Don Gin and Ton
Well-Known Member
paul mcartney wrote it apparently

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i used 2 have that on video lol[youtube]A4xeidmjy6s[/youtube]
paul mcartney wrote it apparently
wow, i dont think i can pick a favorite. but WOMEN was the first Bukowski book I ever read. It blew me away. I picked it up at a Tower Records store and starting flipping the pages... i couldnt believe it, i totally connected with this guy. He made me laugh, he was simple and entertaining and so REAL!!!! I read that book all night non stop in one sitting.I think i was up till like 3 in the morning. Then I went out and got another and another. I think i went through all is books in like 6 months. After that I was so bummed. No more buk novels to read.. I reread them and there is always his poetry too!Women=Best.
Good moring Stoner sunshinei will, it will give me something to do on the plain on my way to the cup! good morning you beautiful lady you!
yeah, the winters are soo hard with all the grey but then when its nice out.. damn it smacks you right in the face with intensity!!!! a very psycologically trippy waky place to live.. i think thats why there are so many crazy fuckers around here!!! lol least there is some sort of support for medical marijuana patients cuz we sure need our weed to deal with it around here!!!!! lolYou're lucky to live in such an awesome place doc! Hope your friends surgery goes well. Take it easy amb.
thanks DST, Everyone thinks it will be ok, but you just never know.Thoughts with your friend Dr. I am sure it will all be cool! My mother in law had quadruple heart bypass surgery recently and is back enjoying life to the full. We are cycling with them this summer from Passau in Germany over to Vienna in Austria. I am glad the cycling bug has been passed down through your family. I am heading out on my bike shortly.
It makes me wonder, I paid 45,000 euro for two white lines but I don't have a car to park between them!! Bikes are the best!! Cars should be banned from cities, haha. In Amsterdam we have a number of car free days in the city. Cool idea!
Peace, DST
thanks HP, now i have the bluest sky outside, havent seen this much blue in like 3 months!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!! good sign for the DocWow sounds like you had a awesome bike ride, I hope your friend has a great surgery and everything comes out and goes in ok.
I love riding the ol' bike, but the one i got now is a BMX, i miss my cannodale.
oh stonie, your so sweet, im so flattered. you made my day!!!!!!! i hope your having a good one too!!!!!!!
wow!!!!!!!!!! fantastic job there you. they look so strong and healthy! you most def have some serious skills with the greenery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't worry about the FIM it will start busting out befor you know and you'll be all "its taking over my grow room!"
have a fantastic day!
hahahaha"its taking over my grow room!"