Dubious Greenhouse Grow


Active Member
Hey everybody, it's been a while-- I wish I could get on here more but you know how it goes sometimes. Anyway, I haven't started chopping yet but I plan on soon. I did take a sample of a couple different plants, and quick dried the nugs. They all smell distinctly different, and were pretty sticky. The smoke was surprisingly smooth, and I was really baked. Didn't taste as bad, but didn't taste good. Knowing that it'll only get better has me optimistic going into harvest and curing. Thanks for the positive words people, cheers.

Here's some pics:



Well-Known Member
buds are lookin great.
glad the test buds got you high and werent to harsh that is a good sign.
enjoy the harvest when you do so


Active Member
Thanks MC, much appreciated.
The sun has finally come out after almost three days of constant cold, windy and rainy weather. It makes me glad that I've got the greenhouse as the plants saw none of it. I've enjoyed growing from seed to smoke, and there is something satisfying about growing your own. Some smell sweet and fruity, others are skunky, and a couple smell like schwag. I can't wait to smoke each and see their differences.
I've decided to chop the most developed plant later this week, and I'm converting the guest room closet into my drying area. That closet will finally be used for something! Cheers.


Active Member
wow really nice man. :) Look really "bubbly". :D Really sparkly lookin' too :P

I've heard that using just water and molasses for a flush gives a better taste and enhances the flavour.
oh and if the high was good off the test buds, its only gonna get more potent for harvest, so congrats man! :D


Active Member
Hey guys. It has finally been getting cold with temps dropping into the low 30's at night, so I started harvesting Monday. I still have a few small sativa looking plants that are taking longer to fill in, and I think they've got a few weeks. I've got a heater in the greenhouse so temps stay at about 60-65-- I think they'll be fine. I'm feeling pretty good about this grow. The first three plants were super sticky and smelled sooooo fruity-- I couldn't stop sniffing them as I trimmed! I can't wait for the finished product. Cheers.


Active Member
Hope everyone had a good Halloween. I'm finally getting some pics up of some of the harvest-- had some computer issues. I love how sticky these plants are, and I'm pretty happy with the outcome. I chopped a late bloomer today, and it smells great. I did a quick dry sample of this plant and I'm seriously baked! All that's left are two really small sativa dominants in the greenhouse that are still filling in. I honestly think they have another week or two. I'll put up some pics tomorrow of those and you guys can let me know what you think.

Some of the pics here are from last week, and not all of them were trimmed up at the time. Just a few pics of various plants. Some have dried quicker than I thought, and have recently been move to mason jars for curing. Most of the plants look pretty similar but they smell distinctly different. Happy growing, cheers.



Well-Known Member
the buds look great, glad the quick dry smoke was good cuz now you know when it is dried correctly it will be even better


Active Member
Thanks guys. The cumulative knowledge of the growers on this site has been essential in the success of this grow. My grow was pretty small compared to some of those humbling grows with massive trees, but it gives me something to work towards. My hats off to you guys for all the help-- it is much appreciated. While I don't have quantity, at least I've got quality!

So here are some pics of the two little sativa dominant looking plants. I don't know if these pictures really show it but they're almost all leaves and no buds. For as fat as they look you'd think they'd be more dense, but if I trimmed I think there would be almost nothing left. I originally thought that they'd fill out, but they've just kind of gotten fluffy. Not sure how long I can let these go before I'm forced to chop, but I'm thinking these last two plants are kind of a bust. Anyway here's the pics, cheers.



Well-Known Member
some of them do look a lil fluffy, but its still good smoke i bet, just dont trim to much, leave all the crystaly parts on


Active Member
dont worry about the fluffyness, thats just sativa-like bud structure.
thats why indicas are more prone to budrot.
but regardless, those are really fine buds man :D congrats :D


Well-Known Member
I know I'm a little late, but as far as covering things go, why not just cover the whole greenhouse when you want to go 12/12? If you got a thick enough tarp, it would work. Also depends on temp, too, though. Just pull a tarp over then roll it back.


Active Member
It'd have to be a pretty big tarp, and it would have to have zero light coming through during its 12 hours of darkness. It gets really windy here so I think I'd have a hard time keeping a tarp pinned down. In the summer it hits triple digits, so a black tarp would probably roast them too. Under the right conditions that's a pretty clever idea though. Cheers bud.


Well-Known Member
It'd have to be a pretty big tarp, and it would have to have zero light coming through during its 12 hours of darkness. It gets really windy here so I think I'd have a hard time keeping a tarp pinned down. In the summer it hits triple digits, so a black tarp would probably roast them too. Under the right conditions that's a pretty clever idea though. Cheers bud.
ya a black tarp in the summer is a no no.
and hey Dub if you dont mind me asking what parts are you from. i am asking cuz you said in summer it hits triple digits so i got curious.
I live in oregon and it gets hot as hell here to