End of the world


Well-Known Member
Yeah....i been watching this shit on..on youtube... Nibiru.............its very convincing.....when this galaxy hooks around the sun and doubles its speed to shoot off back out into deep space...the electromagnetic effects on planet will be catastrophic....better harvest now if you want to enjoy it....

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
This end of the world thing is a western concept that was created to sell movies and tv shows. The Mayans did not beleive the world would end on that date, it's just some huge assumption made by westerners because the calender "ends" on that date. But we now know that Mayan calendars are cylical, so this is just the end of a astrological cycle. A new one starts right after.
I stand corrected! I'm only telling you what the programme was saying, the Americans have built under ground bunkers with enough food in them for a year because they think it will be catastrophic. I didn't say I believed it, but it does make you think and it has got to end one day where theirs a beginning their has to be an end, like the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end,having said that I'm not worried I've decided o have a party that night so I will be to pissed an high to care I suggest you all do the same ( just in case).


Well-Known Member
Another apocalypse thread...

I won't even go into the 2nd coming again. I hate being reminded.

Um, have to end on a positive note... Live each day 'til then like its your last.


I've just watched a programme on tv about the Mayan apocalypse , which is suppose to happen on the 21st of December 2012. They think it could be the end of civilisation what's everyone's thoughts on this? :sad:
Like the numerous other "apocalypses" which have been proclaimed to happen at a certain date in history this is as fake as religious beliefs.


Active Member
Every new decade since the 50s there's some new way the world was supposed to end. Like y2k and people in the 60s making bomb shelters. There was no computers shutting down causing total chaos and world destruction and there was no neculear war and there certinally will be no apocalypse In 2012! I think the whol thing is just silly and everyone that gets to into things like that will just look like fools on December 22.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Every new decade since the 50s there's some new way the world was supposed to end. Like y2k and people in the 60s making bomb shelters. There was no computers shutting down causing total chaos and world destruction and there was no neculear war and there certinally will be no apocalypse In 2012! I think the whol thing is just silly and everyone that gets to into things like that will just look like fools on December 22.
Well I wil be the fool with the hangover on dec 22nd!


Active Member
It's the end of an Age. The Mayan calender predicted the end of an age, and the birth of 'The Age of Aquarius'.


Active Member
Those evil Mayans DOOMED US ALL!!! Why couldn't they predict free ice cream for all instead? In all seriousness, why would a reasonably intelligent, educated adult actually think that the apocalypse is coming...in two months? The Mayans never predicted the end of the world, just the end of the calendar cycle (after which, another cycle begins, duh...). Christians seem to love the idea of judgement day (because they are better people than the rest of us sinners, so they get a first class ticket to 'heaven'). That's probably why the Mayan calendar was so grossly misunderstood...