Dynagro is under-rated as fuck

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Yep, and as a seasoned gardener you'd think I'd learn my lesson by now! Just burned a bunch of tropicals by spraying the leaves with 1 Tbs. of MaxiCrop in 1 gallon of rainwater, surfactant, and a TINY pinch of boric acid. I was just experimenting like I do a lot but in the future will apply MaxiCrop as a soil drench. To be honest with you, I'm still not convinced of the merits of MaxiCrop. Seems to be another snake oil with no real world value.


Tablespoon !!??? A reg drench dose is 1 teaspoon isn't it? I guess it depends on which product you use.............
Sorry to hear that UncleBen.
What do people think of the idea of making a small amount of Pro-tect solution and using it to soak cuttings before applying rooting hormone?

Unrelated "article" about silicic acid (H4SiO4) which is one of the main nutrients in Pro-Tekt and its affects on heat stress. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/10/34/

first of all, grow cannabis isnt science rocket. Im big fan of K.I.S.S., just take cutting and plant into medium without any clones supplement or dome. IMO, you will make more complicated by add Pro Tekt to the cuttings.

BTW I love Dyna Gro stuff for my medicine grow :D

happy gardening.
Ditto. My best clone results (using a sprayer system like this one) and just adding a mild .5 EC to the water is when I get the best results. No B-1 jee wiz shit or Clonex this or that. 100% success rate. Use dyna, AN,GH,Humboldt or any thing else. Just a balanced anything. I used rapidstart after I see roots and the roots did grow faster but the end result after a week either way were the same root mass. Where is the heat stress with clones? Introduce silica after they are vegged out a bit and a bit more robust.
Foliar feeding can definitely be effective, yes as HB and UB stated not always necessary. Foliar feeding is faster way to get nutrients into the plants sometimes, as they absorb the nutes directly into the stomata. Where many foliar feeders fail in in the fact that they forget to spray the undersides of the leaves, where most of the stomata are. If you experience nute lockout in your medium, foliar feeding is a great way to get the plants nutes while you can still fulsh your medium at the same time.
Tablespoon !!??? A reg drench dose is 1 teaspoon isn't it? I guess it depends on which product you use.............

That rate was based on a helluva lot of gardening online research, specifically MaxiCrop. With this stuff, it's really a crap shoot.

IOW, they were doing fine until I decided to mess with them.

A Tablespoon/gal does seem a bit hot for foliar feeding. Typically you want half of a maintenance dose ratio for foliar feeding.

I don't use Maxicrop anymore, but I do generally use some sort of seaweed nutrient. Seaweed has some incredible naturally occurring hormones which can really enhance plant growth. Seaweed in nature grows an average of one linear foot per day. It's great in the compost pile too, especially if you can get it fresh.
I've been playing with Foliage pro lately so if you ask me this same question in 6 months, I may have a different answer.

Since Foliage Pro doesn't have all the same micro elements that Grow has, have you been mixing it with your Grow? Or are you experimenting with replacing the Grow?
Since Foliage Pro doesn't have all the same micro elements that Grow has, have you been mixing it with your Grow? Or are you experimenting with replacing the Grow?

Foliage Pro is still complete, some of the trace elements are found in lesser amounts as compared to grow and don't meet the labeling requirements to be listed. Check out DG's site for a full rundown of the elements in FP.

I'm not trying to replace grow as I really like grow in hydro, I'm just trying to find out what works best in promix.
i'm having a lot better results taking my bloom, gro, foliar, and silica and diluting them with warm/hot water 1:1 ratio, and then storing the excess (in a dark cool, not freezing place) because I think the nutes were mishandled. As i mix them i find salt deposits and such. My only issue with dyna gro is i'm starting up a coco hempy system and know that coco uses up extra cal-mag. Recommended is 1 tsp/gal of cal-mag throughout the grow and I'm looking on the mag-pro bottle and there is no calcium in there. Now i know that the bloom and gro are "complete fertilizers" so i look on the bottles and they both have 2% cal and .5% magnesium . i also use tap water and know cal is in tap water, so my real question is can i get away without going out and buying some cal-mag feed and ditching the mag pro? or what do you guys recommend ?
also if you do coco with dyna gro please post up your nute regime if you have the time!

I'm running cocochips\growstones ebb and flow with dynagrow and protekt. Because of the high CEC of the coco chips and the growstones I use Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus, or my own custom version (skipping the iron) to make sure there is enough Ca and Mg.
I'm running cocochips\growstones ebb and flow with dynagrow and protekt. Because of the high CEC of the coco chips and the growstones I use Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus, or my own custom version (skipping the iron) to make sure there is enough Ca and Mg.
i am currently growing in coco (last 2 grows), with dyna-grow (only nute line i have used other than organic) and have also found that i need to use cal-mag with ro water. i dont seem to have any issues when i use my tapwater. my tapwater is like .8 ec tho so it kind of scares me to use it all the time tho.
maybe because the nutes your using are designed for hydroponic application which is why it performs'better when diluted
That's crazy talk! Try at 50% recommended dosage.

"Crazy talk" you say? Seems like the recommended dosage depends on who you talk to. Actually, according to the following "natural" website, the recommended FOLIAR rate is 1 oz/gal. Just in case you don't get it, 1 oz is 2 TBS. http://www.organic-gardening-shop.com/agorganics/product_details.aspx?productid=67

Listen to the video and then if you have the balls call this moron (Tim) who hawks that it's "safe and natural" and give him a piece of your mind.

I was supposed to get a guaranteed analysis from Maxicrop, never did. Tech did said he was stumped. Right. :spew: I asked about the salts showing him that another product Spray-n-Gro has it's highest salt content in sodium which is very toxic to plants. Well....after doing a bit of research, I think it is the 1% chlorine that did my leaves in.

Which comes back to my philosophy - I don't trust ANY of these "natural" and "organic" preachers/salesmen. You don't really know what you're getting. 9 times out of 10 you're getting a screwjob. That's a given.

i am currently growing in coco (last 2 grows), with dyna-grow (only nute line i have used other than organic) and have also found that i need to use cal-mag with ro water. i dont seem to have any issues when i use my tapwater. my tapwater is like .8 ec tho so it kind of scares me to use it all the time tho.
Because DG is designed for tap...I also use DG and ro so add cal mag plus as well
Ok, I'm going to put in my two cents if you guys don't mind. I've just skimmed the postings after my most recent post, so forgive me if anything I say is redundant.

I wanted to give an update on my foliar feeding with DG Pro-tekt.
I've been doing foliar sprays on my veggies for a good while, and have recently started doing them on my MJ plants.
I've never had an issues before except when they were in a high N soil and I included a dose of fish emulsion in my spray (slight nutrient burn); I lowered the fish emulsion and havn't had any issues. Until now when I added Pro-tekt to the mix. I have noticed several of my leaves have developed yellow spots. I've done some reading on other sites and it seems this is a common issue when using Pro-tekt.

I'm not going to stop using Pro-Tekt yet, but I am definitely going to cut the amount down to 1/4 tsp. I've seen this recommended on this site and others.
Since it is the only new addition to my spray, I figure this must be the culprit. This morning I flushed the plants, just in case, and rinsed off all the leaves very well. Going to leave them alone for a while and just water to let them recover. It is recommended on most nutrient bottles to use a 1/4 of the root drench strength, whild a couple recommend half. I usually use full strength on my solutions that don't add significant NPK to the spray.
I will keep you guys updated if you're interested.

Also, cholrine in small doses is fine and actually good for many plants. I've been using tap water all the way through this grow and have always used it in my veggie garden and havne't noticed a problem. I did an experiment not too long ago and it looked like the tap water plants did much better than the ro water plants.

Edit, I've contacted Dyna-Gro and asked them about the yellowing. Will see what they say. Mostly it's been about nitrogen lock out... which it isn't.
For NietzscheKeen, thread not dead. I am using DynaGro for first time. Two weeks into flower and very happy with it so far vs Fox Farms.
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