Drug Test, Need help, anyone use synthetic urine?

I had a relative pee in a ziplock bag, then I put it inside a second ziplock bag and kept it in my underwear until I got there for temperature reasons. I've used refrigerated clean urine once, I simply warmed it up by leaving it in the car (it was warm that day) and then stashing it in my underwear.
I've also had good luck with Urineluck.

Somebody mentioned this, but I NEVER throw the bottle away in the bathroom. If they sweep the bathroom after each person leaves it's too easy to get caught.
Great call on not throwing out the bottle I forgot to mention that, don't know if anyone else did..
thats just common sense man and really shouldnt be addressed for safety reasons.

do you want someone at the workplace that is potentially stupid enough to leave a piss bottle in the test room
You are right it is common sense but I know a lot of people without it.. And have read so many posts on here that make me say hmm.. So...
iv used the fake piss. but I would recommend the stip nc. the one that comesin a red 24 oz liquid. iv used it seeral times and my wife even went in high and passed. the trick is not to drink to much water after because you will flush all of the drink out of your system. just drink like a 20 oz bottla of water and pee twice
Great call on not throwing out the bottle I forgot to mention that, don't know if anyone else did..
I specifically mentioned leaving with the bottle because someone ahead of me said to wrap the bottle in toilet paper and throw it out. I just wanted to mention that it was a terrible idea to leave evidence like that behind.
I passes a drug test this morning using my ol ladys piss. I knew about the test a day in advance. Washed out a condom and dried it turning it inside out.morning came and lady put her urine into condom and tied shut for me. She left at 7am. My test was at 11. I wasnt sure if it needed to stay warm the entire time i waited but to be on the safe side i put the condom of urine behind the ps4 (its nice and toasy where the fans blow). Time was getting closer so i wanted to prep the temp since i had no real means of checking if it is between the temps of 90 and 100. I taped the condom under my balls (nice warm spot). I ended up only needing 45ml of urine btw. How to pop the condom? They emty your pockets. If u dont have finger nails i found them hard to break open testing. My solution was a small earing clipped to my undershirt sleeve.
Put the urine in the drug test cup, take a piss in the toilette (so it sounda good) and i got the clean drug test.
I would also like to add.....i left the condom taped to my junk after i poped it. Put the earing in my pocket seems they allready emptied my pockets. Still some drops of piss in it tinkling down my leg a little D:
lol, what I meant by 2 weeks was to just quit the job knowing I would flunk the urine test,, lol,, ya man, I ordered some synthetic piss earlier today and a belt that velcors around my upper thigh with a pocket in it, I plan on testing with the heat and wearing it, and practice in the bathroom at home, and make sure I am as smooth as I can be, and just like you said, practice on keeping the temp in range right up to putting it in the cup, I think the practice and having the plan will cause me to relax somewhat, I am still curious about how to use human urine, and can I store it, and if so how long and just exactly how to store it, stuff like that also, then I have 2 choices and 2 paths to go down
Your on the right path, I use to use the micowave method with other peoples piss and put it in a 5 hour energy shot glass.
Getting upset and just thinking it is BS are not the same thing. Ok, ok maybe if they send it down to "Freddie,s Labs R Us" but I personally would not be suggesting it here where the livelihoods of others are at stake. I will attempt to come up with the list, but the big labs test for a bunch of cheats and inconclusive means a retest. Bottom line is if you think you have actually detoxified in 48 hours having smoked daily, regardless of the daily amount, the "lab" is not the only one being fooled.

Its possible, if your super fit (under I'd say around 8% body fat if your a male), and do all the things you can do (proper diet before, lots of fat a couple days before and slow down exercise, diluting enough but not too much for invoid, etc).

The average Joe is very unlikely to succeed at that though, although my DOC officer was relaxed about dilution, so I could basically hand him a cup of almost straight water (middle of piss=most diluted) and he'd be chill.

I think he knew I was a stoner though, was just glad I wasn't around banging meth and hitting licks like half his actives.....
Its possible, if your super fit (under I'd say around 8% body fat if your a male), and do all the things you can do (proper diet before, lots of fat a couple days before and slow down exercise, diluting enough but not too much for invoid, etc).

The average Joe is very unlikely to succeed at that though, although my DOC officer was relaxed about dilution, so I could basically hand him a cup of almost straight water (middle of piss=most diluted) and he'd be chill.

I think he knew I was a stoner though, was just glad I wasn't around banging meth and hitting licks like half his actives.....
I AM pretty much fat free yet as a every day smoker it took me 16 days to clean up. It took me 8 days to clean up when I was a weekendish toker. Although I am not sure he described it here but, @qwizoking was really advocating a cover-up, not a clean-up...which I still would not expect to pass if sent to the large national testing labs who test for cheats.
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I dont cover up... and i cant believe your still going on about this, i thought youd dropped it a while ago..

As i said previously im tested for all illegal drugs as well as an incredible array of other substances including precursors metabolites and drugs not typically seen.
Of course the test is extensive, far more than whatever national lab you speak of..

lets try to look at this from a logical or scientific perspective.
Leave the reefer madness points elsewhere, it doesnt take weeks to leave your body, imagine how high we'd stay if it really had a 60hr half life or something

thc has an initial half life of about 4hrs...as low as 2, as high as 6 depending on yiur body and lifestyle, in normal healthy people ie no issues metabolizing........ and a terminal half life about 30hrs. this is due to the high logp of the drug aiding in absorption to fatty tissue. and why heavy daily users can have a harder time cleansing. heavy is something like a 1/8-1/4 of bud a day to yourself , not just smoking daily but attempting to stay saturated...

"an occasional or on-off user would be very unlikely to test positive beyond 3–4 days since the last use, and a chronic user would be unlikely to test positive much beyond 7 days,
it may only be detectable in saliva/oral fluid for 2–24 hours in most cases.
Cannabis is detectable in the blood for approximately 12-24 hours, with heavy/frequent use detectable in the blood for up to 7 days (its on and off as they hover along the cut off)"

jacked from a relatively unbiased drug detection discussion/site

as you can see, the curve starts to build with heavy users, but the quick half life is apparent....

, if none is stored in the body keeping you hovering along the cut off it leaves relatively soon...shit whats the term for this, man its been too long since i was in school a parabola i think, but thats not the term im.looking for..anyway you get the idea

now if you smoked half a gram with an avg of 20% thc of dank bud as the last time you smoked
(.1 grams of thc)
with a bioavailability of about 20% .. only .02 grams of thc entered your body.
..note this is not including a prior smoke session...
the test has a cut off at, .00000005 grams per ml.
not total in your body.
this means that after *24hrs having an avg metabolism and average hydration you could pass.
i dont feel like doing math, but total in your body would be less than the cutoff after *48hrs having an avg metabolism!. your piss, which again is not total but concentration per ml, will be clean after *24

its the terminal half life that becomes a problem. and really what supplements aid.

in my line of work, i get drug tested often.
i documented a drug test on riu for personal reasons where i
smoked half a gram ~40hrs before testing and passed,
here i actually did some relatively extensive calculation... i smoke a few times daily...currently a light-medium user. a few times a day totaling 1-2 grams normally. i couldve gone alot sooner but i figure best to be cautious. im sure my calculations have been wrong before...i just cant remember such a time :D

* note that these are rough and generous estimations, more for info

exercise and stay hydrated to flush. Night before and morning eat a big meal to slow metabolism. still stay hydrated....

good to go. Im clean in a couple days every time i do have a pretty high metabolism and active lifestyle but like i said....
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alright some of you know me around here, I need to be ready for a random drug test, has anyone used any of the synthetic urine products, would be great to hear from long timers here, and not newbies, so i know nobody is trying to advertise
I have a couple of brands I am interested in, we can post web links also
any help and advice, those cleanse things wont work for me, I am a big man and smoke everyday
They don't cleanse, they block the release of "toxins" into your urine. You take Rescue Detox Ice (Raspberry is best tasting), the bigg'un if you're a big guy or two of the $30 ones, drink, fill once with water and drink, and 2 hours later you have a 3-5 hour window. Stop smoking at least 2 days prior but preferrably a week prior. I used it with more than just weed in my system for a VA UA. Passed, doing weed, coke, and benzos (which was more for the hypertension uppers can cause). Piss 4+ times before taking the test, or the stuff you had building up while you sleep is going to show up.
I AM pretty much fat free yet as a every day smoker it took me 16 days to clean up. It took me 8 days to clean up when I was a weekendish toker. Although I am not sure he described it here but, @qwizoking was really advocating a cover-up, not a clean-up...which I still would not expect to pass if sent to the large national testing labs who test for cheats.
They use synthethic urine to calibrate machines. I just hope he doesn't have any scripts they're expecting to pop hot, because it'll pop negative and that will raise eyebrows.
I dont cover up... and i cant believe your still going on about this, i thought youd dropped it a while ago..

As i said previously im tested for all illegal drugs as well as an incredible array of other substances including precursors metabolites and drugs not typically seen.
Of course the test is extensive, far more than whatever national lab you speak of..

lets try to look at this from a logical or scientific perspective.
Leave the reefer madness points elsewhere, it doesnt take weeks to leave your body, imagine how high we'd stay if it really had a 60hr half life or something

thc has an initial half life of about 4hrs...as low as 2, as high as 6 depending on yiur body and lifestyle, in normal healthy people ie no issues metabolizing........ and a terminal half life about 30hrs. this is due to the high logp of the drug aiding in absorption to fatty tissue. and why heavy daily users can have a harder time cleansing. heavy is something like a 1/8-1/4 of bud a day to yourself , not just smoking daily but attempting to stay saturated...

"an occasional or on-off user would be very unlikely to test positive beyond 3–4 days since the last use, and a chronic user would be unlikely to test positive much beyond 7 days,
it may only be detectable in saliva/oral fluid for 2–24 hours in most cases.
Cannabis is detectable in the blood for approximately 12-24 hours, with heavy/frequent use detectable in the blood for up to 7 days (its on and off as they hover along the cut off)"

jacked from a relatively unbiased drug detection discussion/site

as you can see, the curve starts to build with heavy users, but the quick half life is apparent....

, if none is stored in the body keeping you hovering along the cut off it leaves relatively soon...shit whats the term for this, man its been too long since i was in school a parabola i think, but thats not the term im.looking for..anyway you get the idea

now if you smoked half a gram with an avg of 20% thc of dank bud as the last time you smoked
(.1 grams of thc)
with a bioavailability of about 20% .. only .02 grams of thc entered your body.
..note this is not including a prior smoke session...
the test has a cut off at, .00000005 grams per ml.
not total in your body.
this means that after *24hrs having an avg metabolism and average hydration you could pass.
i dont feel like doing math, but total in your body would be less than the cutoff after *48hrs having an avg metabolism!. your piss, which again is not total but concentration per ml, will be clean after *24

its the terminal half life that becomes a problem. and really what supplements aid.

in my line of work, i get drug tested often.
i documented a drug test on riu for personal reasons where i
smoked half a gram ~40hrs before testing and passed,
here i actually did some relatively extensive calculation... i smoke a few times daily...currently a light-medium user. a few times a day totaling 1-2 grams normally. i couldve gone alot sooner but i figure best to be cautious. im sure my calculations have been wrong before...i just cant remember such a time :D

* note that these are rough and generous estimations, more for info

exercise and stay hydrated to flush. Night before and morning eat a big meal to slow metabolism. still stay hydrated....

good to go. Im clean in a couple days every time i do have a pretty high metabolism and active lifestyle but like i said....

First, I didn't bring this thread back, someone else did.
I thought your secret recipe was "Sure-Jel". Funny in all your verbosity you fail to mention that here. Sorry Quiz, your podunk lab does not compare to "Qwest Diag".
My friend once tested positive for THC in prison after being there for 60 days and not smoking at all.

Heavy use/being overweight definitely make it harder to fully get rid of THC from the fat it's stored in.
No read the thread..

Things like pectin niacin b12 creatine etc can be useful tools though

Again then, why did you leave that out in the book you provided above. Glad it works for you but, Your suggestion continues to be dangerous and negligent and anyone who googles on pectin an MJ will find the Sure-Gel solution as an urban myth.