Dude wtf is my car.....?

Shit I always forget my wallet. Hate that shit. Get all the way where I need to be and "fuck I forgot my wallet"

Only time I hear that I'm a pothead.

Also one time the biggest derp was when I dropped the popcorn and cherry coke . Both full movie hadn't even started.

But it was my wife's fault. Technically mine but I had just pounded an edible so when she said "hold this " I thought I closed my grip.

And I didn't know if she meant hold the soda or the popcorn so I just derpped the fuck out.

She was pisssssed
Shit I always forget my wallet. Hate that shit. Get all the way where I need to be and "fuck I forgot my wallet"

Only time I hear that I'm a pothead.

Also one time the biggest derp was when I dropped the popcorn and cherry coke . Both full movie hadn't even started.

But it was my wife's fault. Technically mine but I had just pounded an edible so when she said "hold this " I thought I closed my grip.

And I didn't know if she meant hold the soda or the popcorn so I just derpped the fuck out.

She was pisssssed
Hilarious! That stuff you dropped probably cost twenty bucks to replace.
What sucks is wen you run into women that find married men as a challenge. So no means yes, means maybe means no back to yes.

I've got a couple of cool gals that will find ways to toss in very subtle invite in a convo - they know I'm not gonna go for it, but they're dedicated.
I kinda like the attention, but then again I'll always turn down the goodies.
I've got a very pretty girl & she trust's me - I won't let her down..
I've got a couple of cool gals that will find ways to toss in very subtle invite in a convo - they know I'm not gonna go for it, but they're dedicated.
I kinda like the attention, but then again I'll always turn down the goodies.
I've got a very pretty girl & she trust's me - I won't let her down..
your a good man. If i had a vagina id offer you my goodies.
My mangina is only for @ebgood . Its funny how many times i was asked if i was a woman since i showed back up. Mainliner of course asked me. :wall:

I think mainliner is gay. He has expressly admitted it to me. His avatar clearly shows support for the LGBT community. I say kudos to mainliner for being so open about his homosexuality!
Have you ever locked your car while its running with the keys in the ignition? That sucks too.
Damn that would suck. Reminds me of the time I made the narcs at my highschool chase me. The main narc left her keys in the ignition with the car running.

She made me get them out too...bongsmilie