DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

Although the slime is a long gone problem for me, I have been dealing with powdery mildew the last few months. I use h202 (3% diluted 50/50) to wash it off the leaves, and I am experimenting with a recipe from Dave of weednerd fame. 0.64 oz of potassium sorbate, 1.5 oz lemon juice and one packet of activated yeast diluted into 32 oz water. That makes a concentration of which one oz is further diluted into 32 oz water. Just mixed it yesterday so nothing to report except that I sprayed a few test plants and they tolerated it fine.

I was using sm-90 for a while. It kills the outbreak and protects plants for 7-10 days, but I feel it slows growth by blocking stomata.

Of course, just like the slime, the most important thing is to correct environmental conditions which encourage PM growth. My PM persists despite humidity levels under 50% and tons of airflow including several HEPA filters equipped with UV light, as well as the addition of silica to my nutes. Once my cycle is done I will empty and sterilize the room and then I plan to treat new plants with a weekly foliage spray of tea.
Is ur powder mildew problem in Veg? Or Flower?
Is ur powder mildew problem in Veg? Or Flower?
I would like to know what Heisenberg thinks about current culture line... I'm using rcdw, have a chiller to stay under 68.. Top of the line AC.. All they have me feeding is UC Roots, VEG A, VEG B, and A product called MycoStop, but it looks like bennies too? Have u heard of MycoStop?
Brother Fishdeth The Original Has Been Modified With New Products. Below Is My Tea Recipe
1 Palm full Ancient Forest
3/4 Teaspoon Black Strap Molasses
1/4 Teaspoon Mykos Water Soluble
1/4 Teaspoon Great White

This Is Per Gallon And Follow The Brewing And Application Instruction On The 1st Page
Thanks Dawg
I believe this will make this next run near perfection!
2 seeds popped yesterday.
Im wondering if i have some of the alternatives to make this tea? I have orca,super organic stimulator, an jus a bit of great white, but i also have some foxfarm soil which has worm castings. Can i use any of this?
Although the slime is a long gone problem for me, I have been dealing with powdery mildew the last few months. I use h202 (3% diluted 50/50) to wash it off the leaves, and I am experimenting with a recipe from Dave of weednerd fame. 0.64 oz of potassium sorbate, 1.5 oz lemon juice and one packet of activated yeast diluted into 32 oz water. That makes a concentration of which one oz is further diluted into 32 oz water. Just mixed it yesterday so nothing to report except that I sprayed a few test plants and they tolerated it fine.

I was using sm-90 for a while. It kills the outbreak and protects plants for 7-10 days, but I feel it slows growth by blocking stomata.

Of course, just like the slime, the most important thing is to correct environmental conditions which encourage PM growth. My PM persists despite humidity levels under 50% and tons of airflow including several HEPA filters equipped with UV light, as well as the addition of silica to my nutes. Once my cycle is done I will empty and sterilize the room and then I plan to treat new plants with a weekly foliage spray of tea.

Hey Heis. I also deal with PM now. I just got my first outbreak last year, which is strange since the conditions of my op have been identical to previous, PM free years. I've dealt with all types of fungus issues, too. My current secret weapon is Actinovate, it is a bacteria that eats plants fungi, mildew, etc.. It is expensive, but if you buy the larger pack for about $90, it should last you for years. You simply mix with chlorine-free water and spray. I hit all my ladies about every 10 days, and no bud rot, PM, or other fungi problems. Be sure to clean out your spray bottle immediately or it will stink like you would not believe...
Hey all and of course the master of this thread.
I have been reading through the whole thing and on the first page heisenberg sets up a link to direct you to his ewc tea and cloning. That link is busted or things got mixed around because I can't find it anywhere. Anyone know what page it's on or can repost for anyone else that might be wondering this. Thanks a bunch for all of this insanely useful knowledge.
Stay stoned
Well it appears the reason I can't message anyone is because I'm not an active member, I've just been a lurker for years. I signed up to look at all of the pretty pictures.
I am running a perpetual grow, really I'm just starting it up, ready to harvest in a couple of days and two of my three ladies are prime specimens to try and reveg for my perpetual needs. I made the mistake of not taking clones at the beginning. I have some more that are presexing now and will be going into the flower tent as soon as my lovely ladies come out in a couple of days. That way I will have some more ready to go in a couple of months while I wait for my two prize strains to reveg and hopefully get some cuttings. The ones that are presexing are what brought me to this thread. They got a mild case of slime and sm90 didn't do it neither did h2o2 baths and I was tired of spending money on nothing, after reading this and all of the great recovery stories, my first inoculation was yesterday. So I am on my way to recovery as well, hopefully, haven't checked on them today.
Anyways, back to my original idea for this post
I have two strains that both have amazing phenotypes.
1 is mk ultra which looks to be a high yielder and reminds me of the mk I used to regularly get a few years back and the other is some bag seed that supposedly came from bubblicious or bubblegum. I can't remember because most dealers make up strain names but this time I think he was telling the truth, it smells of pink bubblegum or big league chew. It's amazing and also looks to be a good yielder, now that I know how it will react to training. I've read up on it and this is supposedly a rarer pheno of the bubblegum, since it's displaying some purple leaves and some pinkish hairs and has that famous bubblegum smell.
So. Has anyone ever tried revegging and has had success using this tea? It makes sense that it would work being that it enhances root growth rates and all of the other good stuff this tea has to offer.
I'm really wanting to have success with revegging these two or my plans for a perpetual will go to shit and I'll have to start all over, I don't have access to seeds and definitely don't have access to clones and this was my last mk seed.
So I really have two questions that I haven't seen any info on, using the ewc tea in a bubble cloner and for revegging.
I have read all about revegging and my original thought was going to be, cutting most flower off leaving a few smaller buds with some fan leaves and what not, trimming back the roots, stabilizing them with a h2o2 bath and then into a dwc bucket with 1/4 strength veg nutes and some sort of root growing nute, I forgot which one I have, but now I'm thinking I should be able to get away with not using the h2o2 and just use the tea for the first couple of days and then giving them a mild solution of veg nutes. I use the supernatural's line of nutrients because of the ease of it and I've had a lot of success with them.
So any help would be much appreciated. Sorry for the long rant but I just smoked some of the finger hash I got from harvesting one of the ladies I didn't wish to reveg.
Thanks and stay stoned
What are some cheap alternatives to the hydroguard, i went to the hydro store yesterday to price the ingredients for the mix an that was the most expensive on the list everything else wasnt bad. Hydroguard 1qt is $31, Great White 1oz $13.95, Ancient forest .5 cu $17.50 I have to look it up but the guy also put something on the list called Oregonism XL 1.8 oz $11.95 i dont know what its for or what it replaces on this list but if anyone can give me an alt for Hydroguard that would be cool?

My bad i found my answer!
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What are some cheap alternatives to the hydroguard, i went to the hydro store yesterday to price the ingredients for the mix an that was the most expensive on the list everything else wasnt bad. Hydroguard 1qt is $31, Great White 1oz $13.95, Ancient forest .5 cu $17.50 I have to look it up but the guy also put something on the list called Oregonism XL 1.8 oz $11.95 i dont know what its for or what it replaces on this list but if anyone can give me an alt for Hydroguard that would be cool?

My bad i found my answer!
I brew with only great white and EWC. And sometimes just with great white. Since I started using bennies, no problems and my roots are eplossive in growth.

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Hello Heisenberg, you have no doubt received this question many times before, but in making this tea, if I am to substitute the initial three ingredients for Mycogrow and some kind of EWC, what ratio do I mix this in, and what ratio do I add to my res in? I would greatly appreciate an answer as fast as possible, as I think this is my issue and I need to solve it fast.