Donald Trump just gave a Black History Month speech about the persecution of Donald Trump

Jeez, I can't get over that picture of Drumpf and the helicopter. Look how small his hands are compared to that big plush butt.

You could read that two ways, and both would convey my feelings about the fat fascist. He HAS a big ass, plus he IS a big ass.
The honest truth is and I am sure one of these idiots will call me a welfare mooch is that I have trigger finger in both hands and it hurts to type for periods of time. That is why I use the Talk to Text. And your right I should put in more effort, and I do on other sites. I think I am just more lax here.
In my experience anyone with intelligence low enough to consider themselves a slave with an owner in 2017 America..... Is stupid or another term is idiot.
You're a low information American.

When the top ten percent of income earners make over half of all the income and own over 85℅ of all the wealth, the rest of us are just peons. When they use their money to influence politics- it's tax deductible!- the rest of us lose our representation and become slaves.

You're just late to the realization, that's all.
How about Puerto Rico Germany Thailand Qatar Afghanistan Kuwait South Korea Australia Singapore Japan Hong Kong and China Plus numerous states in the US how about you? The coolest place I think I've ever been military wise was Iwo Jima i've been to the top of Mount
Around Australia twice.
Around England .
Around Ireland
Around Northern Island
Around France, Portugal, Spain, Greece (including a few of the islands), Italy,Germany, Austria,Netherlands. (maybe a few other smaller countries i dont recall at the moment).
As you can see i like to travel around the countries i visit. Much better than just seeing a couple of cities. You get to know the locals and find out so much more.

Been to Indonesia and in a few months will be vising Fiji and Vanuatu.

So maybe you should travel more? Seems its only military bases you have been to?
Ahh never mind..u lie about your age and shoot yourself in the feet? are probably lieing about being in the military and the placers you have been to..forget i gave you the time of day.
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