Duchies Little Big Top. Under the 600!


Well-Known Member
mmm basil :clap::leaf:
Thanks Sometimes, Welcome. Glad you like my basil. I've been topping her like crazy. I probably half 1/4oz of dried off her already and she's ready for another. Really good and cheap way to practice topping and gauge your grow against. And, like I told a friend here, I think it makes my tent smell like a smoker sometimes. Especially when I'm letting in cool outdoor air from the cracked widow right behind my tent.

Thanks for popping by.


Well-Known Member
Ok folks, I really want to get on with the new Sannies stuff I've got going, mostly because I'd like show my very generous fairy how well his offspring are being fostered in my home. I'm sure he thinks of them. But first I just want to wrap up with the Princess C seeds I started and show you where they're at today. Before I do I'd like to make something clear. In no way, because I let 3 strapping males have their way with a poor defenseless hermied lass, do I constitute this as breeding, really. I did it because the opportunity was there, I had the time in the tent while I waited for upcoming stuff. Who knows what I'll get out of all this, but the experience alone was worth it. Now the Jackhammer X Jackhammer was all planned and executed from the start, so when I harvest, dry, and successfully germ that first seed, then I will say I have successfully bred my first seed.

First WYDJ 1. She, and yes that is CONFIRMED!, is now been 12/12 for 21 days now and vegged for only 12 days. Real slow starter, taking 5 or 6 days to germ. This yellow thing has been since she was a seedling with the first two single leaves just popping out like that. Not expecting much from her but I'm curious to see how the other flowers will turn out. I'm going to grow it aux natural to see it's plant structure, then I might use it to practice Supercropping. Anyway, I think she's cool.
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Well-Known Member
And finally, here is WYDJ 2. This one I'm impressed with so far. I planted it alongside all the Sannies stuff, which you'll see here soon, and it's neck in neck with them. Big green healthy leaves, nice tight nodes with really vigorous shoots coming them already. Can't wait to start seeing the newer leaves form and then I'm really looking forward to getting a good idea of her scent. Then I think I'll know better what/who she's made of. By the way, Sannie gave me a great tip one day. He told me in order to get a good idea of a plants smell you rub the stems. The first time I did it I was blown away.
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Well-Known Member
This is the shot I was looking for. Until I get my Canon back I'm stuck with my camera phone, so good clear shots are harder. What the hell, it's my fricking thread anyway, right?

2011-03-11 20.09.49.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well here we go. Mr Fairy Man...these buds (to be) for you.

Extremas were up in less than 36 hrs, right along with everyone else. They vegged for 7 days then went 12/12 under the cfl's in my tent. One is confirmed male and another is 99%. Only inexperience makes me reluctant to call it. Both have be pulled out and placed back in my veg bin. I will set up a small flower site with a couple of CFL's for them to mature for pollen, in the next couple of days. I'm just gonna step up the pot 1 or 2 steps because I won't need much to get what I need from these guys. They seem fairly close so far with one having tighter nodes. Now I only need 1 good girl, 2 would be nice, but I only need one. C'mooooooooon Huney!
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Well-Known Member
So here we have Cheeseberry Haze 1 and 2. The first one was planted with the Extrema's. The second one 9 days later to replace 1 CBH seed that didn't germ. Looks like I have a couple of different phenos here. I'm really liking this plant. One of them has a lighter, velvetier green to it. These girls should be feminists, I believe I was told.

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Well-Known Member
OK, this will wrap it up for my Sannies gear. My last two Jack Hammer seeds. From Sannie anyway, hehehe! Anyway, again I'm looking at a green and purple pheno, with the purple have more sativa, or so it seems so far. We'll see if I get a lady or two, how different they'll be from Queen Jackie.

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Well-Known Member
So here we have Cheeseberry Haze 1 and 2. The first one was planted with the Extrema's. The second one 9 days later to replace 1 CBH seed that didn't germ. Looks like I have a couple of different phenos here. I'm really liking this plant. One of them has a lighter, velvetier green to it. These girls should be feminists, I believe I was told.

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Yes indeed im watching this CBH real close im sure i'll pick up some tips along the way mine are 8 days now i think..Yours look fantastic so far and i can see the pheno variation color wise and a slight leaf difference but both look nice...Peace


Well-Known Member
Yes indeed im watching this CBH real close im sure i'll pick up some tips along the way mine are 8 days now i think..Yours look fantastic so far and i can see the pheno variation color wise and a slight leaf difference but both look nice...Peace
That's excellent, glad to have you. I'm looking forward to growing something I can compare with someone else, other than White Widows, because nobody seems too interested in growing a 14 week flowering plant. :lol: Have you been by the Open Grow site yet? This is the Sannies Corner part of the forum. http://https://www.opengrow.com/index.php?showforum=14.



Well-Known Member
That's excellent, glad to have you. I'm looking forward to growing something I can compare with someone else, other than White Widows, because nobody seems too interested in growing a 14 week flowering plant. :lol: Have you been by the Open Grow site yet? This is the Sannies Corner part of the forum. http://https://www.opengrow.com/index.php?showforum=14.

Thanks for the welcome, and no i have yet to drop by that thread but i will for sure.Wow! 14 weeks what the hell did i get myself into i thought it was 11 weeks fron sannies? oh well i already have a long one going with my Royal haze she looks like she may take about 12 weeks..But my Grapefruit x Purple Kush is just about finish take a look and let me know how long you think she has..Peace


Well-Known Member
Sorry, didn't mean to confuse you, I was talking about my Jack Hammer being 14 weeks, and I have nobody else growing it to compare it to so I'm out on ny own with this one, but the extrema and cheeseberry haze is a lot more popular.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, didn't mean to confuse you, I was talking about my Jack Hammer being 14 weeks, and I have nobody else growing it to compare it to so I'm out on ny own with this one, but the extrema and cheeseberry haze is a lot more popular.
Good to here that it caught my attention just from the name..


Well-Known Member
Who Dat! Your too kind man, I can't keep up either. I was looking at my join date the other day and realized it was only a couple of weeks before that that I planted my first two seed, which ended up males, my frickin luck! Anyway, I can't believe where I'm at now and all the things I've run into and experienced already. Some of them some pretty wicked and cool things. You know whodat I was by your thread the other day, just real quick like, but you really have it dialed in there and I'm hoping to be pulling off some bud like that real soon. Speaking of, two of my Widows are finishing up, day 54 I think, so about another week or so I think, and then this will be my first real harvest of real genetics. Not really the strain I wanted to be the first but hey I'll take it.

Speaking of fine genetics, I have a surprise up and comer her with The Purp. This is the one that had the botched top and grew all funky. Well the bitch is green and healthy as hell with a nice tight and stout indica structure with real nice vegging going on at the nodes. She's also starting to crystal up nice, even better than my Widows and I expected them to be real frosty, and this Purp has a real nice piney smell with something else in the background I cant quite makeout yet but it's real nice. Anyway, I decide to take away her innocence and painted a couple of her lower buds with the juice of the manly Jack Hammer A. What the hell eh?

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Notice the tiny stub sticking out on the lower right side of the stem, near the soil. That is the nub from the cut when I topped it. I have to dig back in photos to get an earlier shot of when I topped it.

Jack Hammer X The Purp, on the way. Or is it The Purp X Jackhammer. I really have to get back to class now I think.




Well-Known Member
BC man, you know I got your message and I'm stoked and looking forward to using them.

Well finally, the women have gone to bed early, I've got a head start on the bong and I'm ready to rock the update. I've really got no idea where to start though so I'm just gonna do a run down with pics to follow.

White Widow A and B.
These girls were harvested bit by bit, starting a bit early and then finishing off. I think they could have gone another week maybe but again, I'm done putting out coin if I don't have to. Not a problem though because even though they were young, they were tasty and gave me what I needed. I was very pleased for my first real genetics done and smoked. It most definitely rivals anything I've been smoking in a long time and has flavor flavor to spare. I mean they are yummy. B was always my favorite. She was more indica dominant in structure with much more trichs, and her smell is incredible. Sweet piney scent is the best I can describe it. Her high is really nice too with a real heavy cerebral in the back of the head almost making it feel wobbly. Kinda like a Bobble Head :lol: A was nice too with more sativa traits in her. She was a lighter green with lighter buds, not as dense as B's. Her smell was also a nice piney smell just not as sweet and not the "oh my god I cant get enough of that" that B is. There's tastes also come through well too. I'm finding myself trying not to refer to them in the past tense but sadly it's becoming the truth and I did not keep a clone of either. But I did fail to mention, the pot head I am, that off the top of the very first bud I cut from B I scored a seed! They are from fem seed so she could have hermied, though I seen no sign of that, or she make have caught a bit of Jack Hammer, but the seed is very similar to the original WW's. The gift that keeps on giving. By the way, I didn't monitor weight, I'm not anywhere near being concerned with that, if ever, but I figure I netted about 2 to 3 zips combined.

Upcoming, the next two Widows, from the same batch of fem seed, will be done in the next two weeks and they have they're own little personality coming out. It really is blowing me away. I've always been a bit of a connoisseur type with foods and wines, cooking and all the smells and tastes involved. I love European beers cause they just kick North American beers asses with flavors and smells. But I must say I hate the word connoisseur and how stuck up it sounds. Anyway, this experience has just open up a whole new whack of doors. Because of that I don't know if I would ever run just a strain or two and don't see much need for too much cloning. I'd rather take advantage of the males and make seed. Of course the odd cut from exceptional plants will be nice but I thinks it's too soon for me to really know what exceptional is. Funny how I sound like a newbie smoker, but in a way I kind of am, again. Kinda reborn you could say.

I didn't get many pics of A and B but I will dig up what I got and get them up. I'm gonna take a quick break, cough, cough, and get back to post some Widow pics and get on with the next act.


Well-Known Member
Alright, picked some cool pics of the upcoming Widows, as promised. They are at day 56 today.

One of the only shots of the originals. Just got tired of crappy shots from my phone so I stopped taking them.


My day at the Sally Ann (Salvation Army Thrift store) Microwave bunt loaf pan $.99, now my vegger/cloner. And then there's my hurricane glasses. Working on a DIY idea.

So I guess your wondering what's in the bunt pan? Well I almost forgot to tell you. There are 4 Herijuana, to make up for the 4 I just badly burnt along with 2 Purps, so I planted the last 3 of those. The eighth one is a bagseed from some gear I've been smoking for a while. This is the first one to be come across, that we know, out of quite a bit of it, all clones, outdoor grown. If I were to guess by the smell of it I would have to think it's a Cheese strain, even though I wouldn't know a Cheese strain if it ran me over, it just sure smells like frumunda.

Whew. Break Time!