Dog locked in car for 24+ hours, called the cops.

Those of you shitting on the O.P. for calling the cops are assholes. It's that simple

You obviously don't have pets and/or could give a fuck less about anyone else's. You just turn the other cheek when you see a dog locked in a hot car overnight? get a fucking clue and come up with your own opinions. Some of you are a bunch of floaters, you just go along with the majority
It's good to see that even though you make a user look bad in your sig by quoting him saying he wants to be a cop, (making your feelings about them clear) that you agree an innocent animals life is more important that how we feel about cops.

I'm just glad the dog was rescued. I feel really bad for the lady at the end of the day. No family would come to rescue her dog while she was checked into the hospital. She seemed very distraught. She had to check out of the hospital in the middle of whatever her treatment was. She got her dog out and into a cab. So today her car is gone, so I only hope she was able to get someone to get her car and watch over the dog, because the nurse indicated the the woman needed to get back to the hospital ASAP after fixing the dog situation. Just kinda sad all around.
fuck da po-lice, but cant blame the OP, fuck what that lady had in her car... id either be smashing windows or calling someone to open it also.. not fuck the dog, fuck whoever said that... if you all werent little shady monsters then talking to the police might not be so bad, ive been in cuffs more then my fair share of times.. but heres the way i see it, ive only been arrested when i was doing something wrong.. ive done a lot wrong lol, sure every once in a while you get stopped by a sgt slaughter type robo cop motherfucker thats just out to destroy you haha.. but i wouldnt be involved with them if i didnt do something wrong to be involved in the 1st place right? do your dirty work at home :idea: , im not saying fly 100% straight.. just dont be a fuckin moron and youll be alright.. like for example, say you wanna go cruise a blunt, do it with like one or 2 friends chillin on some back roads or something.. .dont load your car up with 6 people all thugged out blasting 50 cent and sippin 40's , be smart people, if a dogs dying save it, you dont wanna call the cops... call a fucking locksmith or something figure it out.. peace
Point was rule no.1 is never call the cops on someone whos not currently fucking with you personally.

The point about the cocaine was you called the cops without knowing what sort of a shit storm it wouldve caused.

this is the problem with people yeah cops are shitty for busting people with 1 gram and pot and loosing their lives to jail but its a dog, the dog didnt ask to be kept in a fucking car for 24 hours...youre stupid so youre saying youd let a dog fucking die because of your "morals" about disgust me and anyone who agrees with you disgusts me.
Okay so I'm a supervisor for a security company, my location is a medical office building right next to a hospital (we have a parking garage that people going to the hospital inadvertently park in constantly).

So I notice Yesterday before the parking garage closes, that a car is still inside the garage (happens all the time). Problem is the car (BMW wagon) has a dog inside, a little fcking purse dog (does not happen all the time). Not a big fan of small dogs, but I am a fan of life. Unfortunately I can do nothing yet as 9/10 times people come take the car and then leave after hours, mostly peoPle visiting family late at night, then leaving.

Then I arrive for my shift today, and the fucking car and dog are still there. Now it's a small dog that hasn't had water or food in at least 24 hours. So I decide to take matters into my own hands as it has been hot, and even though the parking garage is 10 degrees cooler than outside, it's still In the high 70's in there.

Now even though I'm a security guard, I'm no cop wannabe, and not a huge fan of cops in general. However I am aware of the ability they have to help the community in situations such as this. So I called a cop, a young guy shows up. He agrees this is pretty fucked up and gets to work. He runs the license plate and gets the name of the owner, and goes to the hospital (next door, patients often park in our garage on accident) to see if the owner is checked in. ( this was what we had thought was the case because who the fuck leaves a dog in the car that long lunless it's a medical emergency, especially concidering our proximity to the hospital?)

Turns out the owner is checked into the hospital because of a medical issue. Making the story even sadder, it's a middle aged woman with no family willing/available to help get the dog while she was checked in. So after a short time I'm informed she is most likely about to check out of the hospital (none of my concern) and assist her dog. Problem is she is on medication and I can't let her drive outta there with the nedication she was on, its like a dui. But I also can't physically stop her due to legal reasons regarding contracted security and liability bullshit.

Thank the stars this lady was easily convinced to take a cab, they had her on some good shit over at the hospital. Long story short the dog was taken home by the owner and hopefully taken care of. I did my part I feel like. It seemed like if I didn't get the ball rolling, that dog was staying in the car another 24 hours, which was a 100% death sentence with how small it was coupled with heat and lack of food and water. Also the fact that the lady didn't start trying to help the dog until a cop showed up in her room reminding her it was about to be animal cruelty.

I hope the dog is in good care now and not in peril any more (even though I hate little fucking a ankle biters). Well thats my story. Stay geeked, like I was the whole time this shit went down :eyesmoke:

P.s. yeah yeah one starred

that was a commendable thing to do.poor dog,sucks that the owner had that situation to go through but its still no excuse to neglect youre pet.
I love dogs, I'm just confused about so many of you applauding someone else for calling the cops.

I don't know what I wouldve done first, but it definately wouldn't be to call the pigs.

Would you like someone to attract the cops to your vehicle?

Hence why I said the morality of this scenario is confusing.

What a jackass. No I don't want attention drawn to my car which is why I don't leave my dogs in the car for extended periods of time. Or anything else for that matter to attract unwanted attention. No loud stereo or stupid graphics. Just plain old 2000 Toyota.
Those Shepherds are big tough dogs ... how long was the creature in the car to be that badly hurt? cn

It doesnt take long when the heat is 115 degrees, probably less than an hour its a big time offense here in Phoenix, I would have definitely notified someone if I saw a dog locked in a car during summer hell here in Phoenix several children die each summer because some stupid asshole left their kid in their car to run a "quick errand" about two weeks ago a 4 month old baby died because her parents car didnt have AC and they decided to drive around all day.
You did all the right things. There comes a point where the drug dealer code expressed in some comments needs to be set aside, and a hospital parking garage with a pet in the car is one of them.

Personally, anybody leaving a dog in a closed car at this time of year gives their implied consent for me to break their window with a brick. This woman had mitigating circumstances, but still befuddled she took her dog with her to the hospital in the first place. Not real smart. Would have been far better off home alone with water and food and neighbors.

Great job.
I love dogs, more than I love weed even, cannot abide cruelty to animals period. It would have been a travesty to walk away and not do anything, which would condemn that dog to a horrible death. That is not just a crime in itself, its an abomination of any decency. Don't know about you guys, but I grow and smoke weed, that doesn't make me a bad guy, or a criminal (on paperwork, but not morally), I'm not even a walk-around hard guy, big softie really. Hate it that growing/smoking automatically makes people think you're a police hating anti-law scumbag. I know the police vary wildly around the world, my local police are alright (luckily), and if they ever catch me with weed or plants, I'll take it on the chin like a man - because thats the risk we all CHOOSE to take. Cat and mouse, don't hate the cat, just be smart enough to avoid its eyes and paws.

As for 'dealing', there is a fine line between punting some medicine to those who understands its benefits, than someone walking the hood punting shit-cut evil stuff like heroin. People who deal that shit deserve everything they get.

Rant over, pmsl