Does Joe Biden suffer from dementia?

Opinion polls are one thing. Election polls matter though:

Even if you loathe Trump, vote Republican

We are just under 100 days from the Nov. 6 midterms, and Republicans are in much better shape than most prognosticators would have imagined even six months ago, much less than at the 100-day mark of President Trump’s tenure.
The traditional post-Reagan GOP is not what it usually is. Currently it is the minority partner in a coalition government with the president — a “party of one” with a fervent following in the tens of millions. But that “party of one” has a number of significant accomplishments while also acting as a giant wrecking ball on assumptions, standards, unwritten rules and codes of conduct.

Latest House results confirm 2018 wasn't a blue wave. It was a blue tsunami.

Democrats won by a wider margin this year than Democrats did in 2006 or Republicans did in 1994 or 2010. They beat the previous record of 8.5 points Republicans won by in 1946. (Note: I'm assigning the Democrats and Republicans the votes for their candidates on other lines via electoral fusion.)
Importantly, Democrats didn't just win because Republicans turnout was low. This year had the highest turnout for any midterm election at 50.1% in the last 100 years. Turnout was about 35 million more people than it was four years ago, when Republicans expanded their House majority.
The 2018 large turnout allowed House Democrats to win about 10 million more votes than House Republicans. That's the largest raw vote margin in a House midterm election ever.
This wasn't just a blue wave in the House. It was a tsunami.


Trump will win in 2020 because of 2016? Yeah, well in 2016, nobody, not even I thought he would be as bad as he has been. Trump's troll machine keeps talking about everything BUT Trumps record as President.

Biden will beat him hollow.
Maybe, but if I was, I sure as shit would not be stupid or egotistical enough to run for President.

This is going to bite Biden in the ass so hard.
LOL, Trump can't even get through a press conference with a prepared speech without bungling it. You are saying he can hold his own in a debate? A recession, a bungled response to this epidemic, the fucker even claimed he had the privileges of a king and the Republicans in the Senate backed him up.

This is going to bite the Republican Party's ass so hard. Trump's ass is going to jail.
You know, the thing...
The only poll that matters is an election poll.

2018 sucked for Republicans.
2020 saw the bungled response to an epidemic and the entry of the US economy into recession.
You still think Trump can win in 2020?
Somebody who can't remember those simple facts might think so. People who can't remember simple facts have dementia. I think you have dementia.

See how easy that was?
The only poll that matters is an election poll.

2018 sucked for Republicans.
2020 saw the bungled response to an epidemic and the entry of the US economy into recession.
You still think Trump can win in 2020?
Somebody who can't remember those simple facts might think so. People who can't remember simple facts have dementia. I think you have dementia.

See how easy that was?