Dunk your spawn in water before spawning to bulk


Well-Known Member
Hi all

Mycelium loves water in right amounts. Especially if the substrate it is colonizing can retain moisture and release it slowly like grain. When growing cubes in a monotub all the required moisture should be present in the substrate however the spawn has probably been sitting on an incubator or a shelf for at least a week posterior to whatever kind of inoculation. During colonization monisture is lost and or a bit evaporated from the grain. Once all the grain is colonized if it is to be rehydrated it will colonize in bulk much faster but also grow bigger and stalkier fruits and provide a heavier second flush.
All of those of you who are going to say no you will induce contaminants into the spawn by rehydrating you are wrong. Once a grain jar is fully colonized and the substrate it is to be put at is properly pausteurized it is very hard to get contaminants during the first and even second flush (if you dont cut corners being sterile).

How to do it:

I do 6 quarts of spawn per a 66 liter tub. I break the spawn jars and toss them into a plastic bucket ive cleaned with iso (no need to clean with iso i ust sleep better at night if i do). I then pour a lot of cold RO water that i have boiled (again it could just be water straight from the tap) soak the grain for about 10 min and then strain it with a big colander. You might see small pieces of mycelium in the water, dont worry its pretty much nothing trust. Once well drained just pour into the tub and mix with substrate and most likely it will colonize twice as fast and will guarantee you an at LEAST 6 oz 1st flush from a tub done this way, whatever substrate you choose.

Again do not be afraid of contaminations once your spawn is 100% colonized. This is a ridiculously easy step in comparison to how much it will benefit the final result. If anyone feels adventurous enough to give it a try please report back with your awe!