Does BENDING fan LEAVES promote growth during seedling stage, HELP ?! YAY OR NAY ?

Does BENDING fan LEAVES promote growth during seedling stage, HELP ?! YAY OR NAY ?

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go ahead, keep doing shit to your plants just like in nature...there are whole troops of rabbits that go around the forest flattening cannabis leaves......gtf away and leave them alone. no one else on the entire planet does that....wonder why? guess they haven't figured out your awesome technique...after growing the shit for several thousand years.....STOP IT! just fucking let em grow, ffs. top or fim at the appropriate time, lst, even scrog. the rest of everything you've been doing is useless potentially harmful BULLSHIT
Thank you for your advice very good point made, as I tell my friends when they're in trouble with they're tomatoes, "dude nature doesnt lift a plant from one soil to another, I say you can't expect the lateral buds to not fall off if it's roots have been stressed through soil transplant". I get exactly where your mindset is at. However, please understand my kind man I am learning as this is my first cannabis grow using DWC. IF i am wrong, I'm totally fine with that. I'm looking for contradictions, I appreciate yours and others no matter how's it's expressed, thank you. Please keep on giving.
I don't know, why are you such a dick? How old are you 19?
why did you trim leaves on a tiny little plant? thats not a fucking clone, and if it was, you did it at the completely wrong time. the only reason to EVER cut a leaf like that is if you're taking a clone. period. who the fuck is telling you all this shit? kick the motherfucker in the nuts and quit listening to them. they're fucking stupid, and if you keep listening to them, you'll catch it too

you need a third option in your poll
"its completely useless and stupid, and you should be smacked in the head with a large fish if you do it."
I agree there should be a 3rd option, so that I would have come up with a mutual area where folks such as yourself can express FACTS to help reduce the non-fictional BS. PS: hopefully the fish is salmon, I enjoy salmon lol haha
Me? Im trying a few different thing. Different sized pots, I'm topping and mainlining two is them, LSTing one, and leaving two alone. Either way I think you should wait until it has decent roots before you start tinkering. Give it another week or 10 days and then get after it
Thanks will do.
I would never take advice from you! Did the ten F bombs help you get your point across? Nope, I stopped reading all your words once you started using that language. If you're that knowledgable which I'm guessing you are not by the way you talk, then you should try and help more instead of cutting people down right out the gate
TRUEEEEEE my weed makes me tangible during times of contradiction and disagreement. I'm assuming that's how I consume so much. Being able to gain insight on perspectives is far more notable than to dismiss them as a whole if they don't coincide with mines.
get a grip on yourself, ware did you get "once you started using that language" from, the space between your ears, err sorry I men't " thin air ".
If you don't wan't advice, Post more clearly about what you have done & why, DATA DATA DATA, The more info you give the clearer the picture you give people and less missunderstanding there will be.

Information is necessary to perform a solid argument that also goes for the other party too. Why argue something that you aren't sure you fully informed of. As for the other part, being able to pass the necessary information without disregarding the fact it wasn't initially given. Just saying, I agree with everybody. I'm just trying to learn. I'm familiar with fuck fucking bullshit sarcasm analogies metaphors arrogance and condemnation. I'm looking for information on cannabis. LMFAOOOO this loud I'm smoking I tell you haha
I agree with what most people are saying and that's that it's probably still too young to be messing with like that. I'm trying to keep my hand off of them and last night was the first time they got nutes. The top two were germinated the same day as yours and the bottom three are exactly one week behind. I did however already trim the leaves with one and three points off

Man I know its beside the point, but how did you produce such vigorous growth with those plants with a week's difference? I have a few that look similar to your smaller girls and I'm concerned they're stunted and aren't producing
This is a dumb idea. Don't do it. Just a thought. You can train leaves, as in move/angle them for optimal light penetration, but don't try to supercrop them. That's just foolish.
Does BENDING fan LEAVES promote growth during seedling stage, HELP ?! YAY OR NAY ?

No does not but please explain ur theory on how this would work

cause stopping the flow of xylem/blood like with

stopping flow, will result immediate life termination or at least struggle to survive