Donald Trump

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The aid we send to Mexico is to help feed their poor & their kids & to fight the war on drugs.......I see where your going with iso_O
This keeps coming up. We don't send enough aid to Mexico to be even close to matching the cost of that wall. Estimated materials cost alone for that wall is $17B USD. Rule of thumb for this type of work is labor and construction cost will be about the same, so at least $34B. Factor in any land that must be purchased, cost of environmental impact studies and the cost of mitigation for environmental impact will push that beast upwards of $40B. All this for a wall that will not stem illegal immigration. They will figure a way around, under or over that thing. It's just an ugly fashion accessory for the US, that's all.

This is the breakdown of US aid to Mexico in 2012:

According to our research engine:
The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012:

The aid was broken down in the following manner:
  • Child Survival and Health: $-12,200
  • Department of Defense Security Assistance: $39,854
  • Development Assistance: $17,948,047
  • Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance: $40,810,450
  • Global Health and Child Survival: $3,894,197
  • Narcotics Control: $27,565,779
  • Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related: $7,074,531
  • Other Active Grant Programs: $15,381,152
  • Other State Assistance: $2,700,596
  • Other USAID Assistance: $2,764
  • Other USDA Assistance: $372,914
  • Peace Corps: $2,000,836
  • Military Assistance, Total: $91,654,000
Nitro can line out whichever expenditure he likes. He IS math-challenged but simple arithmetic will show that we can never pay for that wall by reducing aid expenditures.

Basically all those wingnuts want is to punish Mexico anyway. So, yeah he's being truthful when he says he doesn't give a shit, he wants that fashion accessory, no matter the cost.
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They are probably terrified that it could extend to the crap written here at RIU ;]
This keeps coming up. We don't send enough aid to Mexico to be even close to matching the cost of that wall. Estimated materials cost alone for that wall is $17B USD. Rule of thumb for this type of work is labor and construction cost will be about the same, so at least $34B. Factor in any land that must be purchased, cost of environmental impact studies and the cost of mitigation for environmental impact will push that beast upwards of $40B. All this for a wall that will not stem illegal immigration. They will figure a way around, under or over that thing. It's just an ugly fashion accessory for the US, that's all.

This is the breakdown of US aid to Mexico in 2012:

According to our research engine:
The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012:

The aid was broken down in the following manner:
  • Child Survival and Health: $-12,200
  • Department of Defense Security Assistance: $39,854
  • Development Assistance: $17,948,047
  • Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance: $40,810,450
  • Global Health and Child Survival: $3,894,197
  • Narcotics Control: $27,565,779
  • Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related: $7,074,531
  • Other Active Grant Programs: $15,381,152
  • Other State Assistance: $2,700,596
  • Other USAID Assistance: $2,764
  • Other USDA Assistance: $372,914
  • Peace Corps: $2,000,836
  • Military Assistance, Total: $91,654,000
Nitro can line out whichever expenditure he likes. He IS math-challenged but simple arithmetic will show that we can never pay for that wall by reducing aid expenditures.

Basically all those wingnuts want is to punish Mexico anyway. So, yeah he's being truthful when he says he doesn't give a shit, he wants that fashion accessory, no matter the cost.

So in your mind, not taking American tax money and giving it to a foreign country is punishing them?? Let them eat cake as it were....

mood swings, irritiability, emotional changes, decreased cognitive function, and more.

does not bode well for you.

Elemental mercury toxicity (which usually occurs in the vaporized form) can cause:

  • mood swings, nervousness, irritability, and other emotional changes,
  • insomnia,
  • headache,
  • abnormal sensations,
  • muscle twitching,
  • tremors,
  • weakness,
  • muscle atrophy, and
  • decreased cognitive functions.
We realize you don't give a shit you dumb ass high school drop out and what to tell us how you are a successful business man. GTFO. If you did have a business your employees were cheating the shit out of you...because you are a dumb ass high school drop out. CHUMP

all he did was inherit a boat from his daddy.

bis brothr inherited the gun shop. nitro is jealous of that.
hmmmm a minefield north of the wall would put a minefield on the USA side. Damn uneducated Trump supporters.
Oh London fog you're a joke once one gets blown up the people behind him head back South and panda steal my food lol no work no health care no social programs your out of here quick. I know your not above breaking the law since you did in the first place to come here.
How about I break in to your house and as long as I do the chores you "don't can't " do you'll let me stay I think not.
Or just stop any financial remittances to mexico. So many more ways than one to skin a cat. You uneducated Hillary/Sanders supporter. More than 65 billion last yr just saying.
It's pretty funny, conservatives talk a lot about how unrealistic Sanders plan is -even though Nobel Laureates in economics have endorsed it and they project it'll grow the economy, create millions of new jobs, raise average household income by double digits, and decrease unemployment- but then when pressed on the numbers of Trump's plan, or indeed, any of the other republican candidates, they're vague, nonspecific and idealistic. "How's he gonna do X?" "He just will!".. "How will he do Y?" "He's a master negotiator, he'll make congress listen to him!".. "What about Z?" "World leaders will respect him, he'll get it done!"...

Many of them don't even hide the nationalistic, xenophobic appeal Trump has or condemn the KKK endorsement. It's clear to anyone paying attention he is rallying a group of idiots based around their fear of everything different. His tax policy will hurt every single one of his supporters and they'll gladly vote against their own economic interests just so they don't have to keep paying a dollar forty for a food stamp recipients meal anymore.
Proof of that bs
here's how I see it, if your an Illegal immigrant and you are already here, pick a side and that's that. Door is shut for good. No more fucking Muslims for sure.
Proof of that bs
This thread is proof of that

I've been asking for specifics the entire time because all Trump does is make stupid vague statements with no specifics

So I'll ask you

1. How is he going to pay for the wall between the US and Mexico?
2. How is he going to stimulate demand in the economy if he plans on lowering the upper-class' income tax from 39.5% to 25%? (Including lowering the corporate tax to 15%)
3. What is his foreign policy plan for Syria/Iraq/ISIS?
4. What is his domestic policy on health care?
5. What does he plan to do about reinstating Glass-Steagall and/or improving upon it?
6. What's his stance on Citizens United and campaign finance reform?
7. What's his stance on corporate welfare?
8. Climate change?
9. Amnesty?
10. The NSA and domestic spying?
11. The war on drugs?
12. The private prison industry?
13. The military industrial complex/the defense budget?
14. Abortion/Planned Parenthood?
15. Gay marriage?
16. Gun control reform?
Oh London fog you're a joke once one gets blown up the people behind him head back South and panda steal my food lol no work no health care no social programs your out of here quick. I know your not above breaking the law since you did in the first place to come here.
How about I break in to your house and as long as I do the chores you "don't can't " do you'll let me stay I think not.
So what new puppet are you ? just joined in under a week and got most post in politics than anywhere else. Who owned you ?
This thread is proof of that

I've been asking for specifics the entire time because all Trump does is make stupid vague statements with no specifics

So I'll ask you

1. How is he going to pay for the wall between the US and Mexico?
2. How is he going to stimulate demand in the economy if he plans on lowering the upper-class' income tax from 39.5% to 25%? (Including lowering the corporate tax to 15%)
3. What is his foreign policy plan for Syria/Iraq/ISIS?
4. What is his domestic policy on health care?
5. What does he plan to do about reinstating Glass-Steagall and/or improving upon it?
6. What's his stance on Citizens United and campaign finance reform?
7. What's his stance on corporate welfare?
8. Climate change?
9. Amnesty?
10. The NSA and domestic spying?
11. The war on drugs?
12. The private prison industry?
13. The military industrial complex/the defense budget?
14. Abortion/Planned Parenthood?
15. Gay marriage?
16. Gun control reform?
Stimulate demand in the Economy what. And half if not better of your questions YOUR current adminstration has no fucking clue Isis lol you mean pulling out of Iraq wasn't a good idea Libya yeah not evening asking Congress to go to war in that hell hole. Sorry for the run on sentence fired up.
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