Electrical Question: Is setup good or will length and thickness of cable cause voltage drop?

So there even are arduino projects for growroom controllers with CO2, temperature, humidity, etc....

That one sounds interesting:

Also there was a guy called @Casabonita420 in rollitup

Pretty cool project. Does anybody know what happened to him and his project?
This is the one I’d probably go for they have all the code on the site for you to cut and paste aswell
This is the one I’d probably go for they have all the code on the site for you to cut and paste aswell

BOMB!!! :-)
Would not have found it by myself. Thanks man! ;-) We are getting there!

I did read through the website and the building and configuring process.
So now I wonder if there is also code and instructions for installing a CO2 sensor? Din't see it anywhere... Only somebody in the forum of the website asked about a CO2 sensor, like two years ago, but he didn't receive any help. Actually the whole board looks pretty empty. Lasts posts one the board are months ago....

I wonder if I should go with that controller? Problem I see is the maybe not availble CO2. Also if I would run into some problems while installing and configuring, I worry that I will not get any help, as the websites board does seem pretty dead :/

Also I did send them a mail, asking them if I will run into any problems, if I run 3000Watt of lamps and a dehumidifier of 775Watts and maybe 500Watts vegetative lamps...

did you build or use a self built and programmed growroom controller? Why do you recommend me exactly this controller? No disrespect... I am just investigating to find the best diy growroomcontroller ;-)

Any more growroomcontrollerprojects proposals are highly welcomed ;-)
BOMB!!! :-)
Would not have found it by myself. Thanks man! ;-) We are getting there!

I did read through the website and the building and configuring process.
So now I wonder if there is also code and instructions for installing a CO2 sensor? Din't see it anywhere... Only somebody in the forum of the website asked about a CO2 sensor, like two years ago, but he didn't receive any help. Actually the whole board looks pretty empty. Lasts posts one the board are months ago....

did you build or use a self built and programmed growroom controller? Why do you recommend me exactly this controller? No disrespect... I am just investigating to find the best diy growroomcontroller ;-)

Any more growroomcontrollerprojects proposals are highly welcomed ;-)

I thought I remember there being some code on pastebin for Arduino based controllers but I could be wrong but it’s worth having a look.

I was looking into it when I was going to change up my room but had a change of plans and put it on the back burner for a while,I wanted an “off the shelf “ controller and one that seemed like the most user friendly one and was a reasonable price.