Duchies Little Big Top. Under the 600!


Well-Known Member
Thank you old man, and thanks for popping by. ;) Don't get to eager though, I can be quite a procrastinator and this thread is a little out of date. The other problem is that I'm such a photo nut that by the time I weed through them, no pun intended, my girls bud up even better, so I grab a bunch of newer shots, then I start a couple more seeds, then back to the flowers, so....here I am. Anyway, you've come at a good time because the house has gone to bed and I'm all set up to do what I like best, put on some good tunes (headphones and lights out for ultimate ambiance), smoke a bowl or two and chill here on RIU with my friends. Maybe even stay up and watch the guys over the pond get up. So, off to set the mood and select some pics and I'll get started. Lot's of work ahead but it benefits me with keeping track and gives back to the community. Win, win for a little time.


Well-Known Member
So you are a multitasker, lol i gues im kind of guilty as well..still sub'd you cant get rid of me that easy...lol Peace
I wouldn't say I'm a multitasker as much as I can't focus on one thing too long, so while I do multiple tasks, I can't seem to be able to do any together.


Well-Known Member
Well duchie i have to say your grow is looking pretty good buddy!

Im sub'd and not catched up yet but will cont. Later on tonight. Plus rep.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys. Had to go back and review a little myself to figure where I left off and where to pick up again. I'll break up the post and categorize them a bit. I'll start with my flowering ladies but first, I want to finish up what happened to Princess C and her romp with the 3 Jack Hammers, and what came of all that Jazz. While I set that up here's a couple of group shots from a couple of days ago. A little perspective I guess.

2011-02-22 20.17.32.jpg2011-03-06 10.20.36.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yes, she had many. Out of them I selected my first round by bare eye only and put the rest away. Again, I have no clue who the father is, could be any of three or, she could have bred herself, or, all of the above. For this reason I've given these seeds the name WYDJ. Whooze yur daddy Jaki? At least for now.
IMG_3618.jpg2011-02-25 15.03.26.jpg2011-02-25 14.57.23.jpg

Have I planted any yet, you ask? Well how could I resist??? I've planted two, a couple of weeks apart, and the results are a bit interesting. Coming up next.


Well-Known Member
WYDJ 1 early on. Right from a seedling she's been like this coming out yellow and greening up later.
2011-02-22 20.23.11.jpg

The other day.
2011-03-06 10.30.55.jpg

Then a couple of weeks later I plant #2, another plump dark seed with gold stripes, similar to bagseed moms seed if I recall right. Nothing what the Jack Hammer seeds look like. They resemble more of the majority of the seed I got. Now this one is doing great with nice tight nodes so far. Where the rounded edged leaves came from I haven't a clue, haven't seen it on any of the three Princesses, which she was pretty sativa dom too, and definitely not in any of the JH's
2011-03-06 10.30.44.jpg2011-03-06 10.33.07.jpg2011-03-09 13.10.00.jpg2011-03-09 13.09.21.jpg2011-03-06 10.30.24.jpg

Would like to finish noting that number 1 has been slow from the start taking 6 days to show herself and is still way behind The Purp that I planted alongside it. Meanwhile #2 was out in 3 days along with the Cheeseberry Haze and the Extrema, and is pacing them well. Loving it.


Well-Known Member
Ok, well I have to hit the hay so I'll just pop a couple of random pics up and take off tomorrow from here. Amigo's take care.
2011-03-09 12.53.31.jpg2011-03-09 12.14.00.jpg2011-03-09 11.57.02.jpg2011-03-09 12.25.41.jpg
2011-03-09 12.23.57.jpg

:peace: Duchie


Well-Known Member
Well duchie i have to say your grow is looking pretty good buddy!

Im sub'd and not catched up yet but will cont. Later on tonight. Plus rep.
HotPhyre, thank you very much man. Appreciate you taking the time. Plus rep for stopping by!


Well-Known Member
I like the sign "No boys allowed" just to reinforce the rule, lol.

Looking good, WYDJ seeds look like they should be some fun ones to grow, gonna have a lot of variation there.


Well-Known Member
I like the sign "No boys allowed" just to reinforce the rule, lol.

Looking good, WYDJ seeds look like they should be some fun ones to grow, gonna have a lot of variation there.
That's a funny story, at least to me anyway, but I was getting a little tired of all the males I was getting, yet I'm still not a fan of feminized seed's, they take the fun out of it and only make's 1 guy a bunch of money. Like a disposable lighter. Oh I know you can clone, but in my short time doing this I've figured that other than the odd cut here and there, I don't see myself doing a lot of cloning. There's just too much out there to experience, and I'm just a little guy. Now if I get "The" plant, then I may run a mom, two at the most, but pretty small I'd have to keep them. Got nobody to share with around here. Anyway I won these feminized seeds, mention earlier here, and by then I had my first female Jack Hammer. Well I stuck those two feminist sentries right up front like a couple of Suffragettes. "Do not touch this meek child, you filthy apes!"

A seed is just a well wrapped and stored clone, to be used whenever you like. And there's nothing wrong with being a little different, IMO.


Well-Known Member
I love learning about weed, and im sure u will teach me lots..
I'm having a blast with it too HP but all I'm doing is sharing what I'm learning by displaying and journaling it here, hoping to spark conversation with others, like yourself. As far as the teachers here, well there a many, many others better than me and I'd like them to join the party too, and some already have. Whoo hoo!


Well-Known Member
Yes, she had many. Out of them I selected my first round by bare eye only and put the rest away. Again, I have no clue who the father is, could be any of three or, she could have bred herself, or, all of the above. For this reason I've given these seeds the name WYDJ. Whooze yur daddy Jaki? At least for now.
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That is bleeping classic, how could anyone ever resist a 1/8 of whooze yur daddy jaki? great man love that
Have I planted any yet, you ask? Well how could I resist??? I've planted two, a couple of weeks apart, and the results are a bit interesting. Coming up next.
always keep somethig in the oven and on the ready..


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, how's it going today. I'm doing pretty good myself, thanks. I just wanted to do a couple of copy pastes from some posts I did on the 600 and Breeders Showcase. I just want to make sure they get posted here in my journal to share with whoever stops by. This first one has to do with one of my White Widows that broke is branch off right at the stock, just hanging by a thread, so I played Dr. Duchie on it and heres the before and after.

Originally Posted by Heads Up

Fantastic stuff guys, a tip of the hat is in order. I started tying down a couple of my plants. I had the blackjack so tight that when I tried to take the leading tip and bend it in another direction, I snapped the main stem almost completely through, I would guestimate a ninety percent break. I taped it with blue painters tape and she looks like she is going to lose her head. I'm feeling rather lucky these days so I think I'm going to put my jesus shoes on, walk on water and go heal her. I'm expecting a remarkable recovery in a week. Right now, the prognosis does not look good.

Beautiful buds guys, I'm getting itchy to flip mine to 12/12 but I think I'm going to wait one more week.

I've done it twice now with my widows and I splinted them together and kept spraying the joint, and I was 90 percent on both as well, and they didn't even hiccup. Last shot is side by side with her sister. She was tied down just like her but because of the break I had to let her loose.

If you love them then they are very forgiving.

There you go. I have another example where I broke both sides and repaired her, you'll see that when I present The Twisted Sisters.


Well-Known Member
Now this copy and paste is from a post I did on the 600 BS (breeding showcase). This is from Jack B. Very similar to Jack A but younger. I still have pollen from Jack A, and he was a brute!

G'day gents. I've had my male Jackhammer hanging for about a week or so and while waiting I came up with an idea to collect the pollen that I decided to try. Of course I grabbed my camera and shot step by step. It might even be old news, don't know, but here it is.

When making the cone, work it so the tip is small and tight as possible and apply the tape at the bottom, this makes it easier to work the top of the cone to the right size you need, then tape the top. Finally tape the tip for now.

I trimmed the heavy stock on top so I could fold the top.

Shake it up anyway you want it, I prefer to march to my own beat. I'll put one of mine at the end.

I'm letting the rest stay in the paper cone to dry a bit more and try again later, with some other bits I have in a bowl. I was going to put some rice in the vial, a trick I learned in the restaurant biz with salt shakers, but I wasn't sure so I didn't.

Tell me what you think please guys.
