DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

You Are Correct Brother SelfMade.Anything That Ends With Zyme Has The Potential To Cause The Slime So Dont Take The Chance.I Also Use the Tea As Prevention Measure.I Use The Fomula On The First Page With The Same Nutes As Heiss Uses With Great Sucess.

Now Whats More Impressive Is Your 1st Post On This Site Is In A Reseach Thread = REPS.
So when treating for the slime what is the proper res maintenance required?
How soon should I change the res after I first inoculate?
Will a 1 cup tea to 1 gallon of water only be used the first time? Then a 1cup to 10 gallon is always used after or do you always start a new res with 1 cup per gallon?

Do you sterilize or clean out your buckets every couple weeks after using the tea?
Do your ever periodically sterilize your roots once all is going good?

Also how do you clean or sanitize your buckets and tubing? Bleach? Alcohol? Dish soap? Physan 20?

Should I boil my air stones?

Thanks, this shit keeps coming back each week it's crazy. Using gw, af,aq shield, botanicare molasses.
Oh ya I'm using gh 3 part and pro tekt with tea and it comes back weekly. I can pull funk off my air lines after 3 days of using the tea in a super (bleach) or alcohol cleaned system. Wtf? Res temps low to mid 70s. I don't use my chiller cuz the bennies. I just got physan 20. Should I disinfect with that first? Been using h202 to sterilize plants befor innoc. Keep getting se results
So when treating for the slime what is the proper res maintenance required?
How soon should I change the res after I first inoculate?
Will a 1 cup tea to 1 gallon of water only be used the first time? Then a 1cup to 10 gallon is always used after or do you always start a new res with 1 cup per gallon?

Do you sterilize or clean out your buckets every couple weeks after using the tea?
Do your ever periodically sterilize your roots once all is going good?

Also how do you clean or sanitize your buckets and tubing? Bleach? Alcohol? Dish soap? Physan 20?

Should I boil my air stones?

Thanks, this shit keeps coming back each week it's crazy. Using gw, af,aq shield, botanicare molasses.

Brother I Highly Suggest Re-Reading The First 100 Pgs Of this Thread.I Know I Missed alot Of Great Advice The 1st Time Around.Now I Do Sterilize My Res 1 A Week With Bleach.Now Sounds like You Have A Bad Case Of Slime.I Would Up my Inital Innouclation To 2 Cups Per Gallon Then Refresh Your Res Every 3 Days With 1 Cup Per Gallon And Get New Airstones.Hope This helps Ya Out And Re-Read This Thread And You Will Whip Your Slime problem
Thanks man. Ya it's been a bitch. You know anything about how to properly use physan 20
To disinfect roots and or equipment? The bottle seems to contradict what i remember reading
You Are Correct Brother SelfMade.Anything That Ends With Zyme Has The Potential To Cause The Slime So Dont Take The Chance.I Also Use the Tea As Prevention Measure.I Use The Fomula On The First Page With The Same Nutes As Heiss Uses With Great Sucess.

Now Whats More Impressive Is Your 1st Post On This Site Is In A Reseach Thread = REPS.

Thanks dawg.. Have been running tea all week, and for the first time. So far so good. I have a retired botanist that is going to help explain to me, in layman's terms, the relationship between enzymes and beneficial bacteria and fungi. Heis said in the first page of this forum that enzymes are basically what you get from the the tea, but with no tea. I am just trying to better understand this.
Thanks again for all the great info!!
Ya? Did you have similar problems? How often are you doing res changes now?

7-10 days in flower and 2 week in vegg. I was had root rot for year! bad bad harvest with dwc. Thank to hes tea everything r looking better. I use a 100g reservoir and use that for my dwc. recently i started adding wet betty .5 ml per gal. looking good so far.

things are going so much better with round 2 and Heisenberg tea and no enzymes- I also switched to green planet nutes- it included a root booster which is a tea- should i skip this as i am Heisenberging it???
Also wondering if I have to replace my air stones? Or if I can boil or disinfect them and reuse them?

I soak mine in h202 to help dislodge any tiny debris, then I boil them for 10 min or so. I get 2-3 runs out of each stone. With hydroton I rinse it and then bake it in the oven at 450 for 20 minutes.
I am still not sure if adding an enzyme product to either the tea or the Rez itself is a good idea or not.

There is no need. Enzymes are for breaking down organic material. You should not be adding anything organic, and the bennies will take care of the root exudes.
Thanks heis. Are you only doing two or 3 rounds with your stones cuZ they start to deteriorate or cuz the chance of contamination?
Should I rid the plant of the infected roots? Also I noticed when depotting some
Plants that I have given up on. no air so no water splashing. When I pulled them I saw new fuzzy roots coming from the core of the rootball and stem. All the other roots had died or dryed from no water.

What are your thoughts about letting the pots dry for a day or two? I know it sounds risky. im just posting what I saw. I checked several. They were sitting out of the light off to the side and temps are lower 70's. the root cube was moist but the hydroton rocks were not. I haven't seen any new root growth anywhere else! Only on these deep parts around the rooting cube I originally used to clone them in.
Should I expect the plants I'm treating have the same roots? Or is it just the ones that dried out? I may have to sacrifice one to find out...
So it looks like drying out the pots has shown some benefits in regards to root growth. Could I be overwatering in dwc? Is that possible? I was keeping my water level about a half inch to a inch below the pots. The pots were pretty soaked through out. Maybe ill start a new thread. Sorry guys
I just switched over to flower and added the tea to the res. I will be adding nutes tomorrow morning. I bought a green planet take it and go package. For flowering it includes liquid w8. I have researched everything I am putting in my res and liquid w8 claims to contain organic enzymes. I assume I should not use this?
Hey Heis, What is your thought on brewing your tea with a panty sock filled with 2cup of hydroton? Im current brewing 4 gal. I had done it once. after brewing tea pour tea and the socks of hydroton into my res also. I left hydoton in res and notice brownish stuff growing around the sock. I havent done that after that experience. also that brown stuff was growing on root also. what color are the bennies?