End of the world


Well-Known Member
In my opinion the historian made a mistake, what the Mayas were predicting for Dec 21st is the birth of the most powerful strain of weed ever...


Well-Known Member
"galaxy hooks around the sun"?? :eyesmoke: cn
This other galaxy consisting of 7 or so planets are being pulled toward the sun.. when it gets past the sun the centrifugal forces that swing it around the sun will double its speed to be able to break orbit with the sun...when this happens its supposed to come past us..one of the ' planets' is a massive ball of iron emitting a massive red.cloud of electromagnetic something a rather.. When this comes past at warp s speed .. our south or nth pole I'm not sure will be be shocked away like magnets do..this pole shift will cause massive shockwaves that will turn the earth to quicksand the water to tidal wav
e plates will shift, all volcanoes erupting.....not to mention the bombardment of meteors in the wake of this passing death star...as mentioned in all major prophecies.....footage of this planet on youtube ( nibiru) predicted to happen end of oct...


Well-Known Member
I just love how people think they know the mind of God when it comes to these things. Whenever someone predicts the end, I can assure you it is false.

The only thing that is going to happen is an increase in solar activity to the point of screwing up satellite communications. So if you don't have a land-line, you might wish to install one for a month or so. And the internet will screw-up, but considering the server here still sucks balls I doubt nobody will even notice this place moving even slower.


Undercover Mod
If the mayans could predict the end of the world how come they couldn't predict the end of their own civilization?

It's actually the start of a Golden age....


Well-Known Member
the end is near...... if you believe that I'll tell you another. although who knows their very well could be a nuke war where shitting all over iran and pakistan which both have nukes our economy is going to shit and all our gold is damn near worthless as scientists created 24 karat gold and what does the u.s. have without fort knox nothing but debt really our currency will be worthless makes me want to invest in silver or platnium before third world countries start producing gold if any of yall have invested in gold I would sell all of it cause all it takes is a natural chemical and a bacteria and about a week to make 24 karat gold. but all that will do is be the down fall of an empire not the world.


Ursus marijanus
This other galaxy consisting of 7 or so planets are being pulled toward the sun.. when it gets past the sun the centrifugal forces that swing it around the sun will double its speed to be able to break orbit with the sun...when this happens its supposed to come past us..one of the ' planets' is a massive ball of iron emitting a massive red.cloud of electromagnetic something a rather.. When this comes past at warp s speed .. our south or nth pole I'm not sure will be be shocked away like magnets do..this pole shift will cause massive shockwaves that will turn the earth to quicksand the water to tidal wav
e plates will shift, all volcanoes erupting.....not to mention the bombardment of meteors in the wake of this passing death star...as mentioned in all major prophecies.....footage of this planet on youtube ( nibiru) predicted to happen end of oct...
A galaxy consisting of seven planets ... oh my. I despair at the lack of astronomical knowledge that goes into whipping up these apocalyptic confections.

Consider this. Nobody has ever seen anything like you describe happening, ever, anywhere within reach of our telescopes. It seems more likely that someone somewhere tripped absolute spiky balls and decided it's a prophecy. Unfortunately for us, humans have a weakness in the presence of prophecy: we invest it with inappropriate levels of credence.
I can say with certainty that what you describes isn't happening and won't be.
But the story sells vids (and more importantly, books). cn

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
my calendar doesn't end until dec 31 2012, i think i'll stick with it , and go by the bank and pick up a free one for next year


Well-Known Member
the end is near...... if you believe that I'll tell you another. although who knows their very well could be a nuke war where shitting all over iran and pakistan which both have nukes our economy is going to shit and all our gold is damn near worthless as scientists created 24 karat gold and what does the u.s. have without fort knox nothing but debt really our currency will be worthless makes me want to invest in silver or platnium before third world countries start producing gold if any of yall have invested in gold I would sell all of it cause all it takes is a natural chemical and a bacteria and about a week to make 24 karat gold. but all that will do is be the down fall of an empire not the world.
I have some bad news for you, Ft. Knox has long been empty...that's why they refuse to be audited. All the gold has been moved to Europe, of which bankers own the Federal Reserve.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Those evil Mayans DOOMED US ALL!!! Why couldn't they predict free ice cream for all instead? In all seriousness, why would a reasonably intelligent, educated adult actually think that the apocalypse is coming...in two months? The Mayans never predicted the end of the world, just the end of the calendar cycle (after which, another cycle begins, duh...). Christians seem to love the idea of judgement day (because they are better people than the rest of us sinners, so they get a first class ticket to 'heaven'). That's probably why the Mayan calendar was so grossly misunderstood...
I don't think this is anything to do with being a Christian, the programme was about the malayans writing about the 21st of dec being the end of the thirteenth bactoon, it's the people today that think it could mean an apocalypse. And I'm a Christian and I certainly don't think I'm better than anyone else, nor am I expecting a first class ticket to heaven assuming I will even get their, seeing as I've got an attic full of illegal Cannibis. You my friend are to quick to judge peoples beliefs,I believe what I believe because it brings me great comfort I don't shout it from the rooftops or try to ram it down people's throats and I don't condem people that believe in something different, I get that you dislike Christians, that's fine you are entitled to your opinion but you don't have to be such an asshole about it!


Well-Known Member
I don't profess to have any astronomical knowledge..just regurging what I heard on the box...I'm glad you know what's goin on! Makes me feel better....apocalyptic confections? Please let me know what strain your puffin?


Ursus marijanus
I don't profess to have any astronomical knowledge..just regurging what I heard on the box...I'm glad you know what's goin on! Makes me feel better....apocalyptic confections? Please let me know what strain your puffin?
Nothing at the moment, but I have a heavy date with the Widow later. Hope i survive. ;) cn

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
well to tell the truth i can't be bothered with that date , my latest crop will not be finished by then so i have made other plans , i will be harvesting much later so i'll just have to say goodby to the gloom and doomers wile i take care of my babies:hump:View attachment 2365069

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Nothing at the moment, but I have a heavy date with the Widow later. Hope i survive. ;) cn
I'll join you with some L.A. Confidential. Finally got the nefarious relatives on the road home and took my nephew back to his undisclosed domicile. Now I'm going to relax and enjoy my Sunday evening.


Ursus marijanus
I'll join you with some L.A. Confidential. Finally got the nefarious relatives on the road home and took my nephew back to his undisclosed domicile. Now I'm going to relax and enjoy my Sunday evening.
I went on a hike in my favorite little island of semidesert around here. I wrenched my back earlier this week rasslin a carpet cleaning machine, and was way off my better times. But I explored a newish route, talked to some other folks (very rare, that; usually the place is desolate) and almost got beaned in the hood on the drive home. This odd vestigial pickup passed me, and seconds later shed the spare strapped to the rear chassis. that thing took two quicl little bounces, caught an edge just right, and then jumped fifty! feet! into the air. I stopped and got the wheel out of the weeds and handed it to him (he noticed, stopped and backed up). Now i'm back here, checking RIU before heading out again to stalk the wily cheeseburger. cn


Well-Known Member
If the end of the world really is near, its going to be from nuclear fallout. World war 3 will begin in the middle east when Iran develops nuclear weapons. MARK MY WORDS.


Ursus marijanus
There aren't enough nukes in the world to end it. Hurt it, certainly. But bshould even the worst nuclear scenario come to pass, humans and ecologies will survive. cn


Well-Known Member
America alone has more nuclear weapons to destroy this planet over one hundred times. Nuclear technology has much advanced since the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Ursus marijanus
America alone has more nuclear weapons to destroy this planet over one hundred times. Nuclear technology has much advanced since the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I disagree. The USA doesn't have enough nukes to properly resurface a country the size of Italy once, let alone the world a hundred. I would ask you for links to your, uhm, information. cn


Active Member
There's all kinds of theories out there. One that makes some sense is that we will find ourselves admist a new ice age. However I say the Mayan calander is a circle and since it doesent repeat it must come to an end. How right where they about everything else? No clue right? They got this long ass calander and we can only speculate that the end of it means the end of the world? Point is we don't know shit about it. It could be a common scenario of a persons life. Our deciphering could 100% incorrect.