imo!


Well-Known Member
That's not my setup^ mine will be about 4x that size but i have done scrog many times and like i said i am returning to it post up some pics tomorrow still not done with it.


Active Member
Heres my current first attempt at a scrog. Using a baby gate for the screen, but I worry I will have to cut the holes bigger to let the plants grow threw when the time comes. Plants are just bagseed and are only 3 weeks along, but this is my "practice run" in my cab before I order good seeds.



Well-Known Member
whats up scroggers! heres my blueberry girl day 10 into flower she is looking great so far and this is my first scrog so im excited to see how it goes from here :DIMG-20120912-00327.jpgIMG-20120912-00336.jpg


Active Member
Nice looking work in here. I'm looking into a few things and would like to hear what you guys think.
I'm thinking about picking up a light mover and running it over my scrogs. I have two rows of 3x3 scrogs for a total of 6x9 feet of scrog going on in 6 individual stations. I'm currently using a combo of LED, HPS and a Large CFL for lighting but was thinking if I picked up a light mover could I cover this area with a single 1000 watt HPS or (2) 600 watt HPS?

Here is the link to my current grow so you can check out pictures of what I'm doing and see my current setup. I'm new to the SCROG but can already see a difference. I'm just looking at finding a way to optimize my setup and minimize my power use if possible. https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/515586-doing-scoggy-style.html



Well-Known Member
I've got 2' between my screen and the plexiglass that seperates my dual 400's from the grow chamber. I'm growing a 60% indica hybrid that is listed as moderate height. Is this enough space?


Active Member
wel lad,s doin my first ever scrog, on day8 of 12/12 today,il get a pic tonight at lights on for valued opinions, its a sensi big bud.
ye lads reckon let her grow up after about week and half/ 2 weeks into 12/12?


Well-Known Member
Well not sure i can scrog this round most my gurlies are already well into their 12/12/ phase so may have to wait for next round to put in my scrog. but no fear i will return to scrog lol!


Active Member
day 8 006.jpg day 8 007.jpg wel lads here she is, day 8 12/12. planning on pulling back under til fri/sat and trimming off everything below the screen sunday.
wat ye boys reckon?