Don't Fuck with the Jesus...

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Only one here crying and fighting is you there guy ?? seriously I worked in Saudi Hell i worked pretty much all over the world unlike you being stuck in your closet . And TBH i have done rather matter of fact extremely well .. where do you get to work 33 days in and 33 off and company will fly you anywhere in the world on your days off with a return flight back to work ??? and clear 30 k a month
But you,, your mad deep inside . being a out cast of society What your boyfriend leave you hahaha
probably living in poverty on welfare ?? cause you suck dick we owe you something right ???
Or are you mad cause you always have to wear the dress you fucking fruit cake ?? which is it
Only one here crying and fighting is you there guy ?? seriously I worked in Saudi Hell i worked pretty much all over the world unlike you being stuck in your closet . And TBH i have done rather matter of fact extremely well .. where do you get to work 33 days in and 33 off and company will fly you anywhere in the world on your days off with a return flight back to work ??? and clear 30 k a month
But you,, your mad deep inside . being a out cast of society What your boyfriend leave you hahaha
probably living in poverty on welfare ?? cause you suck dick we owe you something right ???
Or are you mad cause you always have to wear the dress you fucking fruit cake ?? which is it
Can you get me a job.
I was thinking I could work
two weeks on and two off.
I think 14,000 a month sounds fair.

I don't give a fuck what you have me do.

I'll do it with all my heart.

Call me.

Can you get me a job.
I was thinking I could work
two weeks on and two off.
I think 14,000 a month sounds fair.

I don't give a fuck what you have me do.

I'll do it with all my heart.

Call me.
you in the states ?? get a hold of Nabors international and start taking courses your going to start at the bottom 4500 a month who knows you can become a on site engineer after some experience and schooling :)

Can you get me a job.
I was thinking I could work
two weeks on and two off.
I think 14,000 a month sounds fair.

I don't give a fuck what you have me do.

I'll do it with all my heart.

Call me.
I'll do one week on, three off for $5K. Laws mean nothing to me...unless you want them too..whatever..$5K/wk.
Only one here crying and fighting is you there guy ?? seriously I worked in Saudi Hell i worked pretty much all over the world unlike you being stuck in your closet .

That is the thing that you, yessica and abe do not get.

Calling me gay or queer bait or what ever does not bother me.
It just shows how dumb you are, worrying about what other people do.

And TBH i have done rather matter of fact extremely well .. where do you get to work 33 days in and 33 off and company will fly you anywhere in the world on your days off with a return flight back to work ??? and clear 30 k a month

At a whorehouse?

But you,, your mad deep inside . being a out cast of society What your boyfriend leave you hahaha


You seem pretty stuck on homosexuals. Do you think about them a lot?

probably living in poverty on welfare ?? cause you suck dick we owe you something right ???
Or are you mad cause you always have to wear the dress you fucking fruit cake ?? which is it

@yessica @abe superco

This is the team you are on.
If a person chooses to be GAY then so be it .. As a tax paying citizen i should have a right to not see it on tax paying streets i pay for .. no different then smokers not being able to smoke 3 m from any entrance in other words its respect
keep it behind closed doors and YES it bothers me when i see it out in the open , No different then breast feeding in a restaurant or changing a babies diaper, out in the open ,, you should follow some ethic's
Again its persons life what ever they choose???? to save money or spend it , to live under a bridge or in a nice place is up to them .. Do we see it in the wild male bonding pairs ? Fuck no
personally I am fed up with a relative minority that is constantly pushing their agenda down the throats of decent law abiding right minded folk. who are not confusing love with bum fun and rug munching.
If your religious Being gay is a sin. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve

Jesus you're a dumb fuck. People don't chose to be gay. They're born that way.

Homosexual behavior has been documented in 450 different species of animals.

That would injure someone.... Definitely not for use in or around the rectum.
About 90% of UncleBuck's posts predated "likes" whereas Yessi has only posted in the last year - after likes we're instituted. Not taking away from her, just saying that you are comparing apples and fish dicks. Ooh,' Yessie has an anniversary coming up.
i lost about 25k likes in the switch.
HOLY........w h a t t h e f u c k

What's up bro? Play any golf lately? Wish I could, but my back is still jacked. Anywho, have a good one. Not sure why I tagged you. I must be hella high. Alright, late! :-)

kelly4 and i played aorund before he moved to minneSOOOOOOOOtah.

chugged tequila and beers while smoking non-stop, i think i shot around 90.
Jesus you're a dumb fuck. People don't chose to be gay. They're born that way.

Homosexual behavior has been documented in 450 different species of animals.

i do not understand why folk use the "nature" argument to either support or condemn homosexuality

weather something exists in nature or not is not a contributing factor as to weather this state is a desirable outcome/trait or not

incest and cannibalism are both natural since both traits exist in nature

for gays, > consenting adults not causing harm to others is all that is/should be needed to afford gays equal rights to heterosexuals
but at the same time if a gay guy feels the need/want to refer to me as a breeder or any other word that stereotypes all heterosexual folk
i can equally refer to them with whatever words i choose to stereotype them


This isn't politics.

You can all do whatever you want, and feel however you want.

But arguing over this, like everything else in the politics section, is just people from different places with different views on the world - kicking and screaming to say how right they are.

Anywho. Anyone like titties?

I like Titties.

That should go on my gravestone:

"Here lies Yessica...

Loved tits, HATED Trousers. "
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