Don't Fuck with the Jesus...

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Why is "gay" an insult?

Means happy.

Or homosexual, which I am not, though personally have no problem with homosexuality existing.

Anyway, I think I hear my phone ringing.....

Well some gay men don't like titties.

Like He-who-shall-not-be-named.

Not an insult, it's a fact.
What? Need a cock twixt those tits? Is there seriously a shortage of willing cocks to nestle between bosoms
No clue. I googled "boob pillows" and those showed up.

It would be tough to be a donation cock to nestle between sleeping boobs. You'd have to stay very still...
well if you don't feel like sharing i don't feel like caring LOL

Gestures at the whole board, littered with yessica posts, many about me

I told yessica to shut up and post pictures in the funny picture thread and she threw a gasket.
abe supercro told me that "I do not know what I am up against" and has tagged me and made a large amount of posts about me.

They are cute little kids.

But - I'm unable to stop talking about him. And i will never forgive him.

It would be best if he just left this place and never came back.

I am here. I am queer. Get used to it.
I am thinking about you dipping your balls in pudding abe.[/i]
Gestures at the whole board, littered with yessica posts, many about me

I told yessica to shut up and post pictures in the funny picture thread and she threw a gasket.
abe supercro told me that "I do not know what I am up against" and has tagged me and made a large amount of posts about me.

They are cute little kids.

I am here. I am queer. Get used to it.
I am thinking about you dipping your balls in pudding abe.[/i]
Congratulations, you are the first gay I have ever known that I fucking hate.

You're back in ignore now - so no need to directly respond to me anymore.

You ALSO said earlier that you liked athletic brunette women.

So you are clearly a big liar too.

Fuck off and die on RIU.

Soon as you get the fuck out of here - I will show my breasts.

Thanks for the PUSH in the right direction.
Why is "gay" an insult?

Means happy.

Or homosexual, which I am not, though personally have no problem with homosexuality existing.

Anyway, I think I hear my phone ringing.....


It is really weird. yessica called me "queer bait"
I do not know what to do with that. Is that bad?
Does that mean I am attractive to queers?
All queers?

If I am attractive to all queers, I must be hot as fuck, right?

Or did she mean that I look like a stereotypical, effeminate gay?
I would at least be cute then.

I just can't figure out why "queer bait" is something you would say to someone that is not a redneck homophobe.

I am a big supporter of LGBT and pansexuals.
I think all humans deserve equal rights.
Gays should be allowed to get married and have access to the same rights that every one else has.

I am sure that not all people that use "insults" like queer bait are dumb homophobes, but if you are not a dumb homophobe why use such an "insult"?

Well some gay men don't like titties.

Like He-who-shall-not-be-named.

Not an insult, it's a fact.

Why would me being gay and not liking titties be an insult?
What if I am actually gay?
What if I lived in a gated community with my hot boyfriend and we had two Bischon's?

I guess some would post dumb memes about how I was born?
I guess some idiots think that gay people choose to be that way.
Gays must choose to live in a world where trashy people you idiotic insults like "queer bait."
I would rather be gay than be trash.
Congratulations, you are the first gay I have ever known that I fucking hate.

You are a piece of trash.
I stand in unity with my LGBT and pansexual brothers and sisters, you spit on them with your childish and trashy taunts.

You're back in ignore now - so no need to directly respond to me anymore.

So there is no need to make another thread about me or talk about me or to me in any more of your posts?

You ALSO said earlier that you liked athletic brunette women.

So you are clearly a big liar too.

So you suspect I am a heterosexual and you attack me with homophobic slurs?
You are trash. I wish you could understand the error of your ways.

Fuck off and die on RIU.

I hope you find the love you deserve.

Soon as you get the fuck out of here - I will show my breasts.

Thanks for the PUSH in the right direction.

There are about 457,312,989 better looking breasts available for viewing on the internet.
I am sure people will some how live with out seeing yours again.

Please rethink using such trash terms as "queer bait."
This really is about your queerness, isn't it? That's why your panties are all bunched up and sweaty.

Gestures at the whole board, littered with yessica posts, many about me
I told yessica to shut up and post pictures in the funny picture thread and she threw a gasket.
abe supercro told me that "I do not know what I am up against" and has tagged me and made a large amount of posts about me.
I am here. I am queer. Get used to it.
I am thinking about you dipping your balls in pudding abe.[/i]

Does that mean, by your logic, that I can assume a similar liberty to start private messaging female members of the board and attempt to share my fantasies about their vaginas, like you've often tried with me ? @WHATFG may not appreciate me discussing her vagina, behind closed doors and what I'd do to it, but maybe others would. That sounds like trolling behavior and sexual harassment. shame on you trollzers!

Anyway you must not think you have much to lose considering you have multiple accounts, sock puppet phycho. I'll keep giving you your medicine back for as long as I'm around.

"queer bait."
is she calling you a twink ?
sorry if i am using outdated lingo

Gestures at the whole board, littered with yessica posts,.[/i]

i remember when Jessica arrived, she did bring with her lots of energy, it remained me of the time when Kevin Murphy first joined
i quite like people like her that are "full of beans" perhaps because i am more of a quiet person, its easy to let folk like that do the entertaining

i have noticed when very extroverted people burn the candle at both ends like that it can be hard to sustain it, or avoid the comedown

i can see how she might "clash" with other extroverts all fighting for the limelight

not sure why you two have issues over your gayness, jessica loves the gays more than Prada handbags
perhaps you do not conform to her ideal of what a gay guy should behave like
why not PM her and ask her for tips, sure you two can work things out

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This really is about your queerness, isn't it? That's why your panties are all bunched up and sweaty.

How many times did you tag me on Sunday? Sorry, I was busy.
If mine are bunched up and sweaty, your must be sucked up into your rectum.

Which is it? Do you think I am gay or not?
Do you think that calling me queer is going to upset me?
You are a troglodyte. Your paradigm is stuck in 1952.
I am thinking about your shaved balls.
Am I gay?
Am I straight?
Am I transexual?
Am I pansexual?

Why does any of that bother you so much?

Does that mean, by your logic, that I can assume a similar liberty to start private messaging female members of the board and attempt to share my fantasies about their vaginas, like you've often tried with me ?

That really is a terrible analogy and you are completely ignoring context as usual, but I will entertain your incredibly dumb question little guy.

You can do what you please. I am not your master even though I live in your head and you think about me all the time when you are offline.

WHATFG may not appreciate me discussing her vagina, behind closed doors and what I'd do to it, but maybe others would. That sounds like trolling behavior and sexual harassment. shame on you trollzers!

Someday you will understand context, then maybe you will be able to have a co0nversation with adults.

Anyway you must not think you have much to lose considering you have multiple accounts, sock puppet phycho. I'll keep giving you your medicine back for as long as I'm around.

Go ask the mods about all my sock puppet accounts again abe.
They can easily check. You are a dumb child.
These closet cock gobblers should stay in there closet. WTF is the world coming to really allowing these aids infected monkeys to live.
In all seriousness its got to be a mental illness , fucking trolips now come lick my arse you fucking wing nuts ,,
Least there following the Jesus from what i understand

These closet cock gobblers should stay in there closet. WTF is the world coming to really allowing these aids infected monkeys to live.
In all seriousness its got to be a mental illness , fucking trolips now come lick my arse you fucking wing nuts ,,
Least there following the Jesus from what i understand

I really hope you are just joking.

I fucking love the gays.

I just hate Trollzers because he made fun of my depression and suicidal tendencies.

He's a evil little bridge troll. Maybe he's from Mordor?

He's more of an Ork than a troll.
Yet you call me a queer and other similar names.
You are not only a dumb epooner, you are a hypocrite.

What sock accounts do I have?
Did you ask the mods to look at IP addresses yet?
How many more times are you going to tag me and then call me obsessed?
If a person chooses to be GAY then so be it .. As a tax paying citizen i should have a right to not see it on tax paying streets i pay for .. no different then smokers not being able to smoke 3 m from any entrance in other words its respect
keep it behind closed doors and YES it bothers me when i see it out in the open , No different then breast feeding in a restaurant or changing a babies diaper, out in the open ,, you should follow some ethic's
Again its persons life what ever they choose???? to save money or spend it , to live under a bridge or in a nice place is up to them .. Do we see it in the wild male bonding pairs ? Fuck no
personally I am fed up with a relative minority that is constantly pushing their agenda down the throats of decent law abiding right minded folk. who are not confusing love with bum fun and rug munching.
If your religious Being gay is a sin. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
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