Economy Is Improving

I'm a fiscal conservative with a strong libertarian bent. In fact, I've been registered with the Libertarian Party for over 25 years now. I live in a conservative community. I have NEVER heard a conservative use the "N" word. In fact, the last time I heard it, it came from the mouth of a Progressive who referred to Condi Rice as Bush's "Kitchen Nigger."
What the fuck are you talking about?

What I don't get is why hare-brained internet forum fucktards like yourself talk so much shit as a natural reaction.

What handouts do I expect? You don't make any sense when you just pull words out of your ass.

Go back to playing WoW or jerking off or something.
You haven't said one factual thing. You make guesses and assumptions that hold no water and expect those who research to buy into your garbage.
I find it hard to believe some people still think dems bad/reps good or repsbad/demsgood.
If I punch you in the nose you would not say BB is a great guy and I like his left hand but his right is mean.

The fed is a gluttonus pig devouring all resources in sight while producing nothing. The parasites and predators in the D of C have enabled a few families at the top of the food chain to enslave all of us to debt for forever and a day.

Getting mad at bankers wont work. The monsters at the top will be happy to sacrafice as many as you wish. The only thing to be done at this point is to abolish the feds and the reserve and start over doing as the Constitution says.
Exactly big government is big government no matter which party is pushing it and they both do. The federal reserve is our biggest enemy. More powerful than any government they pick the winners and losers by handing out our money to others.
Most of the "economy" fixes that have been implemented and offered are a mirage. It is a sleight of hand and a fiction that the government or any flavor of the month candidate can "fix" it. The government "partnership" with the Federal Reserve is what causes the problems. When the Federal Reserve and Fiat currency go away, things may get better. UNTIL then, the sycophants babble about things they do not comprehend.

A Central Bank is designed to inflate is and will forever be a tool of economic destruction.
And also to finance wars.
I would have to disagree. Conservatives usually are religious zealots that intellectuals laugh at. You like to believe in the Bible, but you do not like to believe in Climatologists. You say you want liberty, but a large percentage of your HERD is actually against marijuana legalization (a much larger percentage against it than liberals). Conservatives constantly like to say they want to lower the deficit, but you fail to realize we have to raise taxes to do this. You want less government reach, but vote for more useless, time wasting legislation every day (pointing at illegal immigration reform, union and voting legislation, and taking away a woman's right to choose), still blind to your hypocrisy. You say you want jobs, but you fail to hold your elected officials from your party responsible when THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING TO CREATE JOBS. In fact, your party has done more to hurt the United States in the last 10 years than I care to remember.

Ultimately, conservatives really want to live their life the way they want to, but tell other people how to live theirs. Bigtime hypocrisy is threatening your future power, conservatives. With more informed citizens, your days are numbered as any sort of power.

Conservatives are especially burned that a black man is in office. And we all know this. But they hardly ever say these things in public. But I went to school in a verry conservative area, and I KNOW how you guys talk. Shame on you.
You don't KNOW how people talk, shame on you. You made that up. Republicans dislike Obama for the same reason they dislike Clinton, he has a D by his name. So if Biden were president the republicans would warm up to him? wrong

Oh the economy is improving. who cares if we are up to our chins in shit instead of our eyeballs. The point is the free market was tampered with and the economy was and is being manipulated by big government. If the free market was allowed its corrections we'd already have bottomed out and be in recovery instead of fighting to keep our heads above water.

How did we get out of the depression of 1920? We cut government spending and taxes by 40 percent over two years time and unemployment went from 12 to under 4 percent.
How did we get out of FDRs depression? After the war we cut government spending by 60 percent and cut taxes by 30 percent. You have to cut both. About 10 billion people came home from the war and all the money and the expenditures now went to the people instead of government and we got out of the depression.
Granted we bombed the competition too to get a head start.
I'm a fiscal conservative with a strong libertarian bent. In fact, I've been registered with the Libertarian Party for over 25 years now. I live in a conservative community. I have NEVER heard a conservative use the "N" word. In fact, the last time I heard it, it came from the mouth of a Progressive who referred to Condi Rice as Bush's "Kitchen Nigger."
What did we here from the dems during the last election? "Wouldn't it be great to have a woman or a black man president." They made sex and race an issue when it shouldn't be.
I spent my adult years in the military and then sales, management and in the trenches. In all of those circumstances, my co-workers and fellow soldiers were a very diverse lot. I can't think of many instances since I was 18 that were not spent in a mixture of the races. The military is certainly that way as are most of the car stores I worked for. In all that time, I can count on one hand the times I heard the "N" word used that wasn't in a song coming out of a radio, even when there were no black people present.

On the few times it did happen, the individuals were confronted and ostracized. And in the car business, once that happens, you're gone fairly quickly. We can be a brutal bunch to people we don't care for. I think you have a skewed perception of white conservatives, my experiences are completely different than what you describe. Maybe I've just been lucky, but I've lived and worked with Conservatives in California, Oregon, Nevada, Colorado, Missouri, Virginia and most recently, North Carolina, which represents a fairly inclusive cross section of this country.

I just haven't seen or heard this rampant racism, at least in the magnitude you're describing. And I've been registered as an Independent since 1992, when I voted for Perot. There is no question I'm a fiscal conservative and vote Republican a majority of the time. As I said, I've held my nose when doing so many times, but since I don't feel a third party vote does anything except elect Democrats, I haven't had much choice.

Edit: Just wanted to add one thing, I've said it to many people before, but I think you are guilty of it as well. Most of the people on this forum that make these accusations of racism, apparently don't understand the word. What you guys mean to say in most cases is "prejudice" not racism. Furthermore, by continually throwing around the race card and making blanket accusations, you are far more guilty of prejudice than the people you're accusing.

I am white, and I said conservatives that I know use the "N" word. I am not sure how that qualifies as a racist statement. It is more of an observation of racism, or prejudice. I would say this racism, or prejudice, is more prevalent in the more rural, typically republican areas. Maybe you spent more time in the city, but in rural America, and the Bible belt, racism and homophobia run rampant, as does But seriously, I understand the difference between racism and prejudice, and the people I know are guilty of both. I guess I should have said I have heard more hatred about race from conservatives.
I am white, and I said conservatives that I know use the "N" word. I am not sure how that qualifies as a racist statement. It is more of an observation of racism, or prejudice. I would say this racism, or prejudice, is more prevalent in the more rural, typically republican areas. Maybe you spent more time in the city, but in rural America, and the Bible belt, racism and homophobia run rampant, as does But seriously, I understand the difference between racism and prejudice, and the people I know are guilty of both. I guess I should have said I have heard more hatred about race from conservatives.
Strange, your life has been very different from mine, most of the racism I have encountered was from poorly educated people.
Strange, your life has been very different from mine, most of the racism I have encountered was from poorly educated people.

when i was trimming this year, i had a change of perspective.

i was sitting alongside a group of people from my very progressive town who were all not only very racist, but homophobic and anti-semitic to boot.

it wasn't that they were poorly educated (although they were), per se, but i would wager it had a lot to do with growing up with the same core group of people in the same town their entire lives.

they never had to deal with someone like me, who was not afraid to make them question their prejudiced beliefs to the core. a lot of conversing happens when you are sitting around a table trimming for 10+ hours in a row.

long story short, i riled them to the core of their beliefs and things got somewhat contentious. i kept my cool way better than they did by asking simple questions. they dug in their heels toward their horrible belief system. but i bet if we go back to that table to trim next year, they will have changed a bit.
Got a Freind of mine a job about 20 years ago back when I used to frame houses. At Noon he shows up at our site in the company truck. My leadman asks me. Who is the Nigger? I said That guy is my best freind and if i hear you call him a nigger again im going to break your fucking head. Well for he rest of lunch all I heard was complaints about "oh we cant use the N word now"
Funny I never heard any racism until by buddy jerry showed up
Got a Freind of mine a job about 20 years ago back when I used to frame houses. At Noon he shows up at our site in the company truck. My leadman asks me. Who is the Nigger? I said That guy is my best freind and if i hear you call him a nigger again im going to break your fucking head. Well for he rest of lunch all I heard was complaints about "oh we cant use the N word now"
Funny I never heard any racism until by buddy jerry showed up
Really? He should have called the police on you for making a terroristic threat against him, then he should have sued you in civil court for threatening violence on people who are doing nothing more than speaking words that are protected under the First Amendment. About the only time the law makes note of the use of the "N" word is if you are fighting a black person and using that word, then it could be construed as a hate crime.

Do you know any people who aren't racists?
Par for the course coming from you. I guess you are a racist also. I hope some day you get your ass kicked for your views. Yiu deserve it
when i was trimming this year, i had a change of perspective.

i was sitting alongside a group of people from my very progressive town who were all not only very racist, but homophobic and anti-semitic to boot.

it wasn't that they were poorly educated (although they were), per se, but i would wager it had a lot to do with growing up with the same core group of people in the same town their entire lives.

they never had to deal with someone like me, who was not afraid to make them question their prejudiced beliefs to the core. a lot of conversing happens when you are sitting around a table trimming for 10+ hours in a row.

long story short, i riled them to the core of their beliefs and things got somewhat contentious. i kept my cool way better than they did by asking simple questions. they dug in their heels toward their horrible belief system. but i bet if we go back to that table to trim next year, they will have changed a bit.

Uncle Buck, they may be living in Portland, but Oregon was not always so liberal. Sound like you and I have been here long enough to remember that stuff. In fact, the only places in Oregon that are mainly liberal are Multnomah County and probably Lane County (Eugene). The rest of the cities and counties are largely conservative, they just do not have the population to back up their vote.

A lot of people in Oregon are like me.....grew up in a small, rural town, and moved to the big city (Portland) to find success. I cannot say it holds true ALL of the time, but I would bet money that the people you were sitting around were all from small, conservative towns, and were not liberals? This is just a guess, based on my experience, so I could be wrong, and please tell me if I am wrong.
Par for the course coming from you. I guess you are a racist also. I hope some day you get your ass kicked for your views. Yiu deserve it
LOL see? You don't even understand the debate, you actually think you are somehow justified in violence.

Your wonderful God of a Government actually protects the people saying those words without intent to harm another from violent people like yourself.
LOL see? You don't even understand the debate, you actually think you are somehow justified in violence.

Your wonderful God of a Government actually protects the people saying those words without intent to harm another from violent people like yourself.
Yeah thats what real freinds do
You would know that if you had any
Your moms a whore. If i said that to your face you are not going to do anything?
Yeah thats what real freinds do
You would know that if you had any
Your moms a whore. If i said that to your face you are not going to do anything?

you've got a point, the court does recognize some speech as "fighting words" and does not protect it.
Uncle Buck, they may be living in Portland, but Oregon was not always so liberal. Sound like you and I have been here long enough to remember that stuff. In fact, the only places in Oregon that are mainly liberal are Multnomah County and probably Lane County (Eugene). The rest of the cities and counties are largely conservative, they just do not have the population to back up their vote.

A lot of people in Oregon are like me.....grew up in a small, rural town, and moved to the big city (Portland) to find success. I cannot say it holds true ALL of the time, but I would bet money that the people you were sitting around were all from small, conservative towns, and were not liberals? This is just a guess, based on my experience, so I could be wrong, and please tell me if I am wrong.

if i remember correctly, these people grew up and still reside somewhere on the east side of the river, out towards the gresham area. one or two of them were from hood river but moved to the east side sometime in their early teens.

what was funny was when the guy we were trimming for took my side and told them that they probably had a lot of gay friends and simply didn't know it because their intolerance wouldn't allow those friends to even reveal such a fact.
Yeah thats what real freinds do
You would know that if you had any
Your moms a whore. If i said that to your face you are not going to do anything?
I would laugh at you. Then I would call the police for trying to incite violence by using "Fighting Words". If I threw a punch at you I am more guilty than you.
I would laugh at you. Then I would call the police for trying to incite violence by using "Fighting Words". If I threw a punch at you I am more guilty than you.

Then i would beat your ass and shove your cell phone up your ass. Kind of a pussy for someone who sides with racists. No wonder you are afraid of minorities