Donald Trump

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
really? why? or rather, how?

i mean, you've always seemed like a reasonable enough person. a cool person. an honest person. a decent person.

trump is none of these things. and it is demonstrable that he panders to racist sentiment. which is even worse than being racist and keeping it to yourself.

it is fine if you or anyone else is racist. but just keep it to yourself. no one wants to hear about why you are racist. and most of all, no one should want some dumb narcissistic asshole pandering to racists in order to get political power. that is what donald trump does.

can we not agree on these points?
I listen to what he says. Is he crass and rude, sure. Is it racist to want to keep illegal immigrants out? No. Is it racist to put a halt to immigration from certain areas till we can properly vet them? No.


Well-Known Member
I listen to what he says. Is he crass and rude, sure. Is it racist to want to keep illegal immigrants out? No. Is it racist to put a halt to immigration from certain areas till we can properly vet them? No.
Using base ignorance and fear to scapegoat immigrants for your own failings is a racist ploy. "Properly vet them" gtfoh youre aping, xenophobic idiot nonsense.

The shitty, ignorant, half assed thinking youve posted actually provides for more than a hunch.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Using base ignorance and fear to scapegoat immigrants for your own failings is a racist ploy. "Properly vet them" gtfoh youre aping, xenophobic idiot nonsense.

The shitty, ignorant, half assed thinking youve posted actually provides for more than a hunch.
Not racist. Not xenophobic. Keep listening to what the masters tell you tho.

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
cheers Bean! no worries there mate. Is the major consensus , toward Trump, a negative one in the UK? I think I saw your prime minister dissing him?? maybe was he saying he would not allow Trump into the UK or something like that? lol, kinda like. Black
Michael Savage (the talk show host) has been banned from the UK. its laughable.
Trump has a slogan "America First" , " Make America Great Again" scary shit like
Bean i if you could see the completely insanity of this process and media manipulation first hand over here. Its hard to keep up with. Its too cold to go swim in the ocean here. There are plenty of swimming holes in beautiful mountain streams though!
I imagine even bum-face David Cameron would go the the right thing IF Trump got the job.Sever all poolitical ties with the US.
He isnt as brazen as Tony Blair.
.Meanwhile,the world watches and waits.
Hows your swimming these days.Still got the magic touch?


Well-Known Member
I know pangea. But since then the land mass has been split several ways. Hence no more pangea. It's true, you can look it up. I believe our planet is mostly water,about 70%. Not solid ground at all.
Those damned plate tectonic shifts... If the ground we all live upon were not fairly solid, a lot of things would fall into the core of the planet or through the planet.

The Earth crust, mantle, and core. is still fairly solid. Regardless of how much water there is on the surface of the Earth, trapped in the air, polar icecaps, or in the ground.

I do agree with you though... The Earth is not completely solid like a ball of iron ore might be. The Earth just solid enough that a meteor leaves a fairly large impact crater in the crust. Sort of like what happened in the area known as Chicxulub, Mexico that is claimed to have killed most of the dinosaurs.
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Well-Known Member
British PM;Trump is the new Hitler and part of the axis of evil.

Nuff Said!
British PM should worry about his own fucked up situation lol axis of evil, that dude is a jackass.

Trump is a huge douche but comparing him to hitler because his politics aren't UK soft is really going out on a limb. Hitler didn't want anything to do with controlling his borders, he wanted to take over the world, slaughter the Jews and anyone else in his way.


Well-Known Member
lol nice! Touche!

Luckily we have many checks and balances to keep our president in line whoever it may be. This prevents that type of abuse of power, hopefully. My point was not defending Trump, more that It kind of irks me that the British PM would compare anyone to hitler.
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