Donald Trump

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Let's no forget ol Elizabeth Warren and her Cherokee blood line. Only thing she got wrong was her ancestors were the ones pushing the Cherokee down the trail of tears. Oh well close enough right.... Right guys... Guys... Hello
Actually up until at least 96 Clinton did a hell of a lot to punish minority Communities. So at least till then.

Now move the goal post again idiot
US presidential election results 1956;


US presidential election results 1964;


I'd suggest laying off the Dinesh D'Souza for a little while
Wow over night straight silently switch parties overnight. That is the most convenient fucking line of logic I've ever heard. George Wallace was a dem just like the boys who had the black codes Jim Crow and southern manifesto. You changing history doesn't work. First African American member of Congress was a Republican. MLK was a Republican. James Earl Ray Democrat.
No matter your excuses history seems to tell a very different tale.

See4 I'm so glad that no matter what happens you'll be insulated for the rest. Your elitist attitude is Democrat all the way. Fucking joke. When did it change. Maybe that was about the Bill Clinton bill 3 strikes and your out. Ohh yeah now your against it so up until 96 you were the racist party, or when did it change. Sorry just want to clarify when you became the non elitist party of everyman instead it of the see4 party of only every rich man.

Too scared to reply to me? I laid all of this out already.

Yeah, he's scared. Typical conservitard lol.
Yeah I can an unstoppable force meets a stationary object. Boom lol. It's all good honestly never thought he would make it this far but people are fed up. On both sides of the aisle the status quo has gone on too long. I know people are tired of the same ol same ol in DC. It's high time a shot is fired over the bow.
Yeah I can an unstoppable force meets a stationary object. Boom lol. It's all good honestly never thought he would make it this far but people are fed up. On both sides of the aisle the status quo has gone on too long. I know people are tired of the same ol same ol in DC. It's high time a shot is fired over the bow.

+++ impressive but not surprised you know the difference between arithmetic and physics but Trump doesn't
Bro he will be stopped cold when the gloves come off.

Trump is lionized for sure but he is disdained by far more. He's worked overtime to cultivate his persona as a racist lout.

"Were you in on that meeting? The same guys that want him to lose wouldnt finance him? That's a shocker!!!

They wouldnt finance him because they cant control him. We have 4 establishment candidates and donald Trump. He is the only non-establishment candidate."


did you not review the carefully documented grovelling and manipulating Trump did to fund his "campaign". He's completely bought and paid for by narrow greed and hypocrisy. He swindles the contributions of the lowliest and most ignorant to bloat his brand. He is a shallow POS. You cant possibly believe this asshole could be POTUS.

You're the fish swimming in the bowl of sewage. We're watching you in your shit bowl and you're watching us in your shit bowl.

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You have elevated the rhetoric beyond hysterical at this point.

Trump wasnt a nazi until a couple weeks ago when it suddenly seemed like he could win the race.
+++ impressive but not surprised you know the difference between arithmetic and physics but Trump doesn't
Bro he will be stopped cold when the gloves come off.

Trump is lionized for sure but he is disdained by far more. He's worked overtime to cultivate his persona as a racist lout.

Trump was laughing and having a good time tonight. Hillary was angry and screaming and hoarse from doing the same for weeks on end. Someone should tell her she is winning...
You have elevated the rhetoric beyond hysterical at this point.

Trump wasnt a nazi until a couple weeks ago when it suddenly seemed like he could win the race.
It's never seemed like Trump could win except to delusional people who can't read scientific polls. You can't point to a single credible poll where Trump is ahead of either Sanders or Clinton in the general election
It's never seemed like Trump could win except to delusional people who can't read scientific polls. You can't point to a single credible poll where Trump is ahead of either Sanders or Clinton in the general election
Checking the latest odds I see Clinton -200 Trump +200.

Experts are betting that he will not win.
The oddsmakers were very accurate with romney/obama. When $$ is your only horse in the race objectivity is much improved.
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Third party might be the only way this shit stops the bushes Clinton's Gore's time for new blood and new ideas 220 tril in unfunded liabilities is bad for all Americans, and really the world
Reagan was a good example of a populace that had been told for far too long "Let them eat cake" and now we have this political climate. I be came voter age less than 15 yrs ago, these are crazy times.
lol. I'm not at all worried, whale lover.

it does, however, speak volumes to the state of affairs of how successful groups are in manipulating and conning low information ignorant individuals into supporting causes that go against their needs. you fit that stereotype perfectly.

honestly nitro, I feel sorry for you. honestly I do.

You should be kicking back smoking a doobie, like I am doing. This is fucking great. TRUMP!
Trump is better than many candidates. Also, if you don't think so, you're racist. I'm black. So don't even come at me with any you're racist agendas. If you vote for Bernie, you're racist. If you vote for hillary, you're racist. Kasich. Racist.
And stop race baiting, or being a victim of race baiting, if you think Trump is racist. Latina vote in Nevada. Carson endorsed. I like him best out of the competition. It's scary. Yes. But so is a Bernie election. Or a stagnant hillary election.

Rip the establishment to shreds. Blue collar advancement. More jobs. Less debt. Liberal ethical views. Minimum wage raise. More jobs for citizens instead of illegals. Canada fines illegals $5k and kicks them out for entering illegal. We have them take jobs away from our people by shady business owners that want to pay under the table. It's a fact. Ive seen it happen 100s of times. While the same business owner tells the world "build a wall. 'hypocrisy. But whatever. Be fiscally conservative with liberal views and the world will be a better place. bongsmilie
And stop race baiting, or being a victim of race baiting, if you think Trump is racist. Latina vote in Nevada. Carson endorsed. I like him best out of the competition. It's scary. Yes. But so is a Bernie election. Or a stagnant hillary election.

Rip the establishment to shreds. Blue collar advancement. More jobs. Less debt. Liberal ethical views. Minimum wage raise. More jobs for citizens instead of illegals. Canada fines illegals $5k and kicks them out for entering illegal. We have them take jobs away from our people by shady business owners that want to pay under the table. It's a fact. Ive seen it happen 100s of times. While the same business owner tells the world "build a wall. 'hypocrisy. But whatever. Be fiscally conservative with liberal views and the world will be a better place. bongsmilie

If you think Trump isn't establishment, you're being willfully ignorant. How is a Bernie outcome "scarier" than a Trump one? You pretty much just laid out what Bernie wants to do, except without the major police actions, curtailing of civil rights, and 1st Amendment rights. Also if Trump does get his way and is able to kick out a majority of illegals watch tons of small businesses go down, your cost of produce sky rocket, our trade deficit increase (cheap produce comes from cheap labor and farm subsidies which act as de facto tariffs here in the US, but once the cheap labor is gone, we'll have to drop subsidies, or increase them, or import produce from Mexico on a larger scale) with just about every other nation, our agricultural sector stagger. Then we'll have increased inequality from his tax plan, or a complete unmanageable Congress because I really can't see Congress and the Executive branch working at all together under Trump (hint: he has no experience with this). Then we have the rhetoric of hate, fear, and the vitriolic nature of his whipped up voter base while we lose even more credibility abroad. Sure sounds like rainbows and kittens!

edited to add: Fiscally conservative? Trump? Are you trying to go for an Emmy with that joke?
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