Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Its not about tax breaks. Predictably its about a lying, manipulative, con man and his slimy maneuvers.

But Trump is a different situation for other reasons, too. He’s far wealthier than any other candidate to run for president, and he has a long history of questionable finances, and faces other allegations. His companies have declared bankruptcy four times. He’s been fined by the Federal Trade Commission for improper behavior. He incorrectly received a tax break for people making less than $500,000 per year. All of this means that people might have legitimate questions about what Trump is doing with his supposed vast sums: what he does with it, whether those things are legal, and further whether the techniques he likely uses to reduce his tax obligations (like many wealthy people) are appropriate, even when they are legal. Given Trump’s repeated attacks on companies that move their profits offshore, or hedge-fund managers who use the carried-interest loopholes, voters have a right to know whether he practices what he preaches

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Its not about tax breaks. Predictably its about a lying, manipulative, con man and his slimy maneuvers.

But Trump is a different situation for other reasons, too. He’s far wealthier than any other candidate to run for president, and he has a long history of questionable finances, and faces other allegations. His companies have declared bankruptcy four times. He’s been fined by the Federal Trade Commission for improper behavior. He incorrectly received a tax break for people making less than $500,000 per year. All of this means that people might have legitimate questions about what Trump is doing with his supposed vast sums: what he does with it, whether those things are legal, and further whether the techniques he likely uses to reduce his tax obligations (like many wealthy people) are appropriate, even when they are legal. Given Trump’s repeated attacks on companies that move their profits offshore, or hedge-fund managers who use the carried-interest loopholes, voters have a right to know whether he practices what he preaches
Fair enough.


Well-Known Member

ky man

Well-Known Member

"Stopping Trump is a short term solution. The long term solution, and it will be more difficult, is fixing the educational system that has created so many people ignorant enough to vote for trump."
its the other way around don't you think?There is no stoping TRUMP, The people are tired of being sold out by are government to faten there bank accounts and there childrens bank acounts while the reast has to do things that is not legal to just survive and then if they catch you they even make more money off you from putting you in a private prison,thats how are government works now

ky man

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be surprised if Donald Trump didn't create the Panama Papers as some kind of con scheme....ala Bernie Madoff...:roll:
I love you to jj as a friend I just wish I could get you to vote trump this time,but no mater what you talk like a very good man that most any person would be proud to call you friend and I do wish you the best in life.

ky man

Well-Known Member
JJ,,,If Burnie got the dem, nomation to run the big raise he would get my vote and not trunp for I like the burn the best of all them running and I think he would do a great job.I just hate that dam bitch and what she has did to this

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump appears 3,540 times in the ICIJ database. However, over the years Trump has sold his name and reputation to investors, meaning the appearance of his name does not necessarily link him to offshore accounts.

The documents name some of the Trump’s investors, although the transactions seem to be aimed at milking profit from the business tycoon's name rather than any other links to Trump himself.


Well-Known Member
British PM should worry about his own fucked up situation lol axis of evil, that dude is a jackass.

Trump is a huge douche but comparing him to hitler because his politics aren't UK soft is really going out on a limb. Hitler didn't want anything to do with controlling his borders, he wanted to take over the world, slaughter the Jews and anyone else in his way.
awww, poor little baby no like when people point out his hero trump is fascist.

you cry now, poor baby?

yes, go cry now. it be OK
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