Listen. I know words. Good words. I'm so good at wording, so be careful, because I'll be great at it. I'll use words so hard it'll make your head spin.
Anyway. Yes. Trump is very left leaning on many subjects, just like Kasich. I really liked rand but he's not on the play list now. Ron Paul was a miracle we missed the opportunity. You can flip my words around any way you like, choose the best one that fits your mood, I condone.
Maybe I'm here to rustle your feathers. Maybe I'm a sleeper cell to cause some havoc within this very thread.
Whatever it is, I want everyone to think. Think hard. Research. Read all unbiased sources you can. NPR is great. Don't fall prey to bullshit fox. Bullshit NBC, abc, CNN. Don't be a sheep! Don't be my grandma who thinks because fox said hillary didn't land under sniper fire, or hillary actually had Bernie behind her in 1994 pushing for health care, it is fake.
Its up to you to choose. Don't give me a hard time. I know my shit. Know your shit, too. Make a decision that's not fucking persuaded by bullshit. If you do that I'm happy as a mother fucker for who you decide to vote for.