Sounds like a nightmare!
The slime showing up after res change is a very common report, and usually, but not always, signals that an additive is the culprit. Calmag has also been blamed to cause slime, but I can not verify since I have never used it. Certainly others use it with no problem. The slime showing up above water first is very odd, and I suspect the constant drip has something to do with that. These are a few of the variables I would try to control for before I replaced everything.
If re-contamination was your problem, then your veg should be affected as well. So either your veg room is an anomaly, or you have a different issue than re-contamination. Something is different between the two areas. Some variable in the environment or the process. I am guessing that since you have been dealing with this for so long you have already tried switching nutes. I found this statement about the florduo: "FloraDuo is a two-part nutrient that’s teeming with diverse and high-quality components, as well as special bio-activators that improve overall plant health and promote nutrient absorption." "Bio-activators" in a slime-prone grow would make me nervous unless I knew exactly what they were. Have you tired using the same formulation you use for bud in a test bucket in your veg room, or vice versa? What happens if you place a bucket in the grow room with just water? Does it form slime?
Nightmare indeed, thanks for taking the time to read my book.
I started the constant drip because when the slime first started showing up (was using Zone at the time for about a year with no issues, same three nutes only Duo A/B and CM+) it was only the stems that were affected. I didn't have any type of top drip system it was a standard plants in netpots and the bursting bubbles from the airstones misted the air gap enough to keep things moist like most peoples DWC systems.... The plants would look great one day,then wilted and dead the next. Upon the first few occurrences, only 1 or 2 plants in the same 8 plant system would die and when I checked them the roots themselves were fine, but when I cut open the net pots and shook away all the hydroton,the stem itself was covered in the slime and black from the outside in, pretty much cutting off the plants access to its own roots causing the overnight wilt and death. I thought this was caused by the solution containing the Zone not getting into the hydroton filled pots enough to reach the stem and prevent it from catching a disease (didn't know about cyanobacteria yet) So i built a drip system that just dripped solution from 1/4" lines into the top of each pot to keep the stem a little moist and keep the Zone running over...this didn't help and the problem just got worse until all 8 plants would die at once and it was then that I learned about CB in this thead. I wanted to continue the top drip system for the same reason as above...I wanted the tea to be constantly touching the stem and air gap roots....since the directions make it a point to pour some tea directly into the crown/net pot so I figured why wouldn't a constant drip of tea containing solution be even better? The two dying plants now have the same stem rot looking problem but I wont know until I get the stones out tommorow to check out the stems and see if they are even worth saving.
The veg being OK perplexes me. I use the same meters, same change water from the same holding barrels, same measuring cups, same batches of tea as what I'm putting in the failing systems,and same nutrients from the same bottles, just a less amount. My veg mix is 1ml/gal Duo A, 3ml/gal Duo B, and 2ml/gal CM+. Flower is the same, just double the amount of Duo A/B. I forgot to mention, my cloner which is a simple 5 gallon bucket with a fountain pump and 360degree sprayer (my macgyver powercloner) that also had slime before, is doing fine with the 1oz/gallon tea you recommend till roots show, then 10ml/gal rhizotonic you also recommend. The whole bucket/pump/sprayer are the same as when it was slimed and all the clones died back when I was using chlorine, but I used the same Physan 20 sterilizing amounts and procedure I used for all the systems so if one things fails they all should and vice versa, or so I thought. This is what makes me think either A. the CB can "live" in the pores of the plastics and my flower systems had a seriously strong case of the slime and it's just living in the plastic still and it's so much that the CB still overcomes the tea or B. Something happens to the plants/roots in the flowering stage that makes them more susceptible to the CB.
Like I said this all started while using Zone without issues for over a year then the stems of a few plants suddenly started rotting in the bottom of the netpot/right above the water line. Added drip system, didn't help. Switched to tea, helped a lot, made plants recover and grow new roots until those too succumbed to the CB, and now the two plants that were doing great suddenly seem to have the stem rot issue again. So frustrating.
Something that might be super important....I started growing RWDC three years ago and always used Aquashield from day 1 since Ive always heard it was a life saver for people battling pythium since way back in the day when it was called hydroguard. During those beginning times I didn't even have a chiller and never had one problem with the roots or plants. The one thing I didn't like was my solution always smelled like a fish tank, the roots weren't bone white like I saw in sterile systems, and my pH would fluctuate a little more than I would have liked, those little things made me want to try sterile solutions, so I switched to Zone, which as I said above worked fine for awhile. During this time I also tried running Physan 20 in the solution with the plants which seemed to work OK but I wasn't sure of it's systemic properties so I stopped. I then found Cultured Solutions "UC Roots" which is hypochlorous acid (pretty much the active ingredient once bleach breaks down) and started using that for awhile until seeing no difference and switching back to zone for cost reasons. This is when I really started seeing the stem rot issues and shit started going downhill.
thinking back, and having the knowledge I do about CB now....I think that my water supply might always have had CB in it but the aquashield since day 1 had kept it away...but then when I switched to Zone and especially when I ran the Physan 20, I might have killed off ALL the residual beneficial bacteria I had, leaving the door open for the Zone/Chlorine resistant slime.
I have aquashield and have been putting 10ml/gal into my tea brew and also adding 10ml/gal in along with the tea, which I read wasn't a problem at all. I'm thinking about just running the aquashield in the new mix if I decide these plants are worth saving. Also Botanicare just released Hydroguard again, which is Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens instead of the regular bacillus subtilus in aquashield. They are still selling both, and the hydroguard costs double what the aquashield does, so I'm thinking maybe that will work even better than the aquashield...or maybe I can even run both? I'm thinking since my super brew of tea didn't worth...a few singled out strains of bacteria wont work either

....i think the mycogrow probably has Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens anyways so maybe it's a lost cause to try just hydroguard and AS.
As another last ditch effort if I want to save these two....while buying all my coco stuff there was a Hydrofarm rep at the store and I was explaining the whole Tea thing to him and he gave me a sample of what is called "Super Organic Stimulator" by Micro-TES systems or looks like just another benny additive in a bottle like the flying skullz Z7, hydroguard/AS, pondzyme etc and says
"SOS contains
19 specialized species of highly concentrated beneficial bacteria that address the challenges facing the hydroponics grower. One species is Bacillus Subtillus B. Subtillus promotes root growth by creating the enzyme, Auxin, a root stimulator. It is highly tolerant to acidic pH, heat and salt.
SOS's other beneficial species of bacteria and enzymes speeds the assimilation of nutrients by the plants (nitrogen, phosphate, potassium and trace minerals), resulting in stronger and faster root, stalk, leaf and flower/fruit development.
SOS reduces fertilizer usage significantly.
SOS also breaks down toxins that may be present in the water and inhibit certain types of root fungus. Also, your hydroponic unit will no longer become salt encrusted. If your hydroponics unit is salt encrusted when you begin using
SOS, fertilization can be suspended while the salt build-up is being converted into bio-available nutrients for your plants"
This sounds like it has enzyme producing stuff that you say causes the slime to get worse so I'm not sure if I should even use it, and it seems to have stuff that aquashield and the tea already have also...just a thought since it was a free sample.
Honestly though if the CB I have survived the Tea brewed perfectly with the proper ingredients and amounts of molasses etc, I think I'm just fucked.
Thanks for reading.