EaMo's Big Blue (NLxBB) grow- 600w


Well-Known Member
Mine name would be Chipper too! Awesome pics man. Changing my name to BrownThumbViagra, lost my Petunia's so thought I'd turn to a bunch of stoners... they overthink things and are cooler than Martha Stewart. j/k lol bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Mine name would be Chipper too! Awesome pics man. Changing my name to BrownThumbViagra, lost my Petunia's so thought I'd turn to a bunch of stoners... they overthink things and are cooler than Martha Stewart. j/k lol bongsmilie
U know shes on that SuperCraftNuggets..... for sure.... Damn it feels good to be a Gangster...... Best movie/song ever!


Well-Known Member
Hey Mo, i have been travelling along just fine thanks mate. Yeh those driers mate really chew up the power, i had a look at power consumption of mine a few months back and it uses 2000 watts an hour. More than my whole indoor setup!! I am currently on my 2nd hemp run, 35 days into flower. I would have to say i am quite happy with my copy of Flowa's setup. I have had a few problems this run, the first being my fault and forgetting to water them for a week. The other being the roots on my two plants blocking the return line, and causing quite a flood. Cannabis sure can take a beating:lol: A couple pics, day 35
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They seem like a happy pair of middle aged ladies!!!

Cheers Chipper
Ah good stuff man, glad to hear it :D

WOW man that is one very impressive canopy of fine looking buds dude, awesome work :D really awesome dude!!

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
Ah good stuff man, glad to hear it :D

WOW man that is one very impressive canopy of fine looking buds dude, awesome work :D really awesome dude!!
Cheers Mo, it is turning out quite nice.

I have found another hobby over the last few months in home brewing and distilling. Have made some very good pale ales, and 5.5 litres of reasonable bourbon.Will have my kegernator up and running soon, so it will be beer on tap:smile: I also have a sugar wash bubbling away and should be ready for the still in a week or so. My plan is to use a litre or so of the 85-90% ethanol to soak my small outdoor plant in and turn the whole thing into honey oil. The little plant has a lot of slug jizz on the buds, which i am not to keen to smoke! Three great hobbies, except 2 of them are illegal. Will let ya know how it turns out mate.

Cheers Chipper

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Cheers Mo, it is turning out quite nice.

I have found another hobby over the last few months in home brewing and distilling. Have made some very good pale ales, and 5.5 litres of reasonable bourbon.Will have my kegernator up and running soon, so it will be beer on tap:smile: I also have a sugar wash bubbling away and should be ready for the still in a week or so. My plan is to use a litre or so of the 85-90% ethanol to soak my small outdoor plant in and turn the whole thing into honey oil. The little plant has a lot of slug jizz on the buds, which i am not to keen to smoke! Three great hobbies, except 2 of them are illegal. Will let ya know how it turns out mate.

Cheers Chipper
What did you use for a wash chipper??? Ive got a few good recipes I can pass along if you want to try??? LMK

Easty I wouldnt worry about leaving for a few days from what I can tell this system is pretty much auto pilot at this point... Also I was thinking about it and if your getting fluctuations in your pH it might be a good to buffer your res by putting enough pH up in it to where its like 8.0 then slowly bring it down to 5.9 or so with pH down before feeding to her. I know some would say its not good to put that much product in your res, but really its better in my opinion than the fluctuations and constant adjusting. Just food for thought. Enjoy your vacation. Oh and I finally started a thread for the Mastodon Kush so if you guys get a chance stop bye its lonely over there! Later.-S0uP


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm not too stressed about it Soup, as long as we dont have any power outages she'll still be there when i get back :D

I checked the res before i left and its sitting on 6.2 so over the next few days it will drop below 6 and the freshwater should keep it at about 5.8 which is sweet!

I'll pop over and check out your thread dude :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Mo! Hows it hangin man? Hey bro I was hoping for some advice on using the cyco nutes..i noticed your drrepair isn't the same as on the bottle recommends...cheers mate
P.s so far I have the bloom,dr repair and silica...


Well-Known Member
Hey man, yeah Dr Repair is just iron and nitrogen, my girl was lacking a bit of green so i upped it slightly to give her the extra nitrogen. I think Flowa runs his at double the recommended dose for most of his grows and doesnt seem to have any negative consequences :)

Nice work on getting the cyco stuff too man, its damn good stuff!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, yeah I did Google before asking the newbie question but I guess the "cyco" part helps alot! Thanks, sounds like good stuff!


Well-Known Member
Cheers mo, not sure if the probs fixed but they sure are happier, perkier...the new growth is usually a light lime green colour..now its consistent dark green colour...the silica should arrive monday...