Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
All I hear is silence from Mexico. Just an out burst from Fox and a Pope that should of stayed out of politics. TRUMP!
You must be one of those dudes who thinks saying nothing is the same as saying 'yes'

Fox, Calderon and Francis essentially said "Go fuck yourself, Trump", you hear "THEY'RE GONNA PAY FOR THE WALL!"

You are a dumbass, dude. Trump ain't winning shit, I can't wait to hear your bullshit excuses for why your favored fascist who always wins lost the most important position in his life

"It's gonna be GREAT!"

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
you are too stupid for words.
A spokesman for Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said the billionaire's assurances reflect “enormous ignorance.”
So a spokesman for the president said? Why would he use a middle man for speaking ? He should just spit it out like his other spokesman Fox did. He is probably sweating bullets like little Rubio and can't speak from the tremors . lol TRUMP!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
That wall is going to cost Donald the's just too crazy of an idea for most rational people...
Simmer down doulbejj, we have a long ways to go. The wall might win Donald the presidency in my opinion. Thinking you can't do something is a defeatist attitude, yes we can do it , is what I say. And I don't care what it cost. We will cut there aid off seeings how they are taking our factories. TRUMP!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
You must be one of those dudes who thinks saying nothing is the same as saying 'yes'

Fox, Calderon and Francis essentially said "Go fuck yourself, Trump", you hear "THEY'RE GONNA PAY FOR THE WALL!"

You are a dumbass, dude. Trump ain't winning shit, I can't wait to hear your bullshit excuses for why your favored fascist who always wins lost the most important position in his life

"It's gonna be GREAT!"
Don't forget to vote dude. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
So a spokesman for the president said? Why would he use a middle man for speaking ? He should just spit it out like his other spokesman Fox did. He is probably sweating bullets like little Rubio and can't speak from the tremors . lol TRUMP!
Wow you are unbelievable stupid. I'm really start to doubt that you are anywhere near successful at anything you do. No way anyone can be as dumb as you,and operate a successful and profitable business.


Well-Known Member
Simmer down doulbejj, we have a long ways to go. The wall might win Donald the presidency in my opinion. Thinking you can't do something is a defeatist attitude, yes we can do it , is what I say. And I don't care what it cost. We will cut there aid off seeings how they are taking our factories. TRUMP!
The aid we send to Mexico is to help feed their poor & their kids & to fight the war on drugs.......I see where your going with iso_O

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Wow you are unbelievable stupid. I'm really start to doubt that you are anywhere near successful at anything you do. No way anyone one as dumb as you can operate a successful and profitable business.
Well I can see why you think that with all the down grades your paper work has experienced. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Well I can see why you think that with all the down grades your paper work has experienced. TRUMP!
say what you want, but I was able to complete high-school, obtain a BS in aeronautics and complete 22 years in the USAF. While you just tell us stories about fish. Care to do some math problems? Auto-correct can't help you there. I'm sure we all will see just how stupid you are.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
say what you want, but I was able to complete high-school, obtain a BS in aeronautics and complete 22 years in the USAF. While you just tell us stories about fish. Care to do some math problems? Auto-correct can't help you there. I'm sure we all will see just how stupid you are.
It looks like you have some accomplishments. And now you collect money from poor people. Thats pretty good. Thats crushing it dude. TRUMP!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
more like you can't. You would have if you could have, just to prove a point.
the answer is D
do I need to show how you get to that answer you dumb ass highschool drop out.
Sorry about your luck dude. You will have to find someone that gives a shit! TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
It's pretty funny, conservatives talk a lot about how unrealistic Sanders plan is -even though Nobel Laureates in economics have endorsed it and they project it'll grow the economy, create millions of new jobs, raise average household income by double digits, and decrease unemployment- but then when pressed on the numbers of Trump's plan, or indeed, any of the other republican candidates, they're vague, nonspecific and idealistic. "How's he gonna do X?" "He just will!".. "How will he do Y?" "He's a master negotiator, he'll make congress listen to him!".. "What about Z?" "World leaders will respect him, he'll get it done!"...

Many of them don't even hide the nationalistic, xenophobic appeal Trump has or condemn the KKK endorsement. It's clear to anyone paying attention he is rallying a group of idiots based around their fear of everything different. His tax policy will hurt every single one of his supporters and they'll gladly vote against their own economic interests just so they don't have to keep paying a dollar forty for a food stamp recipients meal anymore.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your luck dude. You will have to find someone that gives a shit! TRUMP!
We realize you don't give a shit you dumb ass high school drop out and what to tell us how you are a successful business man. GTFO. If you did have a business your employees were cheating the shit out of you...because you are a dumb ass high school drop out. CHUMP
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