EaMo's Big Blue (NLxBB) grow- 600w

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
I dunno man, i wasn't expecting the amount of stretch from mine and she took up the whole tent very quickly. You do have a slightly bigger tent though and using the mh for the forst 10 days of flowering may help you out. 60% does sound like a good amount though. Next time i do it, i'll be veging for 2.5 weeks and will also try the mh trick as well, ive got way too many popcorn buds in my tent and theres almost no growth in the centre because of the way i trained and topped her :) all lessons learnt this time!!

Im seriously hanging to see yours under the 1000 too dude, i used one a while ago when growing organic and fuck the buds were do damn dense hey :D

Im looking forward to it also....hehe. Dollars to donuts your stretch came from that Northern Light side of your strain, I used to grow her back in the day an man, shes got legs like a hooker. I would flip at like 14" Or I would end up running into trouble:) This is long before tent days dude, and before I had a full room dedicated so we were in like built for cabinets (things weighed like 500 pounds) I distinctly remember having to drill eye bolts to the walls so I could tie those things away from the light when I made the mistake of vegging til 24" Good smoke though! Your gonna be in for a treat meh man. I dont remember them having much odor though, you getting any good smells going on in your tent bro?-S0uP


Well-Known Member
Yeah i had a feeling it was the northern lights in her that caused the stretch. My little outdoor girl gave me a false impression of how big she'd grow lol. When i used to grow the BC Seeds version it used to stay very squat with big fat colas. This girl has got a very different hit to her too.

There's very little smell too man, i get a whiff when i open the tent but that's about it. She even dries with no smell. Its only when you chop it up that you get that beautiful fruity, piney and berry smell, it really is a delicious smell hey :D

She will definitely fill up the tent too, i'll have to get in there and try tie some of the branches back to let in more light, its all around the outside of the tent at the moment!


Well-Known Member
A few shots of my girl...definitely looks like a hot spot in the tent causing a bit of yellowing. The nute burn isn't getting worse but it also isn't getting any better...



Well-Known Member
looking good Easty!! The burn marks wont disappear , but i can see a nice dark green layer emitting from the centre of the tips, thats a great sign that the lockout is diminishing and starting to absorb the right nutes :) Dark green = GOOD :) :)


Active Member
just started using Hezinbergs tea in my hrdro setup things are recovering slowly but his advice has saved my root system. I hope mine looke half as good as your in a while.
I use that tea too in my DWC!! Works great to fix problem and even better when used before there is a problem!!


Active Member
Looking good eastcoastmo!! Dark green an healthy!! Nice job my brotha!! I cut down my power kush 7 days ago, tried a tester last night and man f__k!!! Can u say WASTED!!!! Best shit I've dune yet. Thanks to flowamasta feed schedule!!! I used 3gal bucket but next grow going in 5gal!!! Anyways, looking HEALTHY!!! :weed:


Well-Known Member
looking good Easty!! The burn marks wont disappear , but i can see a nice dark green layer emitting from the centre of the tips, thats a great sign that the lockout is diminishing and starting to absorb the right nutes :) Dark green = GOOD :) :)
Oh excellent bro that makes me very happy to hear, thank you :D


Well-Known Member
Looking good eastcoastmo!! Dark green an healthy!! Nice job my brotha!! I cut down my power kush 7 days ago, tried a tester last night and man f__k!!! Can u say WASTED!!!! Best shit I've dune yet. Thanks to flowamasta feed schedule!!! I used 3gal bucket but next grow going in 5gal!!! Anyways, looking HEALTHY!!! :weed:
Thanks brother :D

ohhh sweet man, sounds like you've done very well also!! Have you
got any pics you can put up? would love to see her ;) Flowas setup is all i will be using from here on, so easy to work with and produces very damn well too :) imagine how big your next one will be if you go up a size :D


Well-Known Member
Some shots of the sugar haze on chop day :) She had some super thick buds on her, the main cola weighed just on 113g wet! Apologies for the poor quality pics, i took them on my phone.



Well-Known Member
O my lordy! Bet thats makin.ya smile! So youve inspired me to switch my nutes..ordered my cyco platinum bloom...the floralicousis up next....


New Member
Some shots of the sugar haze on chop day :) She had some super thick buds on her, the main cola weighed just on 113g wet! Apologies for the poor quality pics, i took them on my phone.
YUM YUM, my god she's a beast... props bro for what will no doubt be some quality "bush"...


Well-Known Member
O my lordy! Bet thats makin.ya smile! So youve inspired me to switch my nutes..ordered my cyco platinum bloom...the floralicousis up next....
Hell yeah Scroga, she just kept getting thicker and thicker too. She started to flip a few nannas so decided to chop, now hanging to try it but will have to be patient ;)

Nice work on the switch too man, the cyco range mixed with floralicious is the best combo of nutes ive ever used, very easy to use and keeps the girls looking very green and healthy :) you wont look back from here bro :D


Well-Known Member
Awesome! Mine are lacking big time..nitrogen getting sucked out if leaves big time...with a month left to go....i want that lush green look!


Well-Known Member
Oh damn bro that sucks hey, have you gone over all your parameters to make sure nothings putting her out of whack? If you need nitrogen, you could probably use some Dr Repair as its a good nitrogen source ;)

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Hey easty did you weave her in and out of the scrog screen or just keep her under it to keep the canopy low? Sorry just want to manage the tops the best I can. I set the 1K up in there today and its running at 85* at the canopy so I NEED to control the stretch as best I can. Thanks in advance-S0uP


Well-Known Member
Hey man, yep I weaved the branches through the screen. I started pretty much as soon as i put the screen in there too.

Feel free to post up pics in this thread as she goes along too man :D

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
^^^Thanks easty I havent gotten around to starting a thread for the Mastodon Kush (May not ever) so I appreciate it! I guess since were both using flowas method (Except the nutrient schedule for me) it might help some one wanting to try out this very easy way of growing quality erb. I just didnt want to be out of place! Meant to tell you the NLxBB looks great! I dont see any deficiencies in there at all and she looks to be sitting pretty at that EC with just a couple more weeks to go! What are your canopy temps looking like with the 6?... Ill post up some pics in a bit meh, she seems to be taking well to her screen and I just started to give her a bit of the Dyna Gro-Grow formula to break her in!-S0uP


Well-Known Member
No worries at all dude, i love watching all grows so more than happy to have yours in here too :D always helps others to see Flowas method and how simple it can be!!

Cheers for your help too man, the NLxBB is looking great now, i opened up a hatch at the bottom of the tent to let in more air and she seems to be liking it a lot!

My canopy temp sits on about 26 degrees celcius during lights on and about 17 degrees celcius during lights off, so seems to be in that perfect range :D

85 seems pretty good for yours too man, thats pretty much right in the perfect range :)


Well-Known Member
Oh damn bro that sucks hey, have you gone over all your parameters to make sure nothings putting her out of whack? If you need nitrogen, you could probably use some Dr Repair as its a good nitrogen source ;)
... E.C around 2,..ph 5.5 lights on temp around 30....I'm pretty sure its the dodgy nutes(get coagulated floaties when I mix up)..seal was leaking when I received from vendor + 45 days during the height summer
I think their effd! added 4/5mls of seasol in an effort to make her smile...got bent and thought about pissin in the rez lol.(nitrogen)...but I didn't lol..do you pick nitrogen depleted leaves off?