Hey buddy ...... I use Great White premium myco and I just checked that you can order it online! Its a great product that has a bunch of beneficial bacteria and fungi including tricho .... you can use it alone in your res ... or you can brew it (with EWC or even by itself and with only molasses) for 48 hours before applying it to your res. as directed by the man himself in the first page ..... good luck n happy growin broHey great read. im having this issue right now i only have this issue when cloning. i have one issue tho none the these products are sold here in canada.
now i know you aid i can use any other product that contains the listed microbes but my hydro stores literally don't know jack iv been on hone all day asking them if they know a product with these in it and they really cannot answer.
now i know any worm castings will work so i got that but for the other 2 microbes as well as the sugars do you know anything thats sold in Canada i can use.. last time i had this issue i fought it off with h202 and once they rooted i put in soil and about half dies and half lived after the half that even rooted lived.
i think the problem is within one of my 9 strains and rather take 12 months weeding that strain out i would rather fight this in dwc as a clone and then as it gets bigger it seems to just go away can you help with any products you know sold in Canada cuz all i can find is an and you said thats a no no
Hey buddy ...... I use Great White premium myco and I just checked that you can order it online! Its a great product that has a bunch of beneficial bacteria and fungi including tricho .... you can use it alone in your res ... or you can brew it (with EWC or even by itself and with only molasses) for 48 hours before applying it to your res. as directed by the man himself in the first page ..... good luck n happy growin bro
Check out my new QuadStrain grow :
also see you got your seeds from single seed bank aswell byy looks f your seeds i got all mine their as well not a good place i ordered 5 autos only 4 turned auto and some the other regs i got where weak gen iv had like 8 diff straights in dwc healthy roots and everything in veg for 4 months now and only a foot tall water is 21 c light is 400 i wanna give up but i fear it was the start in Rockwell tat fucked em so ima cone them and try a 3nd run and see if they do better if not im switching to crop king and wont use single seed bank again but hope you have better luck with your beans then i did hahaHey buddy ...... I use Great White premium myco and I just checked that you can order it online! Its a great product that has a bunch of beneficial bacteria and fungi including tricho .... you can use it alone in your res ... or you can brew it (with EWC or even by itself and with only molasses) for 48 hours before applying it to your res. as directed by the man himself in the first page ..... good luck n happy growin bro
Check out my new QuadStrain grow :
Thanx for fast reply, and yes i am able to order it and have tried before when i was in soil, They dont let that stuff in Canada its literally banned, we don't have any of the stuff mentioned in this ost for the brew,
i can get my hands on ewc the brands are
Worm Castings Nurturing Nature
way to grow ewc
i can also get molasses provided this is what you can get at wal mart but dose not say its un sulfured so anyone's guess if i can even use that. as for the rest of the beanies i don't know witch ones i need and what i can get them in last thing i want to do is go sped $150 brewing up a sweet tea to kill this brown slim nd end up feeding it because i used the wrong stuff.
im trying to find a place that i can buy this stuff and not get it taken by the border but cant even find any of it online that isnt am arm and a leg before shipping and as of right now these guys are still savable clippings where taken 5 days ago i noticed on the 4th day so last night they had the clear slim on them with brown shit on stems and side res cleaned it all out put fresh water and been using 3ml gallon of bleach to fend off till i can brew some tea. i used h202 last time but it literally did nothing. haha well if you count spilling it on yourself and burning the shit out your hand and staining it white something then it did something just not for plants
Thanks bro .... but as far as TSSC goes, i have been ordering from them for the past 3-4 years and no problems so far. In fact, i had a problem with customs smashing my seeds ..... a quick email to them resulted in a quick order to reship my damaged seeds. Another email to let them know wait wait im out of the country and wont be able to received the seeds when they come ... n baaaam an immediate refund. So not really sure what went wrong in your case dude. I hope ya have better luck (whether with them or with other banks)also see you got your seeds from single seed bank aswell byy looks f your seeds i got all mine their as well not a good place i ordered 5 autos only 4 turned auto and some the other regs i got where weak gen iv had like 8 diff straights in dwc healthy roots and everything in veg for 4 months now and only a foot tall water is 21 c light is 400 i wanna give up but i fear it was the start in Rockwell tat fucked em so ima cone them and try a 3nd run and see if they do better if not im switching to crop king and wont use single seed bank again but hope you have better luck with your beans then i did haha
yes i will admit ssbc has good returns after i made u some b.s about beeing a seed collector and testing the seeds so certain chemicals so i know that their was only 4 autos cuz if i said i germed them they woulda ended it right their but they did send me my money back and i have used them a few times and almost all seeds germed my issue was.SubCulture-M
yes i will admit ssbc has good returns after i made u some b.s about beeing a seed collector and testing the seeds so certain chemicals so i know that their was only 4 autos cuz if i said i germed them they woulda ended it right their but they did send me my money back and i have used them a few times and almost all seeds germed my issue was.
i ordered like 12 seeds and got 2 freebies. in hat i had like 6 autos 5 i bought and one freeb and only 4 of them turned auto i fucked u tho cuz when i germed them i had in marked ice cub tray and on the walk to the room they all splashed into next holes pissed me off so i had them all in same room exe and only 4 where auto.. next issue was iv ordered twice and im not sure if its because im getting stuff like berry bomb and like 5 diff blue berrys and cotton candy exe but they are really small strains and dont smell or taste anything like what you would think in fact while they where growing i could smell the blue berry so bad and all the plants where dope as fuck smelt great chopped em down at about half half for milk and brown tricombs
let it cure first in vacum seal bags letting them out once a day then re vacing them then after about a month threw them in jars to continue... after like to months not i basally threw it all out nice tight buds no mold or anything so i know cure went good but smells like feet no sweet smell just some shitty smell dog shit ass bud but also on my second run same seeds the plants suck like they are barley growing they are small bushy plants except for blue dream bubblegummer cotton candy and on of the freebies Canadian cheese and its all in hydro
room is between 70-80f room air
water is 68-72f
i have a top feed system but i also have air stones in each bucket including the rev..
its 25 gal system i use flora micro and grow and bloom i use ghs rapid start their diamond nectar
veg room is under 400 watt hps i do have mh but to lazy to change the bulb cu its in cool tube my room and my other seedlings from seed don't have the slim
the only time i have ever gotten the slim is when i clone my plants i have my 5 gall bucket of clones next to my 2 other 5 gallon buckets with 4 plants from seed next to each othere only clones have slim and in the same room i have my 8 bucket system and no slim my system is all light tight my 2 5 gal buckets of seedlings is not its a white bucket but have had 0 issues and my clone bucket is half light tight i threw bucket in black garbage bag to kee out light still not 100% cuz of lid and its funny because the one system im having the issues with has the most aeration in it like we are talking better then any hot tub iv ever seen lol
oh and no i dont have acsess to eather of thows the store in my area isThanks bro .... but as far as TSSC goes, i have been ordering from them for the past 3-4 years and no problems so far. In fact, i had a problem with customs smashing my seeds ..... a quick email to them resulted in a quick order to reship my damaged seeds. Another email to let them know wait wait im out of the country and wont be able to received the seeds when they come ... n baaaam an immediate refund. So not really sure what went wrong in your case dude. I hope ya have better luck (whether with them or with other banks)
Now as far as products for brewing the tea go .. if all ya can get your hands on is this ewc, then go ahead and brew yoirbtea with it alone and a teaspoon to a tablespoon of molasses (if ya cant get unsulfured then you're stuck with the sulfured)..... in the future if you ever get some great white or others, then you can adjust the recipe to make it better.
The ewc aline brewed with molasses would work. Affing more products would just make it even more diverse of a population to fight slime.
Now keep in mind that no natter how good and diverse your brew is, if the environment where yoire growing favors slime, the slime will win eventually!.
Make sure theres plenty of oxygenation (strong enough air pump with airstones) of your nutrient solution. Make sure the nutrient temp to stay in the mid to high 60sF without the tea and to stay in the low 70s F with the tea.
Make sure there are jo light leaks and no other organic products going in (other than your tea brewed for 48h)
Hope this helps brother.
Btw do you have general hydroponics products Subculture-B and SubCulture-M?
Check out my new QuadStrain grow :
When a clear snot forms on roots in a DWC, and the normal course of treatment for root disease doesn't work, you probably have something called brown slime algae, which actually isn't algae at all, but a cyanobacteria. It loves oxygen and doesn't need light to grow. It doesn't care if your res is chilled or not. Safe levels of H202 slows it a bit but doesn't cure it. It can show up for DWC growers for no apparent reason even after years of successful grows. Once it shows up it's often a nightmare to get rid of. It WILL eventually spread to other DWC tubs, although it almost never gains a foothold on older well developed healthy plants/roots.
So I finally got around to brewing some of this tea, used EWC, Earth Juice Mycos, Hydroguard, and like 1ml Floralicious plus. I think part of my problem last grow was that I added Floralicious plus to my rez which is... pretty full of organics, think it ended up feeding the invasion along with some other factors.
From what I've been reading, Floralicious Plus should actually be great to the brewing process- has complex organics from sea kelp, humic acids, and an additional bacteria strain Bacillus Subtilis. From what I understand, almost any organics (besides humic/fulvic acid) have no use to your plants until some other biological life breaks them down. Is it probably just a good "rule of thumb" that any organics you may want to run in your rez, you might be better off introducing via microbe tea? You can make a pretty solid bet that the billions of microbes swimming with it will be the ones benefitting the most from its presence, plus allows you to introduce it in that same safe manner, while still giving your plants a trickle feed of fancy amino acids, chelation from humics, and whatnot.
Plus I figure, part of the tea making process we're adding straight up sugar or molasses. That's probably one of the most 'dangerous' things you could add to your rez as far as inviting microbial growth goes. It seems like the tea making is the ideal time to add any organics to the mix (even maybe just humic acid, as i guess it can benefit microbe life too).
So I finally got around to brewing some of this tea, used EWC, Earth Juice Mycos, Hydroguard, and like 1ml Floralicious plus. I think part of my problem last grow was that I added Floralicious plus to my rez which is... pretty full of organics, think it ended up feeding the invasion along with some other factors.
From what I've been reading, Floralicious Plus should actually be great to the brewing process- has complex organics from sea kelp, humic acids, and an additional bacteria strain Bacillus Subtilis. From what I understand, almost any organics (besides humic/fulvic acid) have no use to your plants until some other biological life breaks them down. Is it probably just a good "rule of thumb" that any organics you may want to run in your rez, you might be better off introducing via microbe tea? You can make a pretty solid bet that the billions of microbes swimming with it will be the ones benefitting the most from its presence, plus allows you to introduce it in that same safe manner, while still giving your plants a trickle feed of fancy amino acids, chelation from humics, and whatnot.
Plus I figure, part of the tea making process we're adding straight up sugar or molasses. That's probably one of the most 'dangerous' things you could add to your rez as far as inviting microbial growth goes. It seems like the tea making is the ideal time to add any organics to the mix (even maybe just humic acid, as i guess it can benefit microbe life too).
also if you read up on myco you should be adding that a few hours to the brew before adding cuz if you ad and let sit for 24-48 hours like the rest they are dead because they need plant roots to live go read up on it cuz your pretty much getting no help from myco if your putting it in and brewing for 24 hours or longer
well if you add great white in your brew let you brew mix for 2 days how the thread here say to but dont add great white untill your about to add it to your rez others wise your wasting it and it may aswell not be in their cuz from everything iv read great white the mycow need roots to live and if its in a bucket for more then 2 hours with no roots by the time you add it the myco is dead so even once you mix it in the brew and put in fridge when u go next day to use its dead so best thing to do with great white is lets say you will add a tbs of it to your whole brew dont add it to the brew at all just mix your tea then when tea is done throw your tea in and use 5 ml of the powder right into your rez then the next day when you add your tea throw othere 5 ml into your rez that way your myco are not dieing before you use them and end up wasting like 60 bucks on literally nothing you should go read up on myco and it will tell you pretty much the same thing cuz we are not here to throw money away and receive no benefitsSo I made a new mix of my existing tea, plus just great white- let it sit out for a few hours and put it in the fridge. Used it 2 days ago, my rez smells like a peaceful forest floor now. Awesome. Next brew ill add some great white at the verrry end. It's the most expensive, but damn, i'd hate to think im losing efficiency on it by brewing it =\