EaMo's Big Blue (NLxBB) grow- 600w


Well-Known Member
Scroga, ive got a feeling it may be the rockwool thats causing the rising pH hey, i didnt soak it to start out with so its basic properties would still be there :( dunno what else it could be!!


Well-Known Member
Quick update for y'all.

pH seems to be stabilising at 6.1 at the moment so happy with that and I havent added any more pH down to the system! Overall she seems to be looking good besides some nute burn showing on the tips. Will have to work out what that's from before the next flush during the week. I think changing the watering schedule to be more consistent has also helped get rid of the leaf curling too...

Anyway some pics!



Well-Known Member
Scroga, ive got a feeling it may be the rockwool thats causing the rising pH hey, i didnt soak it to start out with so its basic properties would still be there :( dunno what else it could be!!
How bigs your rez? Are you using citric acid for your ph down?


Well-Known Member
Thanks man :D i think she's looking heaps better too!

My res is 60L but i only usually fill to 30-35L because of where my return pipe goes back in. I also only use phosphoric acid as my pH down :)


Well-Known Member
That does look MUCH better :) If you don't get any more nute burn, go ahead with the B1 boost and Floralicious, BE CAREFUL of the Floralicious!! measure the right dose, or a tad bit less, its powerhouse material :p i add mine with a dropper ;)

Nice work Easty, They love what you're doin now


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much Flowa, im very happy with her now! Your advice is spot on brother so thanks heaps i owe you one :D

Sweet, well i might just go half strength floralicious on wednesday and see how she takes it, if she likes it then i'll go up to just under recommended dose :)


Well-Known Member
By rights you should be aiming somewhere between 5.5 -6.0...don't think its gonna matter to much at this stage...like flowa said..they love what your doin now...


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats what i reckon Scroga, she seems to be doing well at that pH so if it goes down further i'll be happy but if it stays at 6.1 i wont be too concerned either :)


Active Member
Better to bring the ph down slowly rather than all at once. Don't settle and let it go back up. Keep doing what you're doing, slowly...
Looking better, I agree.


Well-Known Member
Yeah absolutely man, definitely shouldn't be dropping it quickly :) i try to bring it down 0.1-0.2 at the most each time if i had to!

cheers man :D


Well-Known Member
Flush day!! Decided to add some B1 Boost and floralicious back to the mix but on;y at less than half strength. Can anyone else see the deficiency that I'm seeing? Looks like I have some yellowing again but not sure what it would be as the base bloom nutes last week were full strength. If anything I reckon it may be due to a lock out. I havent added any pH adjusters today as yet, going to wait until after the first feed and see what the pH is then.

Nutes added:
Bloom A and B- 90mL to 35L
Silica- 35mL
B1 Boost- 15mL
Dr Repair- 35mL
Potash- 30mL
Sugar rush - 30mL
Floralicious- 2.5mL

Let me know what you guys think :) She is definitely starting to thicken up though, very happy about the bud structure so far! Swell time next week!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah? Hope so as she was just starting to look good again! Ive added some B1 Boost this time which has added nitrogen so with any luck it should help! Cheers Scroga :D