Drinking water while holding in smoke?

I heard that this would get you higher and I think it would make sense because you'd be pushing the smoke thats stuck in your throat into your stomach holding it till you burp it out... Any thoughts on this, anyone else hear this?

I don't know if this is the right place to post this... yeah.
But if the smoke that is in your throat that you would normally exhale right away, is in your stomach, it still gets into your system.
it will give you indegestion. do not do this lil kids.you will get gas, and it will make you sick. and no it will not get you highier. pot has been around for thousands of years and this has never been an acceptable form of intake. dont think that your so intelligent that you thought of something that nobody in the history of pot smoking has ever thought of.
Good weed gets ya high. I dont think you need to be any higher to come up with question like that.
o love to take a hit and then take shot chased by a beer. doesnt get me higher but makes me light headed for a few.

haha i also swallow smoke if that makes sense, i feel that the smoke stays in my system longer and alot more of the good stuff is stuck in my body. i always end up burping up smoke liek 10 minutes after smoking. and again i dont realy get higher its just how i smoke
yeah idk, if it would be good or bad for you. i would think bad, like ulcers bad.. lol

but swallowing smoke happens to me pretty much every time i pack 'n smoke a big bong, usually involuntarily because i didn't want to cough up and waste a bowl so my body would decide to swallow it and yah you could feel the smoke; and the burp would be so satisfying lol

i don't think i would intentionally go and swallow smoke though, unless it was like nutrient rich and provided sustenance/energy like food does.. which would be fucking wicked hahha lol
o love to take a hit and then take shot chased by a beer. doesnt get me higher but makes me light headed for a few.

haha i also swallow smoke if that makes sense, i feel that the smoke stays in my system longer and alot more of the good stuff is stuck in my body. i always end up burping up smoke liek 10 minutes after smoking. and again i dont realy get higher its just how i smoke

Ah the good ol' triple threat!
Instead of smoking and drinking water, just have a couple shots of bong juice.

FYI - after that you may want to rinse with nail polish remover.

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