Dubious Greenhouse Grow

The greenhouse is starting to get smelly! Some of the plants smell sweet and I'm lovin it, while others smell like cheap schwag. Visually, they all look great, but I don't know if smell is any indicator of the quality of bud during flowering.

Is there any correlation to quality and smell during the flowering stage? Do the smells change significantly from flowering to curing? Just curious if the fems the smell nasty will improve over the next month, thanks peoples.

you never can tell IMO... After you dry for 7-10 days and then jar for 2-4 weeks... things can improve alot...
hey dubious, thought id take a look at your grow since you were still with mine, your plants are lookin great and great camera skills alot of peoples picks on here are so shity, and thats cool you decided to lst. LST is always a good thing in my opinion it greatly increases yeild if done right and creates alot of new tops with very lil stress, if you want you can check out my LST thread in the link in my sig, its all about LST and has some good info and alot of pics, if you feel up to it come by and post a few of your girls.
and im subbd for the rest of the grow
hey dubious, thought id take a look at your grow since you were still with mine, your plants are lookin great and great camera skills alot of peoples picks on here are so shity, and thats cool you decided to lst. LST is always a good thing in my opinion it greatly increases yeild if done right and creates alot of new tops with very lil stress, if you want you can check out my LST thread in the link in my sig, its all about LST and has some good info and alot of pics, if you feel up to it come by and post a few of your girls.
and im subbd for the rest of the grow

Thanks MC. I really enjoy taking pics of the fems-- especially macro shots. Even with all the research I did before this grow, I've definitely already learned a lot through experience. Happy growing.
I've got some pics of the males through their development, but I chopped them down a while ago. I pretty was paranoid about them pollinating the girls.
oh ok i thought you were growing them they are not really usefull unless you are making seeds its good you tossed them
Yeah man, I still have a ton of mystery seeds. While it's kind of exciting watching them grow and not knowing their sex or strain, a part of me would just rather order some auto fems. I originally had 22 germinate and out of all those only 6 are fems. Either way, I'm having a good time watching them grow! Cheers bud.
Yeah man, I still have a ton of mystery seeds. While it's kind of exciting watching them grow and not knowing their sex or strain, a part of me would just rather order some auto fems. I originally had 22 germinate and out of all those only 6 are fems. Either way, I'm having a good time watching them grow! Cheers bud.

i like to grow from seed it is very cool to watch them go from a seed to a plant just about to be harvested. and i dont really like fem seeds at all, they are to expensive and are seeds from a Hermie plant and can go Hermie on you at any time but i have seen alot of grows with them that turn out great, i would just personally get the cheaper regular ones and weed out the males but thats just me. i dont even order any seeds because i find them far to expensive for any of them i have a medical friend who has a ton of seed selection who only charges 1 dollar for any strain or 5 dollars for clones but i am also a card holder to so it is kinda easier for me. i will one day order seeds though cuz theri is a few strains i would like that aren't around here. if you do ever get fem seeds im sure you will be fine, i just dislike them is all, and like i said ive seen many great grows with fem seeds with no hermies.
Yeah if I was to order it would have to be something more exotic, but for now these mystery seeds are coming along nicely.

Temps outside are getting cooler-- lows in the mid 40's highs in the upper 70's. I've been sealing up the greenhouse in the afternoon and it's keeping in a lot of the warmth throughout the night. I hope it doesn't get any colder before harvest, or I'm going to have to get out the heater!

Thought I'd put a pic of my "natural" fly trap in action. She's keeping the peace inside the greenhouse, and has gotten huge since spring. I'll try to get some updated pics of the fems this weekend. Cheers.


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ahh i hate spiders, id kill that fucker, the best garden bugs are preying mantes and ladybugs

Yeah looks pretty freaky, but she keeps to herself-- I've had zero issues with flies and gnats thanks to her. Yesterday I found a giant grasshopper in there mowing down on some of my non-MJ plants. Thankfully it hadn't touched the fems, but that damn thing still pissed me off. I'm sure a mantis would of cured that problem, but I haven't seen even one this season. I use lady bugs for mites and aphids in the gardens, almost every spring. It sucks when you see ants cultivating them-- real bitch to get rid of after that.
Yeah looks pretty freaky, but she keeps to herself-- I've had zero issues with flies and gnats thanks to her. Yesterday I found a giant grasshopper in there mowing down on some of my non-MJ plants. Thankfully it hadn't touched the fems, but that damn thing still pissed me off. I'm sure a mantis would of cured that problem, but I haven't seen even one this season. I use lady bugs for mites and aphids in the gardens, almost every spring. It sucks when you see ants cultivating them-- real bitch to get rid of after that.

ah i hate grass hoppers i had them in my veggie garden this year as well as aphids that destroyed my corn cuz the ants were farming them and made them grow even fast it seemed like. and i thin you ca buy a mantes mabye. ive only seen a few here as well, ive heard and read that if you have a few adults in the garden that they will mate and then the next year if the garden is in the same location they will return with theri young if they live.
Nice MC, maybe I'll see about trying that out next season-- I've actually bought ladybugs online, so maybe a mantis can be bought online too. There's definitely a large enough food source here for them to thrive. I'll have to look into that for the next grow season. Off the subject, I'm looking forward to also growing tobacco for the first time next season-- I've grown a ton of plants but not that. I've heard it's a natural pest deterrent, so might be good to have near the gardens. Cheers.
Nice MC, maybe I'll see about trying that out next season-- I've actually bought ladybugs online, so maybe a mantis can be bought online too. There's definitely a large enough food source here for them to thrive. I'll have to look into that for the next grow season. Off the subject, I'm looking forward to also growing tobacco for the first time next season-- I've grown a ton of plants but not that. I've heard it's a natural pest deterrent, so might be good to have near the gardens. Cheers.

how much do you pay online for the lady bugs, i get mine at a nursery 1800 for 10 dollars. and thats cool your growing tobacco are you doin it to smoke the tobacco or just for fun and a pest deterrent. i wanted to grow some tabacoo so i can use the leafs as blunt wraps cuz thtas all i reall smoke was blunts and it gets to be spendy after the first few hundred blunts so i thought growing my own wraps would be cool
It's been a couple years since I bought online, but that sounds about right except I had to pay extra to have them shipped quickly-- I was living in the middle of nowhere at the time, and the closest nursery was over an hour away. Yeah man I'm really excited to grow tobacco, and it's for all the reasons you mentioned. I think it would be pretty awesome smoking some home grown bud with some home grown wraps-- damn that sounds good!
Here are some pics of the ladies. I've still got some time before harvest-- I think I'm still about 3 weeks out. It's getting pretty smelly in the greenhouse.


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I love growing mystery seeds, it's so fun watching things develop when you have no idea what they're gonne be like. It's fun, but sometimes it can be a waste of time. Lokks like you didn't waste any time on these, they look good.
Yeah these mystery seeds turned out to be nice looking. Everything is running pretty smooth, and for now I'll just keep on keepin on. Thanks guys, happy growing.