Does Joe Biden suffer from dementia?

Wow. You bring up some really disturbing issues intended to dispirit and divide us Americans. How will I react? Maybe I should just note vote. Or maybe I should reassess President Trump and try to see him in a more positive light.

Lol. Amateur.
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I agree with you 100%
Biden is an old man that probably is going to fail in health relatively soon, but he is also a wise man that has been around the block a few times & maintained basic decency which is in short supply these day's.
His VP pick is paramount for his election though & everyone should/does know that
A Progressive woman, say like Warren or Harris as a balance would work very well to represent the Democratic party in my opinion.
We shall see & hopefully he doesn't pull a Palin :)

what is a Palin?

let's discuss mccains decision which lost him the ticket..
Wow. You bring up some really disturbing issues intended to dispirit and divide us Americans. How will I react? Maybe I should just note vote. Or maybe I should reassess President Trump and try to see him in a more positive light.

Lol. Amateur.
Elections divide Americans. It's all good when you talk shit about Sanders but can't take the heat when it comes to Biden?
Every bullet point also works with trump. I'm not voting for biden.. I'm voting for his VP

I am also voting for his Supreme Court nominees, AG, DNI, etc. Also his ability to stuff his ego and let the people do their jobs without having to play Dear Leader and undercut everyone. Also his understanding of the importance to win the House and Senate and state down ballot seats for the Democratic party. The President is only 1 piece of the puzzle.

So basically the consensus is Biden is freaking awful, but a tad better than the buffoon in office now. How far have our standards fallen?

We can't have ONE good candidate to lead out country?
I actually like Biden for many reasons as POTUS. I suggest stop watching little clips and watch the entire speech/town hall/ panel discussions, you will see he knows what is going on and is on the right side of the issues. Everything these Trump trolls (foreign and domestic) are posting about him are soundbites or edited clips made to make him look bad, ignoring things like his stutter when they do.

If you are looking for someone who is a twitter/TMZ star and is impossible to catch with a bad soundbite, he is not the guy. But that doesn't mean he is not entirely competent.
I actually like Biden for many reasons as POTUS. I suggest stop watching little clips and watch the entire speech/town hall/ panel discussions, you will see he knows what is going on and is on the right side of the issues. Everything these Trump trolls (foreign and domestic) are posting about him are soundbites or edited clips made to make him look bad, ignoring things like his stutter when they do.

Yeah, all those clips of him sniffing and touching women and young girls are imaginary. Dude is gross.

And even with all of her accomplishments, the use of jackass memes painted her as this:

And now you are doing the same thing with Joe Biden.
The goddamn smear campaign is in full roar now. They can't beat him on policy. They can't beat him by offering a better candidate. So they try to win on lies.

My favorite are the candy assed complaints from Sanders supporters like @PJ Diaz -- who cry because they are being criticized for spreading Right Wing propaganda over Biden's health. Bernie was claiming for years there will be a surge of young energized voters rising up to propel his revolution to victory in the WH and Congress. This doesn't make him demented, it makes him delusional. Given past voting patterns it was crazy to claim that but "on no this time it will be different". It wasn't. He is delusional.

Putin's toady-trolls like @Buss Relville , on the other hand. What the hell does he ever say but either carping at people or the propaganda line dejour.
Supporting Trump is a sign of dementia, given his condition. Then there is Trump himself who just completely botched an important public statement about limiting travel (too late for that) from Europe. We are so used to his fuck ups that we don't even pay attention.
They can't beat him on policy.

Sure you on the correct site, bruv?

Sure you on the correct site, bruv?
The choice is between Trump and Biden.