Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
I never heard he is anti-Muslim.

TBH, have you ever tried to talk to make friends with an obvious Muslim, or make small talk in the store. say As-salamu alaykum to one, and look at the surprise in their eyes, or maybe its a promise of death cant tell. the second generation are much more friendly and fun.

in San Diego: El Cajon Ca, has the largest population of Iraq war refugees, they have pretty much quarantined themselves, maybe understandably so given the political climate.

its hard to approach the Muslim community because its all of nothing. saying they cant not wear burkas in a bank comes off as anti-Muslim. or sorry your work breaks are the same as everyone else. can and is construed as anti-

I think he is shut out just like the rest of us, and has not said anything the TSA already hasn't.
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Well-Known Member
I never heard he is anti-Muslim.

TBH, have you ever tried to talk to make friends will obvious Muslim, or make small talk in the store. say As-salamu alaykum to one, and look at the surprise in their eyes, or maybe its a promise of death cant tell. the second generation are much more friendly and fun.

in San Diego: El Cajon Ca, has the largest population of Iraq war refugees, they have pretty much quarantined themselves, maybe understandably so given the political climate.

its hard to approach the Muslim community because its all of nothing. saying they cant not wear burkas in a bank comes off as anti-Muslim. or sorry your work breaks are the same as everyone else. can and is construed as anti-

I think he is shut out just like the rest of us, and has not said anything the TSA already hasn't.
yup. If christians have to bake cakes for everyone then muslims should have to remove their niquab in a bank. true equality

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I imagine even bum-face David Cameron would go the the right thing IF Trump got the job.Sever all poolitical ties with the US.
He isnt as brazen as Tony Blair.
.Meanwhile,the world watches and waits.
Hows your swimming these days.Still got the magic touch?
none yet. Bean, i thought Oregon was not going recreational until Nov, but they are already. I was pleasantly surprised!
it just breaks my heart to see all those beautiful young West Virginia out of work Coal miners believing so much that Trump will get them jobs again, back in the coal mines. really breaks my heart. How could he lie to them like that and they believe it? That is one issue that really does not make sense to me, bringing back coal?

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
none yet. Bean, i thought Oregon was not going recreational until Nov, but they are already. I was pleasantly surprised!
it just breaks my heart to see all those beautiful young West Virginia out of work Coal miners believing so much that Trump will get them jobs again, back in the coal mines. really breaks my heart. How could he lie to them like that and they believe it? That is one issue that really does not make sense to me, bringing back coal?
Interesting!Everyone gets cheap coal from China these days.Same as the big motor manufacturers in the US crapped on
the workers and moved there factories to Mexico.Same happened here in the 80s.Mrs Thatcher shut down the coal
mines.Today there are Northern English towns where there is no industry,no jobs.
My mate,lives in Barnsley.He says everyone is drunk all the time.I saw it on TV once.Its a shit-hole .
I read some Micheal Moore Books about the US.(Hes a film-maker).
It opened my eyes to the plight of the average american.
Like America we used to have some great industry here.Ship-building.Coal.steel.Cotton.ALL GONE .Now theres loads of
over qualified graduates chasing too few jobs.Mostly,they work in shops for peanuts.
Education has become a scam.A degree costs about 30 thousand pounds.
Then,you have to work for nothing to get work experience.
Trump wont deliver.Hes on a big ego-trip.Im sure at heart,he couldnt give a poo about Americans.
Just my two Pence worth.
I had you down as a surfer.Get a wet-suit,The Robert Crumb Av,Looks like a wind-blown surf chick with hair full of sand.
Im lucky the sea is so warm

As for oregan.When i looked it looked similar to NZ.
BTW.You should see some of the beaches in Cornwall (UK).Just Amazing.
Some dude in NZ told me Britain had no decent beaches.
He was so surprised when i chewed his balls off.:cuss:

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Well-Known Member
in San Diego: El Cajon Ca, has the largest population of Iraq war refugees, they have pretty much quarantined themselves, maybe understandably so given the political climate.

its hard to approach the Muslim community because its all of nothing. saying they cant not wear burkas in a bank comes off as anti-Muslim. or sorry your work breaks are the same as everyone else


Well-Known Member
I never heard he is anti-Muslim.

TBH, have you ever tried to talk to make friends with an obvious Muslim, or make small talk in the store. say As-salamu alaykum to one, and look at the surprise in their eyes, or maybe its a promise of death cant tell. the second generation are much more friendly and fun.

in San Diego: El Cajon Ca, has the largest population of Iraq war refugees, they have pretty much quarantined themselves, maybe understandably so given the political climate.

its hard to approach the Muslim community because its all of nothing. saying they cant not wear burkas in a bank comes off as anti-Muslim. or sorry your work breaks are the same as everyone else. can and is construed as anti-

I think he is shut out just like the rest of us, and has not said anything the TSA already hasn't.
Those Iraqis in El Cajon are Chaldean, which is a Christian religion. They are refugees from Iraq, but not so much because of the war. They left because of religious persecution in Iraq. Many of that community were here long before the Iraq War started.



Well-Known Member
Those Iraqis in El Cajon are Chaldean, which is a Christian religion. They are refugees from Iraq, but not so much because of the war. They left because of religious persecution in Iraq. Many of that community were here long before the Iraq War started.

the Chaldean influx was before my time really. I was like 8 or 9, my brother went to school during the Chaldean vs Persian war in san diego, not so much a war as it was driving a nicer BMW-n-such.

I referring to the populations on the east side of El Cajon. entire apartment complexes owned? and lived in by Muslim, not that its bad or anything. I love Al-Qahwa coffee.

a lot of the old centralized Chaldean population is going 3rd,4th,5th gen by some accounts I'm guessing. and live everywhere, with little notice fars I can tell, Vs the shutter closed population.


Well-Known Member
drumpf will bankrupt the whole planet! DRUMPF!!!

we can never go broke, ever...I don't care what the debt clock says.

really our job as Americans is to be consumers, even if they have to pay us to do it. money has to move, even if its in debt. the whole ocean could be full on $100 bills but so long as its moving thought the consumer chain. like open water shark, just keep swimming and you will find something to eat. just like the dollar, so long as its moving it will find traction.

the dollar need only be back by bombs not gold. America is the global "too big to fail"

8 O'clock day one economics college: on the board: "by all accounts America should be destitute. don't try and figure out why, lets move on to a very presumed economic model that makes sense and learn how things would be, if forces greater then simple economics aren't at work."

how can rich people get richer, if the riches cant make them rich anymore? I don't think rich, strike that wealthy people would let that happen..because BOMB's on your face.

so, don't worry bout the "debt" its just another control method, ironically also used by a very special German who like kings, and rulers before him, took note that being at war means never being broke.
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