Elons Little Plan

He's a complete jerk as far as how he deals with employees of his companies. Apparently he didn't have the best of childhoods so it's payback time.

I'm not nor will I ever be in a position of wealth like he is but if I was I'd behave more like a Bill Gates or Warren Buffet and do everything I could to stay out of the spotlight. I wouldn't do youtube videos while smoking a joint or post tweets about Dogecoin. Elon is more like a Howard Hughes always wanting to be looked up to by others.
the only slack i will cut him is that his dad seems like an even bigger freak than he is...just got his own stepdaughter that he raised from 4 pregnant...
Elon needs to wake up, however if he ever grew a conscience, he would look for the nearest high window to throw himself out screaming all the way down. Awake to the feelings and considerations of others, what does woke mean to you Elon, elaborate please. The lack of women in your new organization is showing, looks like a sausage party at work to me.

Tesla stock is down 55% YTD. Seems like he is completely distracted with twitter, I’d be worried if I was an investor in TSLA or spacex. Just read that preorders for the cyber truck hit 1.5 million today, can’t believe that many people want one of those ugly ass things.
Everybody makes EVs now or soon will be, and they will likely have newer better battery technology. Elon invested in current Lion battery technology and his giga factories are geared to it. However, battery technology is evolving quickly and whoever makes the best one and scales production, wins. Competition is fierce and there is a tremendous amount of engineering and basic research being done, they are betting the farm on it. There are plenty of electrochemical options and it's impossible to predict how technological natural selection will work out, but it does follow the economic laws of nature as well as the physical ones.

Kara Swisher Talks Twitter's Turmoil: 'A Sad Violin Of Behavior'

16,970 views Nov 23, 2022
Katy Tur spoke with Kara Swisher to talk about Elon Musk's management of Twitter as the site remains embroiled in controversy.
Here Elon, you said you could solve world hunger for a small fraction of your fortune. If you want people to like and respect you, then do some good and stop being an asshole, most children can figure it out or understand it when it is explained to them, why can't you? Intelligence without a heart is a dangerous thing and a man without compassion is a man without wisdom. We have seen a distinct lack of wisdom from the world's greediest man, what's the plan Elon, found a dynasty based on your obviously superior genetics? I wish this guy would just go to Mars, fry himself with radiation before he even arrived and get it over with. For all the good he is doing, considering his wealth, he appears to be nearly useless as a human being. Elon needs a personal guru, but most of all the tin man needs a heart, no heart no hope and the guru would just be another con artist.

if you believe musk's numbers...when he starts telling the truth about his education, i might believe him about anything else
Even if he's bullshitting, it shows he knows he can't keep shoveling money into twitter. Advertisers want brand protection and moderation; they want civil society. The same basic thing happened to the republicans, let the scum in and they will drive out the good people until all you are left with is scum, and even they get tired of each other's company after a while. The main reason people don't like prison is they are forced to live with people like themselves, assholes. That's why the trolls always come here and other places to trigger the libs, it's no fun on parlor (research has shown this). They like their information bubble, but not talking to each other as much it appears and would quickly take over twitter and fill it with boring rightwing bullshit and Russian bots. It is a platform that can spread dangerous disinformation too and was used to incite and organize J6. However, it is also used in other countries where political action is more legitimate and is used to organize and spread information there too.

Elon's problem is his moral failure is inflicted upon users and employees and people forgive mistakes faster than moral failures. Elon will have competition for that particular niche in the social media ecosystem, governments, reporters, companies and celebs of all kinds find it useful as kind of a town square and bulletin board.
He's a complete jerk as far as how he deals with employees of his companies. Apparently he didn't have the best of childhoods so it's payback time.

I'm not nor will I ever be in a position of wealth like he is but if I was I'd behave more like a Bill Gates or Warren Buffet and do everything I could to stay out of the spotlight. I wouldn't do youtube videos while smoking a joint or post tweets about Dogecoin. Elon is more like a Howard Hughes always wanting to be looked up to by others.

When will he become a recluse?..I'm hoping soon.

It's okay..his brain and organs will turn to jelly on any long term space travel..I wonder how he plans on getting around that little fact?

The moon? Boring.

Mars? He needs a setup there now and then there's still the space travel question answered on humans..if he can't find a way to hibernate?

His battery's on Earth explode..so I'm not holding out for a grand escape to another planet and terraforming it.