Donald Trump

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Yeah he would have to face tough questions at the debate....not so much with a rally....except for those pesky protesters

How many debates do you think it takes compared to the Dems debates to get to the end of primary debates? We love protesters, and I really mean that. By the time this is over some of the protesters will vote TRUMP!. imo LOL
How many debates do you think it takes compared to the Dems debates to get to the end of primary debates? We love protesters, and I really mean that. By the time this is over some of the protesters will vote TRUMP!. imo LOL

Says Forestt Gump! Protesters will vote for the dumpster! Omg, what lunacy!

Says Forestt Gump! Protesters will vote for the dumpster! Omg, what lunacy!


This is getting to be so much fun. The Trump train is smoking hot. Did you see how many voters are turning out compared to the dems? I predict a Trump land slide come november because the party will unite. TRUMP!
I suspect those Bernie protesters at the donalds rallies are not going to swing over to vote for trump, they are further left than Hillary. Most Bernie voters will vote for Hillary...maybe she should offer Bernie the VP........'Clinton/Sanders 2016' would be tough to beat..
I suspect those Bernie protesters at the donalds rallies are not going to swing over to vote for trump, they are further left than Hillary. Most Bernie voters will vote for Hillary...maybe she should offer Bernie the VP........'Clinton/Sanders 2016' would be tough to beat..

That would be a dream come true for TRUMP!. Bring it on. TRUMP!
I suspect those Bernie protesters at the donalds rallies are not going to swing over to vote for trump, they are further left than Hillary. Most Bernie voters will vote for Hillary...maybe she should offer Bernie the VP........'Clinton/Sanders 2016' would be tough to beat..
True statement, Trump protestors who happen to be Bernie supporters will not vote for Trump, neither will any rational thinking individual.
False, Hillary is not extreme left, in fact she is quite centrist, it's just that the Republican part has gone so far right that anyone that doesn't see it their way is a commie.

Face it, Hillary has the Black Vote, the Hispanic Vote, the Womans Vote, the 18 to 25 demographic, and rational thinking individuals. Trump has the scraps.
The general election polls has widened for both Hillary and Bernie against Trump. I'm not denying it's possible that Trump could win, but it's not very likely. So sorry.
Am I the only one who isn't sure what to believe that trump says anymore? I mean if he's elected would he even do any of the shit he talks about?! I'm second guessing everything with this dude now, I feel it may be all for show?

I wouldn't be surprised if he gets the nomination or something and then plops a 180 and starts blabbing totally different agendas
Hey doublejj, I don't believe there is a big enough group to make that possible, But we will find out in a few months. TRUMP!
there are 10mil more registered democrats than republicans in America...all Hillary needs is to get out the vote....and Donald may have provided just what she needed
Am I the only one who isn't sure what to believe that trump says anymore? I mean if he's elected would he even do any of the shit he talks about?! I'm second guessing everything with this dude now, I feel it may be all for show?

I wouldn't be surprised if he gets the nomination or something and then plops a 180 and starts blabbing totally different agendas

He's already admitted that he started the campaign only to seek recognition.

He will say and do anything that will get him recognition and get him more money.
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