Don't Fuck with the Jesus...

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If a person chooses to be GAY then so be it .. As a tax paying citizen i should have a right to not see it on tax paying streets i pay for .. no different then smokers not being able to smoke 3 m from any entrance in other words its respect
keep it behind closed doors and YES it bothers me when i see it out in the open , No different then breast feeding in a restaurant or changing a babies diaper, out in the open ,, you should follow some ethic's
Again its persons life what ever they choose???? to save money or spend it , to live under a bridge or in a nice place is up to them .. Do we see it in the wild male bonding pairs ? Fuck no
personally I am fed up with a relative minority that is constantly pushing their agenda down the throats of decent law abiding right minded folk. who are not confusing love with bum fun and rug munching.
If your religious Being gay is a sin. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve

Controversial ^^
If a person chooses to be GAY then so be it .. As a tax paying citizen i should have a right to not see it on tax paying streets i pay for .. no different then smokers not being able to smoke 3 m from any entrance in other words its respect
keep it behind closed doors and YES it bothers me when i see it out in the open , No different then breast feeding in a restaurant or changing a babies diaper, out in the open ,, you should follow some ethic's
Again its persons life what ever they choose???? to save money or spend it , to live under a bridge or in a nice place is up to them .. Do we see it in the wild male bonding pairs ? Fuck no
personally I am fed up with a relative minority that is constantly pushing their agenda down the throats of decent law abiding right minded folk. who are not confusing love with bum fun and rug munching.
If your religious Being gay is a sin. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
If you would like to remain friends, we might not want to discuss this together.

I don't care about your opinions. Mine are very different than yours. And I'm sure your feelings on this are based on your upbringing, possible religious affiliations, whatever.

I love every gay person I have ever met. I really wanted to be one, but I just never met the right girl.

Oh, except I hate trousers.

Did I mention that yet?

is it ok for gays to call each other queer, but not ok for non gays to call gays queer .. like the nigga/nigger rule ?

is it hetrophobic to use the term "breeders" ?

I do not care about rules.
I think it is trashy to call someone a "queer bait" or some other homosexual related slur.

Calling me a breeder is nothing. It is hard to slur heterosexuals as they are in the majority and hold the power.
If a person chooses to be GAY then so be it .. As a tax paying citizen i should have a right to not see it on tax paying streets i pay for .. no different then smokers not being able to smoke 3 m from any entrance in other words its respect

It is totally different.
Smoke is a substance, people are not. If you do not like to "see it on tax paying streets I pay for" then you should move. The streets also belong to gays.

BTW, gays are born gay, they do not choose it. Why would they choose to be repressed and vilified by people like you?

keep it behind closed doors and YES it bothers me when i see it out in the open ,

It bothers me when I smell "cologne" on men. Does that mean men should not be able to perfume themselves?
What kind of cologne do you wear? It probably smells like ass.

No different then breast feeding in a restaurant or changing a babies diaper, out in the open ,, you should follow some ethic's

Ethic's what?
Do you want to make a law about gays kissing in public?

Again its persons life what ever they choose???? to save money or spend it , to live under a bridge or in a nice place is up to them .. Do we see it in the wild male bonding pairs ? Fuck no

Do some research Big Guy.
Is human sex solely for reproduction?

personally I am fed up with a relative minority that is constantly pushing their agenda down the throats of decent law abiding right minded folk.

"Right minded"?
Are you right minded?
How are the gays pushing their agenda down your throat?
Do you have to go to gay bars? Do you have to go to gay weddings, parades etc.?
They must be pushing up against you in the produce section.
Maybe they just want equal rights?
I guess only "Right Minded" folks get basic human rights?

who are not confusing love with bum fun and rug munching.

Therenot be not many "right minded" people in the world.

If your religious Being gay is a sin. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve


lol, you are a mess
Are you really asking me if "nigger" is a slur?

Again, I think that trash people use homophobic slurs. "Queer bait" is a homophobic slur.
Calling me gay, limp wristed, queer... is weird and trashy.

Am I supposed to be offended?
Are you really asking me if "nigger" is a slur?

Again, I think that trash people use homophobic slurs. "Queer bait" is a homophobic slur.
Calling me gay, limp wristed, queer... is weird and trashy.

Am I supposed to be offended?

I asked you a specific hypothetical question which you avoided
it is interesting that you choose to focus on the word "nigger" over the words "whore" and "breeder"

in my hypothetical question a woman was insulted in 3 different ways by a gay man

gender (whore)
sexuality (breeder)
race (nigger)

what i find most interesting is you were only able to see the "race slur" or YOU as a gay man personally decided that this was the most offending to a hetrosexual black woman ?
This really is about your queerness, isn't it? That's why your panties are all bunched up and sweaty.

Does that mean, by your logic, that I can assume a similar liberty to start private messaging female members of the board and attempt to share my fantasies about their vaginas, like you've often tried with me ? @WHATFG may not appreciate me discussing her vagina, behind closed doors and what I'd do to it, but maybe others would. That sounds like trolling behavior and sexual harassment. shame on you trollzers!

Anyway you must not think you have much to lose considering you have multiple accounts, sock puppet phycho. I'll keep giving you your medicine back for as long as I'm around.

But if you're discussing my vagina with someone in a private message, I won't give a fuck. Now if you want to take that conversation about my vagina from private message to public forum, that's a problem for point was that private messages are,and should be kept just's nobody's business who's talking about who in a private message.
I asked you a specific hypothetical question which you avoided
it is interesting that you choose to focus on the word "nigger" over the words "whore" and "breeder"

in my hypothetical question a woman was insulted in 3 different ways by a gay man

I avoided a dumb, hypothetical question.
"Nigger" is a slur. If you add words to it they become apart of the slur, I guess. I do not care. How much does this situation come up for you?
I am not sure what you are getting at.

Whore is something most people choose to do. That is different than calling out someone for their color or sexual orientation.
Calling someone a breeder is not a slur. It is literally true. If someone called me a breeder it would not bother me.

gender (whore)
sexuality (breeder)
race (nigger)

what i find most interesting is you were only able to see the "race slur" or YOU as a gay man personally decided that this was the most offending to a hetrosexual black woman ?

I was talking about people here that were literally using gay slurs to try to insult me.
You are talking about some fantasy situation.

Calling a black woman a "whore breeder" is not really bad to me. I am a breeder and it wouldn't bother me.
Being a whore is mostly a choice. The way it is used is basically misogynistic.

Do you want to talk about degrees?
Calling someone a whore is not as bad as calling some one queer bait or gay.
These closet cock gobblers should stay in there closet. WTF is the world coming to really allowing these aids infected monkeys to live.
In all seriousness its got to be a mental illness , fucking trolips now come lick my arse you fucking wing nuts ,,
Least there following the Jesus from what i understand

HOLY........w h a t t h e f u c k
If a person chooses to be GAY then so be it .. As a tax paying citizen i should have a right to not see it on tax paying streets i pay for .. no different then smokers not being able to smoke 3 m from any entrance in other words its respect
keep it behind closed doors and YES it bothers me when i see it out in the open , No different then breast feeding in a restaurant or changing a babies diaper, out in the open ,, you should follow some ethic's
Again its persons life what ever they choose???? to save money or spend it , to live under a bridge or in a nice place is up to them .. Do we see it in the wild male bonding pairs ? Fuck no
personally I am fed up with a relative minority that is constantly pushing their agenda down the throats of decent law abiding right minded folk. who are not confusing love with bum fun and rug munching.
If your religious Being gay is a sin. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
What's up bro? Play any golf lately? Wish I could, but my back is still jacked. Anywho, have a good one. Not sure why I tagged you. I must be hella high. Alright, late! :-)
... Do we see it in the wild male bonding pairs ? Fuck no
personally I am fed up with a relative minority that is constantly pushing their agenda down the throats of decent law abiding right minded folk. who are not confusing love with bum fun and rug munching.
If your religious Being gay is a sin. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve

We certainly do, for your edification...

Here's a partial list of the just the mammals that display homosexual behavior, courtship, affection, pair bonding and parenting (there is a similarly large list regarding birds) -

Mammals - The list is SO long, I could only include up to the Rs -

African Buffalo[21]

African Elephant[22]

Agile Wallaby[23]

Amazon River Dolphin[19]

American Bison[21][24]


Asian Elephant[22]

Asian house shrew[26]

Asiatic Lion[27]

Asiatic Mouflon[28]

Atlantic Spotted Dolphin[19]

Australian Sea Lion[29]


Barbary Sheep[31]



Bighorn Sheep[31]

Black Bear[33]


Black-footed Rock Wallaby[23]

Black-tailed Deer[30]

Bonnet Macaque[14]


Bottlenose Dolphin[19][38]

Bowhead Whale[19]

Brazilian Guinea Pig[39]

Bridled Dolphin[19]

Brown Bear[33]

Brown Capuchin[40]

Brown Long-eared Bat[41]

Brown Rat[42]



Cat (domestic)[44]

Cattle (domestic)[45]

Chacma baboon[46]



Collared Peccary[48]

Commerson's Dolphin[19]

Common Brushtail Possum[49]

Common Chimpanzee[50]

Common Dolphin[19]

Common Marmoset[40]

Common Pipistrelle[51]

Common Raccoon[52]

Common Tree Shrew[53]

Cotton-top Tamarin[54]

Crab-eating Macaque[14]

Crested Black Macaque[14]

Dall's Sheep[31]

Daubenton's Bat[41]

Dog (domestic)[55]


Doria's Tree Kangaroo[23]


Dwarf Cavy[39]

Dwarf Mongoose[58]

Eastern Cottontail Rabbit[42]

Eastern Grey Kangaroo[23]


Euro (a subspecies of wallaroo)[23]

European Bison[21]

Fallow Deer[30]

False Killer Whale[19]

Fat-tailed Dunnart[59]

Fin Whale[19]



Gelada Baboon[61]


Goat (Domestic)[31]

Golden Monkey[63]


Grant's Gazelle[25]

Grey-headed Flying Fox[41]

Grey Seal[29]

Grey squirrel[65]

Grey Whale[19][20]

Grey Wolf[66]

Grizzly Bear[33]

Guinea Pig (Domestic)[39]

Hamadryas Baboon[61]

Hamster (Domestic)[39]

Hanuman Langur[67]

Harbor Porpoise[68]

Harbor Seal[29]

Himalayan Tahr[69]

Hoary Marmot[70]

Horse (domestic)[71]

Human (see Human sexual behavior)

Indian Fruit Bat[41]

Indian Muntjac[72]

Indian Rhinoceros[73]

Japanese Macaque[14]


Kangaroo Rat[42]

Killer Whale[19]



Larga Seal[29]

Least Chipmunk[65]


Lesser Bushbaby[77]


Lion-tailed Macaque[14]

Lion Tamarin[40]

Little Brown Bat[41]

Livingstone's Fruit Bat[41]

Long-eared Hedgehog[83]

Long-footed Tree Shrew[53]




Matschie's Tree Kangaroo[23]


Mohol Galago[77]

Moor Macaque[14]


Mountain Goat[31]

Mountain Tree Shrew[53]

Mountain Zebra[88]

Mouse (domestic)[89]

Moustached Tamarin[54]

Mule Deer[30]


Natterer's Bat[41]

New Zealand Sea Lion[29]

Nilgiri Langur[67]


North American Porcupine[91]

Northern Elephant Seal[29]

Northern Fur Seal[29]

Northern Quoll[59]

Olympic Marmot[92]


Pacific Striped Dolphin[19]

Patas Monkey[94]

Pere David's Deer[30]

Pig (Domestic)[95]

Pig-tailed Macaque[14]

Plains Zebra[96]

Polar Bear[33]

Pretty-faced Wallaby[23]

Proboscis Monkey[63]


Przewalski's Horse[88]






Raccoon Dog[101]

Red Deer[30]

Red Fox[102]

Red Kangaroo[23]

Red-necked Wallaby[23]

Red Squirrel[65]

Reeves's Muntjac[72]


Rhesus Macaque[14]

Right Whale[19]

Rock Cavy[39]

Rodrigues Fruit Bat[41]

Roe Deer[30]

Rufous Bettong[103]

Rufous-naped Tamarin[54]

Rufous Rat Kangaroo[23]
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If a person chooses to be GAY then so be it .. As a tax paying citizen i should have a right to not see it on tax paying streets i pay for .. no different then smokers not being able to smoke 3 m from any entrance in other words its respect
keep it behind closed doors and YES it bothers me when i see it out in the open , No different then breast feeding in a restaurant or changing a babies diaper, out in the open ,, you should follow some ethic's
Again its persons life what ever they choose???? to save money or spend it , to live under a bridge or in a nice place is up to them .. Do we see it in the wild male bonding pairs ? Fuck no
personally I am fed up with a relative minority that is constantly pushing their agenda down the throats of decent law abiding right minded folk. who are not confusing love with bum fun and rug munching.
If your religious Being gay is a sin. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
Do we see it in the wild male bonding pairs ? Fuck no

Umm, I've seen quite a few male dogs fuck the shit out of each other on a regular basis, some of them could have easily been considered paired up..seeing how they lived together and were with each other 24hrs a day....but that never happens in the wild..oh and you never see chimpanzees going gay on the wildlife shows..that never happens..gayness is just a mental condition in humans..:dunce:
But if you're discussing my vagina with someone in a private message, I won't give a fuck. Now if you want to take that conversation about my vagina from private message to public forum, that's a problem for point was that private messages are,and should be kept just's nobody's business who's talking about who in a private message.
No Shit Sherlock. You're out of your depth, or you just don't understand what happened and chose to stick your nose up my ass.

According to you,
It's perfectly fine that I may invent a sock puppet and solicit you in pms by sexually harassing you. I say that because that IS what happened to me. Thanks a lot whatfg. nice knowing you.

That was the first pm I've released in the 5 years that I've been on this board and I did it consciously and for good reason; you're just too slow to see what happened. I also told trollzers I was planning on doing it and that stupid fuck said he didn't mind.
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