DST, you sound like my friends and I about 10 years ago. I am a very good boy now

Helping old ladies across the street and ALL that.
"Ugly..yeah its zombie music... don turned me on to it.. i really dig it"
ZOMBIE MUSIC?.....I'm already fuckin' in. I'll be checkin that for SURE.
hahaha, yeah right bushmaster, Helping old ladies across the street , you crack me up!!!!!!!! i just cant get this hysterical image out of my head.. ok your helping the old lady across the street, arm in arm and in your other hand is a dangeling decapitated female head dripping blood.. hahahahahah your one funny dude!
man, ive got some funny friends here!!!!!!! lucky me!!!!!!
GG13 i will try to give the mentally challenged helmet head slh (thats her name now, thankyou!) as much love as i can, i have another picture as of tody ill post so that you can see her slow but upwards progression. I will be shocked if she does turn out to be what you imagine her to possibly be.

all this is new to me, so everyday im learning so much.. and now its getting really fun.

When I open the tent in the morning it REEEKS, I love that smell..mmmm ggooood

The new high times is good. But have you noticed that they seem to have articles with titles that do not even talk about the title.. for instance...PURITY and POTENCY..maybe i was too high when i read it, but where does it talk about this in this artcle

The Lemon man article was good, I have a Lemon Skunk im hoping to pop with fingerez in the future. Still sifting through the rest.... I get mine mail delivered in an inconspicuous white package and its always a pleasant surprise to get it

ahahhaha Barnes and Nobel does smell good dosent it. Unicorn Ryder loves their magazine section..hahaha
Makes a lot of sense about the folding fingers protecting themselves.. She was the closest to the fan. thankyou for your input.. I have raised the light as well.

Things are looking mighty fine!
Melvin says "hello I need another JOINT"!!!!!!! lol
hahahah the dapper fokker! class... gardens shaping up nicely Dr! glad you like the harley poe, its awesome eh. i only recently got into zombie rockn roll stuff check out zombina and the skeletones, another of a similar style. aint forgotten to email you im just trying to amass pictures that encapsulate the mess that i am
happy gardenin doc
thanks Don, i will check out Zombina and skeletons, I'm always on the lurch for new good music.. no rush with the pix dude, Im working on a sic one right now that should be done this weekend.. ill show it to ya soon to get your appetite wet.

dont hold back on the images though cuz i want to pack it up in a fuckin insane way!!!!!!
PEACE you guys!!!!