I once had a helmet head case just like yours. SO I told the baby that if she just lived I would not fim,top,etc. I would let her be as she wants. Well she was in ICU for over 30 days before I knew she would make it . She was so tiny for ever, then all of a sudden she took off. When she was harvested she was just over 6' and I harvested 6.5 oz from her. 
Thats her in the blue cup. She was in there for over 30 days
ahh, wow, those pictures are so sweeeet!!!!! thanks for sharing them with me! Im going to keep Helmet Head in the Phototron ICU until she gets stronger. Im going to promise her I wont scrog, fuck i missed with her, or any topping either so that she will become what your beast became. Ill tell her what you said and get back to you with what she tells me... take it easy GG13 Peace..

nice update doc

everything looking cool
u have Rizla papers out there? If not i'm sending you some blues, some people like silver so i'll send u some of both

not a great fan of them "raw" papers, taste a bit funny lol
OHH, yes Las,I saw those Rizla papers yesterday when i bought the RAWS, shit I dont want to smoke those RAWs anymore if they are going to ruin my J's taste.. im tossing them.fuc it... back to the store for Rizlas.. thanks for the headsup!!!!!!!..I still wanna find the SMOKing ones..


See you at the cup....
Subscribed and will be around.....
hahaha, yeah see ya at the cup! CAnt wait!!!!!!!Nameste'
WHOA! I think that video melted my brain! That's kinda what my thoughts look like until I smoke. I literally think a mile a minute, and just want the images to SLOW DOWN for a sec!
The plants are looking great Doctor! I've also had a runt, that was in a state of homeostasis FOREVER! Little fucker wouldn't grow OR die. Just sat there lookin at me all dumb-like. I ALMOST tossed it SOOO many times (but you KNOW that's impossible

) I finally just stuck in in flower not sure what would happen. Not sure why, but it ended up being one of my most potent, productive girls EVER! Don't give up on her good Doctor!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend full of sexy time and weed smoke.
hey bushy, when i get on riu i get ADD bad. hehehe so much bud porn i cant think straight..hahahh
I think there must be something going on with the runt issue here. GG13, you and Dropa have all had super success with the runts.. I guess i got lucky here then!

I wont give up on her!!!!!!
I hope you have a wonderfully potent and productively fun weekend too Bushybush!
Im super excited about the UNicorn puking Rainbow painting.. the idea reminds me of my friends art work. She used to post in the inspired art unitl she got sick, i miss her.. Gafoogle is her name.. she is such an awesome artist. she drew this one picture I love so much...it was of Dorothy from the wizard of OZZ walking down the yellow brick road with a bong in one hand and a peace sign in the other... it said "OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD"
with a huge rainbow in the background.
i printed it out and have it hanging in my studio...i hope she comes back soon!!!!!!!