EaMo's Big Blue (NLxBB) grow- 600w


Well-Known Member
Hey i have done the same thing this run, about week 3 of grow. But i went one step further and forgot to plug the water pump in to timer, left them for 5 days before i noticed. Then flooded my room. Just a bit of wilting and yellowing. There fine now of course!!

Your plant is looking great Mo. Sparkling with resin
Oh dude, that would've been close to hearbreaking hey! glad you got it sorted :)

And cheers Chipper, im very impressed with her resin production too :D

Looking great mo!! I love the resin on the leaves man very impressive. I've not had any flooding just cause I DWC but one day I'll have the money to make the switch. Anyways looking beautiful over there main!!

Cheers mate :) glad to hear you havent had any dramas ;)

Guys, imagine a 49 site cap ebb and flow flood........ and it utilizes the same barb fittings I do! I would love to see a mess like that as long as it wasnt my room.-S0uP
Oh man, that would seriously do my head in hey hahaha


Well-Known Member
Yo mo, got my floralicious +, what does your ppm end up at? So now in my res I got Cyco flower a+b, dr repair, silica, pk13/14(coz I was getting antsy waiting for the flora +) my ppm went quite high.......ill use the fl+ next change...? The silica is meant to help the plant high salt levels no? Does this mean I'm ok to run her high? cheers mate

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Yo mo, got my floralicious +, what does your ppm end up at? So now in my res I got Cyco flower a+b, dr repair, silica, pk13/14(coz I was getting antsy waiting for the flora +) my ppm went quite high.......ill use the fl+ next change...? The silica is meant to help the plant high salt levels no? Does this mean I'm ok to run her high? cheers mate
I dont know if this will help, but the way I mix my nutes is in a 1 gallon container of RO outside my res. I mix enough in the container for 20 gallons of mix at the RATIO I want...never checking the PPM or EC. Then I let it sit for like 2 days to buffer, pH it and add it to fresh reservoir as a concentrate 1 cup at a time. That way I can measure PPM as I go bringing it to the EXACT EC level desired at the EXACT ratio of N-P-K I intended EVERY time. As a bonus its pH buffered before my ladies ever taste it. Dont know how everybody else does it or what size res your dealing with scroga but I dont see any reason why it wouldnt work up to 55 gallon in a 1 gallon of RO. -S0uP


Well-Known Member
I dont know if this will help, but the way I mix my nutes is in a 1 gallon container of RO outside my res. I mix enough in the container for 20 gallons of mix at the RATIO I want...never checking the PPM or EC. Then I let it sit for like 2 days to buffer, pH it and add it to fresh reservoir as a concentrate 1 cup at a time. That way I can measure PPM as I go bringing it to the EXACT EC level desired at the EXACT ratio of N-P-K I intended EVERY time. As a bonus its pH buffered before my ladies ever taste it. Dont know how everybody else does it or what size res your dealing with scroga but I dont see any reason why it wouldnt work up to 55 gallon in a 1 gallon of RO. -S0uP

That sounds well though out Soup!! Great plan~ :)


Well-Known Member
I dont know if this will help, but the way I mix my nutes is in a 1 gallon container of RO outside my res. I mix enough in the container for 20 gallons of mix at the RATIO I want...never checking the PPM or EC. Then I let it sit for like 2 days to buffer, pH it and add it to fresh reservoir as a concentrate 1 cup at a time. That way I can measure PPM as I go bringing it to the EXACT EC level desired at the EXACT ratio of N-P-K I intended EVERY time. As a bonus its pH buffered before my ladies ever taste it. Dont know how everybody else does it or what size res your dealing with scroga but I dont see any reason why it wouldnt work up to 55 gallon in a 1 gallon of RO. -S0uP
Hey SOuP! Been meaning to get over to yours and sub up... That sounds like a plan..do you use additives
As well? I run a couple 15 ltr and a couple of 25 ltr homemade dwc setups..so I have a 5ltr bucket that I add to my girl in 3 stages..first 5ltr add flower A, dump in dwc,2nd 5ltr just water, add in,3rd 5ltr add flower b, add to dwc bucket..add additives after straight to dwc...the air stones do a good job of mixing it around..wait a while, come back do a reading,ph down..an thats it...your way sounds easier actually..how long would your mix last, before its unusable?

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Hey SOuP! Been meaning to get over to yours and sub up... That sounds like a plan..do you use additives
As well? I run a couple 15 ltr and a couple of 25 ltr homemade dwc setups..so I have a 5ltr bucket that I add to my girl in 3 stages..first 5ltr add flower A, dump in dwc,2nd 5ltr just water, add in,3rd 5ltr add flower b, add to dwc bucket..add additives after straight to dwc...the air stones do a good job of mixing it around..wait a while, come back do a reading,ph down..an thats it...your way sounds easier actually..how long would your mix last, before its unusable?
As long as you keep it mixed I imagine it would last for weeks, I change it every week as I see fit of course and usually I go through it faster than that, but it would be the same as running it in your reservoir for that time (some people run there reservoirs for up to a month). Im glad that someone will benefit from this, its something I dont see talked about all that much but it seems that everyone does things in their own little ways(I just wanted to prevent myself from making the mistake of accidentally frying my plants and screwing up the ratios every week). Feel free to stop bye my thread if you like its always nice to have company. I have to warn you though its just a little hobby grow and they wont get flipped till tomorrow (They dont look anything as nice as eastys) so its a little dull as of yet. Its a good crowd in there though, some talented growers, and hopefully some educational discussion that could benefit us all! -S0uP


Well-Known Member
Yo mo, got my floralicious +, what does your ppm end up at? So now in my res I got Cyco flower a+b, dr repair, silica, pk13/14(coz I was getting antsy waiting for the flora +) my ppm went quite high.......ill use the fl+ next change...? The silica is meant to help the plant high salt levels no? Does this mean I'm ok to run her high? cheers mate
Hey Scroga, my ppm ends up around the 1600 mark at full strength. EC is close to 2. Cyco recommend an EC of 2.2 at full strength. Just watch out with the pk 13/14 it will raise your EC fairly high, hence why its only used for week 4 or 5 of flowering.

The silica helps the plant with general health and uptake of the main nutrients :)

Sounds like Soup has got you guys sorted for info though, cheers Soup you seem to have your method worked out well. If i had the space id mix mine up as well but seems to work this way for now besides pH problems...


Well-Known Member
Cheers fellas!
@SOuP, righto I'm on my way! ..don't worry I'm just a personal grower too,were all learning here mate..id update mine but im terrible at doing the whole journal thing..

@eastcoastmo, cheers mate, yeah that pk put it up around 2.8 I think I'll probably change it out in a week then use the floralicious + for the fortnight or whatevers remaining.... I notice you use 3ml to 30ltrs....want sure if this was a typo or not?


Well-Known Member
No probs dude, i had a feeling it was the pk raising the EC, its potent shit! Your EC should be back down around 1.6-2 next week. The floralicious doesnt increase it that much hey, its more humic acid which helps the uptake of nutes. Im only using 3mL to 30L as it is also potent stuff, id suggest starting at a low dose and going from there...


Well-Known Member
Cheers comrade! My bottle of flora + has "australian version" on the side..just wondering what the difference between this and other"versions" is? I know I should google but its a nightmare on the phone...anyways cheers boyz, I'll put some pics up tonight...


Well-Known Member
Looks great easty. Been lurking awhile and seen you on flowa's thread, impressed with your effort using his methods man. You done real good and can't wait to see how your NL/BB finishes up. I am 20 days into flowering a three strain scrog myself, one of em being Blueberry so I'm subbed up to see how your cross looks.

Keep it up easty, subbed here.


Well-Known Member
Looks great easty. Been lurking awhile and seen you on flowa's thread, impressed with your effort using his methods man. You done real good and can't wait to see how your NL/BB finishes up. I am 20 days into flowering a three strain scrog myself, one of em being Blueberry so I'm subbed up to see how your cross looks.

Keep it up easty, subbed here.

Hey man, cheers and its great to have you here :) im a big fan of blueberry too so hope yours turns out well! Feel free to post some pics in here if you like :)

looking good and frosty already bro .. bring it on!

Cheers Puff :) she is definitely getting frosty hey, loving the resin production on this girl! The outdoor had heaps as well so im very keen to see how this one ends up ;)


Well-Known Member
Cheers comrade! My bottle of flora + has "australian version" on the side..just wondering what the difference between this and other"versions" is? I know I should google but its a nightmare on the phone...anyways cheers boyz, I'll put some pics up tonight...
Hmm im not too sure Scroga, i havent even looked at mine to see which one it is. Id say it may be due to one or more substances in the overseas version being on our banned import list so it may have been removed. I'll have a squiz at mine today and check...


Well-Known Member
Sweet Moe!!!! Look at that frost, very nice :) Notice you're getting nute burn on the tips. Must smell amazing!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Shags :D yeah she is getting extremely frosty hey, doesnt have much of a smell though unless i rub up against her and then she smells like sweet berries and pine!! Delicious :)

Yeah had nute burn on the tips for a few weeks now, hasnt gotten worse by much so just going to keep going at this point. I do add another 8L of pH'd water on sundays so it waters down whats left in the res for the last few days before the flush. Seems to help her out :)

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Looking REAL sweet dude!! Gonna be frosty when shes done... I like the 30-40 day mark cause you can pretty much tell what your in for, and you can tell your gonna have some snow covered buds bro. The more I think about it, the more I like this cross. Both classics, both solid, stable strains. I think the great structure of the NL was complemented well by the BB trich coverage, and the BB finicky nute demands were mellowed by the NL! I would definably consider growing this out!!! I think you have chosen well Easty and it shows! What are you thinking like 14 more days of feed before you flush??-S0uP